Swgemu defense stacking. Love to see 'em lol
Standard defense stacker template.
Swgemu defense stacking 04-09-2004 03:29 AM Report Abuse to a Moderator Reply : Re: The New Pistoleer PvP Template Thread Helped someone else do it. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game Well, as I noted in my post, defense stacking is defiantely working! I'm quite happy with it. To sum up stacker builds. I got my Health and Action buffs from a doctor in the cantina, which were huge buffs. r/swgemu. hence, i said spinning lairs for credits, not say, taking out the NS queen. Some weapon specific defenses don’t stack, for example all the two-handed toughness you get as a Master Swordsman wouldn’t apply if you pulled out a polearm or a carbine. Defense Accuity has a random chance to either Block, Dodge or Counterattack. Go to swgemu r/swgemu. spinning jantas (or any tribal men npc for that matter) with a solid LVA combined with aoe dizzy, stun and knockdown, credits come in swimmingly. After that we stack from other professions to get our Defense vs. ooh, and i forgot to mention as a doc you have to heal your states, especially dizzy, if the elder dizzy/kd's you its pretty much game over Knockdown probably requires you to have a pistol equipped as well, and thus probably does not stack with the Defense v. Ranged Due to some requests, I thought I would start out a "post defense stacking nerf" pistoleer pvp template thread. Have been reading threads on SWG forums about Jedi that are stacking defense and able to take on 4 toons at once. Welcome to r/swg! This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. Thinking yes if doing more solo work and no if I'm in a Go to swgemu r/swgemu • by It’s supposedly the ultimate defense stacker build that was recommended to me. so something like 70-100 before tapes works just fine. It seems there is a point where diminishing returns start to kick in heavily in your Defense vs. Way better defense, fantastic damage, and it also targets the mind pools. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game Defense Patch 1. Defense Calculation There are 3 types of defenses in SWG. Fencer bh became the meta along with stacking ranged defense, and unless you plan on trying to stun a fencer then you aren't going to hit them with a cdef. It will be less state defense then xx4x pistols though, and it’s expensive in terms of skill points which locks you out of a more versatile medic build. Taking away the interdependencies between players and just shoving a gun in Edit: Defense vs. This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. Defense stacking can now provide immunity [added] GCW bases to be properly destructed when the owner character is Melee Defense Determines how difficult you are to hit with melee attacks (only). Jedi State Defense does not stack with regular CA/AA (Defense vs X) instead they roll their checks seperately. Defense stacking can now provide immunit [removed] 10% chance to apply states. A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. SECTION 11: JEDI SUPPLIES . some say get rifleman and some other would tell u to build an uber stacker. Fencer balance line is a must for this one, it covers our hole in lower posture and make us extremely hard to knockdown. ineffect making us into thanks. I find it much easier to knockdown the opponent, due to our calculations, though obviously we cannot see the random numbers rolled in the background, I would venture to say their defenses are cut in half by this effect. There pretty much isn’t anything you can’t do with two or three full build characters, assuming at least one of them is a properly specced tank. SWG Crewman Posts: 220 Registered: 09-10-2004 Reply 2 of 28 Viewed 914 times. Would be great Formula for Defense Stacking : Star Wars Galaxies Discussions (SWG Forum Thread I was reading). Just a little different way of going about it. (know about defense stacking, the right builds, high end equipment, DOT weapons, etc. Hondo Ohnaka. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game experience, pswg, and all other SWG server projects. Finalizer. ; If the roll is succesful then another roll occurs to see if the TKA Dodges, Blocks or SWGEmu Server Status. 06-10-2004 02:01 PM Report Abuse to a defense points u get from profession will cap at 125, defenses u get from tapes will cap at+25 (clothing or armor attachments) so max is 150 + u can add a little extra with racial bonus or food and stuff stat mods do not stack, you do not get benefit from putting additional tapes with the same type of stat mod on a single item of clothing Most importantly Counterattack, Dodge, and Block, however also Defense vs. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Population: 150 Online accounts last 30 days: 1,206. This particular template has very nice Defense Vs. If you like to camp Black Suns or want to stand a chance soloing a Force NPC In a nutshell: Melee and Ranged Defense stack and are independent from your weapon. List of units that can increase Defense. (Jedi with Master Defender will be able to stack this, up to 45% reduction) Lightsaber Toughness only reduces incoming Melee damage. Also, bleeds now have powerful initial-strike damage. Highest Population: 469 since reboot. You can stack both Ranged & Melee Damage Mitigation. If you like to farm swarms of spawns before server reset in Geo cave you need melee defense around +75. If u successfully "counterattack" u prevent the damage from a hit and repeat with an unblockable hit for basic-damage on your target. Also, the Stun status effect is rumored to lower the effectiveness of the Melee Defense by half. ADMIN The two main options seemed to be going 44xx medic or a 4 and 2 into another melee profession to stack defense. For anyone that played on the Aftermath server while that was up during 2017 and 2018, TCW is ran by most of the staff from that If you don't do medic, then you're better off putting the points in Fencer to get 444x instead of just x44x, for the extra Melee/Ranged Defense. They will each be in effect at all times. Ninth Sister. There are currently 13 stats that units can reduce. SEAs, and weapon. Knockdown, posture change, etc. so LOAD up on state defense. Thinking yes if doing more solo work and no if I'm in a SWGEmu Server Status. Regain Consciousness allows For your swordsman you’re gonna want something like: Master swords/master brawler and some fencer/pistoleer/medic for state defense and heals. Master Swords + melee defense stacking (TKM + Fencer defensives is a good cookie cutter, or you can stack only defensive trees from a bunch of classes if you wanna go really hard - but if you have to ask this question, I strongly Welcome to r/swg! This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. Malevolence. I can solo Ultimate SWG Defense Guide (and it's not even mine!): For instance, when SWG launched Dodge could stack endlessly and players started to roll Pistoleers / Fencers who had Dodge stacked until 210. I'll need more data to be completely certain of this conclusion, but the data I do have strongly suggest that Defense v. I. A subreddit for discussion of Star Wars Galaxies Emulator (SWGEmu) servers. Member Posts: 719 Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:51 pm Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:51 pm So what do i mean as defensive combat? in a simple term more or less stacking defense together. I decided yesterday to get buffed for the first time to figure out what all the hype was about. Intimidate +50 Defense Vs. With a template like that, you can solo pretty much everything worth killing. All Defense Vs. states, that's why it probably appears to be "broken" - people are probably assuming defense tapes would just add to it, which it does not. Get a BE suit with +12 - +16 Melee defense spread between the 4 articles. Multiple boxes of the same type of Mitigation -In memory of SWG R. Or, go pure offense and do M. It is my understanding that the SWGEMU is currently developed to Go to swgemu r/swgemu. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game experience, pswg, and all other Finalizer Wednesday Update 12/21/2022 The SWGEmu Development Division Decline group showing %TT for player name when invited player is out of range - Mantis #7561 Resource split and combine to properly check for available container space - Mantis #7639 Radial manager to stop player interaction when the server is shutting down Shuttle Zone component While in Territory Battles: Bad Batch allies gain 100% Max Health and Max Protection and 50% Offense; at the start of each encounter, Wrecker gains 100% Defense (stacking) until the end of the battle, which persists through defeat; whenever an enemy takes a turn, Bad Batch allies gain 5% Turn Meter; if a Bad Batch ally is defeated after Captive has Hello r/swgemu ! I used to play SWG during my early teens back in '03-'04 ish, and I am really interested in getting back into the game. Note that it only works against melee attacks, ranged attacks are not affected. So for years, I've played with the assumption that stacking melee and ranged defense for PvP and high end PvE is mostly worthless and the focus should be purely on maxing out your def vs A guide to how defenses in SWGEmu actually work. Melee and Ranged defense are useless against ALL high level mobs, I've never noticed a difference between when I was a stacker and when I went doc in the DWB or the corvette. I'm very new to PreCU SWG, and I've been poking around in Finalizer for a couple weeks now. Characters. (including Lightsaber) (Jedi with Master Lightsaber will be abe to stack this up to 55%) I've created an alt to be a guild-dedicated stacker and going with Master Swordsman, of course. SWG Crewman Posts: 1507 Registered: 09-21-2003 Server: Kettemoor i guess my point is you don't need to be a defense stacker to do elders, so its good news for all you master doc/swordsmen out there . This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game The Clone Wars (TCW) is a Pre-CU SWGEmu based server modified to fit into the Clone Wars timeline. Highest Population: 463 since reboot. Dizzy +90 (95) Defense Vs. Thus all builds rely on stacking def vs states not melee/ranged defense. This video covers Primary, Secondary, and State defenses in detail, explaining what stacks with what, as well as what caps where. ; Opponent succesfully "hits" TKA. It was easy. SWGEmu Server Status. There are currently 6 stats that units can reduce. Bleeds will still stack. I'm sorry I can't be You can pair rifleman with a bunch of classes. Population: 510 Online accounts last 7 days: 1,387. Whil Grey #2 #3 #5 #4 #6-My character's screenshots of the day on SWG. In publish 7 (iirc) a cap was put in to lower defensive maximum stacks to 125. Like I said, I was originally going Master Swords/TKM/Master brawler and was talked out of it. Each state skill then has an inherent chance to succeed upon a successful roll. Other stuff will stack, like state defense, melee and ranged defensebut not secondary Go to swgemu r/swgemu. Basically it works as follows: Opponent attacks TKA. Mitigation cannot be stacked. Jan 19, 2024 83 6 8 SWG Evolve is a non-profit, community-driven, project dedicated to the development of Yes, bleeds do still stack! I’ve confirmed this on several people and on Mobs. At the start of their turn, Galactic Republic allies gain 10% Defense Penetration for each buff on them for 1 turn (this effect doesn't stack with other sources of Defense Penetration). As a Master Fencer you only have a small amount of Toughness (32) available, so the +5 Toughness from Master Brawler is a significant improvement. I just finished up grinding a defense stacker. stats. Combat Medic. Your secondary defenses like Dodge/Block/Counterattack still stack, but are dependent on The thing to remember about stat stacking is that you are only stacking the state defense, i. Created this Jedi State Defense: xxx4 | (Passive) Gives you a % chance to resist states effects (Dizzy, Blind, Stun and Intimidate). ooh, and i forgot to mention as a doc you have to heal your states, especially dizzy, if the elder dizzy/kd's you its pretty much game over The melee and ranged defense is quiet low too. They were nerved on damage-per-tick, not on stacking, contrary to common belief. * Type D and E overwrites other buffs of the same kind. Suggestions . . Reply reply PvE is very easy in SWG. 04-09-2004 03:29 AM Report Abuse to a Moderator Reply : Re: The New Pistoleer PvP Template Thread If they ever fix melee/ranged defense to matter in PvE vs high tier mobs you will also have 99 Melee Defense & 96 Range Defense which is pretty damn solid. 07-21-2004 12:22 PM Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: Teras Kasi and her Sister Professions: A Template Guide SWG is great, it allows you to go with whatever profession you want, but please let me advise you into taking either Rifleman or Pistoleer. I'm currently in a delimma with my Flurry character on whether to get Def Vs. SWG Crewman Welcome to r/swg! This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. Primary, Secondary and State defenses. Bleeds from special attacks will now consider the target's combat bleeding defense skill; the rest of the stack will now be fresh; A. I was expecting some monster and Mellichae only hit me for 300 w/o synthsteak and specials. P. ; TKA rolls to see if they make a "save" (the game handles all "rolls"). Comment: Not too shabby, but can get better bonuses elsewhere. Knockdown probably requires you to have a pistol equipped as well, and thus probably does not stack with the Defense v. Currently all these defenses stack across professions, but have a 95% cap. Pistoleer, fencer, tkm. However stacked with +20 melee from FS trees and I also recommend buying at least novice defender right off bat. Brawler gives you Intim2 & Lunge2, Fencer/Pistol are the best state defense lines in the game. Passive defense and defintely a plus to have, but don't neglect Force Healer xxx4 (/HealStatesSelf) completely. Our 2nd defense ability is called "Counterattack" - Same as carabineers. Posture Change (Down) than the others giving them a bit of an edge in that regard before tapes. Fencers also have the most Melee and Ranged Defense out of any skill trees altogether, reaching 70 in total. Highest Population: 536 since reboot. 6/26/2003-4/26/2005, now on to SWQ. I also learned that even if you have great dizzy defense, Posture/KD moves are still real annoying and a DPS killer. SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 109 Registered: 07-10-2003 Reply 6 of 33 Viewed 5629 times. Due to some requests, I thought I would start out a "post defense stacking nerf" pistoleer pvp template thread. What about TKM + defense stacking? BRYIAN Novice Sig Stealer My rare box of SWG. If you have the ability to /healstate (novice doctor) all you need is some food and BE shirt plus all the tapes you can find. Mitigation is Go to swgemu r/swgemu. Defense stacker naked Trando TKMs with 2 Grauls. First thing you need to do is find a Pistoleer Trainer and have 5,000 credits . and Content Galore started by Lolindir View original post. Also interesting against Pikemen's Polearm Hit 3 and maybe counteracting the effect of Flushing Shot. Defense stacking can now provide immunity [added] GCW bases to be properly destructed when the owner character is i personally love pikeman and will stand it up against any other melee profession in terms of spinning lairs for credits. Defense Vs. or blind when Force Resist States is stacked with a Master Defender's jedi Would these stack to make +100% base Defense? And could I stack another Defense Up buff on top of that for another 50% Defense boost? Also, now that I’l looking at it, do +50% Defense boost go off the main stat values each time, or do they continually stack, adding 50% of the new value after each 50% boost? 5) Defense v. Defense - Reduce the total amount of Armor and Resistance a unit has. Posture Change (Up) can be useful for Smugglers who want to stay in feign death during duels or PvP, especially vs. For those that dont know, most melee professions, and a couple ranged professions, had defensive skills in certian skill trees. Reply reply sendintheotherclowns You'd be better off stacking the usual defensive stacks if that's what you wanted. A guide to how defenses in SWGEmu actually work. Well to be I am currently building a stacker and I need some advice. are close to, at, or over 100. IDK how Bloodfin handles things, but in vanilla swgemu code: jedi state defense does not stack with normal defense vs. *shrug* I'm defiantely having an easy go of elders than he is, even though he's using an 800 max dam hammer to my 600, etc That is correct. May be costly depending on your sever. Kylo Ren. * You cannot stack Type A with another Type A or a Type B with another Type B. Imagine if you could stack something like accuracy (so you hit more often) or Melee defense, ranged defense, dodge, counterattack and block all have a 125 cap from skills (SEAs, food, and squad leader bonuses all stack on top of that, though). There may be other new quest reward items in the game that also have invalid skill mods, however the above three are the Melee defense, ranged defense, dodge, counterattack and block all have a 125 cap from skills (SEAs, food, and squad leader bonuses all stack on top of that, though). The 2xxx Melee defense, ranged defense, dodge, counterattack and block all have a 125 cap from skills (SEAs, food, and squad leader bonuses all stack on top of that, though). Love to see 'em lol Standard defense stacker template. Zaalbar. the other lines are also good to take covering dizzy and our melee/range defense. The others were Master Rifleman/Doc, and Rifleman/Doc/CM mix. Jedi Toughness reduced all incoming damage (excluding Lightsaber), Both Melee and Ranged. I have never done melee of any sort, so I am really a novice. In PVP (and PVE) all defenses are capped at 125 from skills! (It is Need help or have a technical issue? Ask here! 26 posts 1; 2; Next; Pwntera Sr. Def vs dizzy, Knockdown, stun - things of that nature. Great stuff to bring along on the hunt: It can be stacked and can also be used while KD/Dizzied. Blind +70 (80) Defense Vs. A friend is master doctor/master swordsman/artisan 0001. This recommendation is optional and can swing either way. Defense stacking can now provide immunity [added] GCW bases to be properly destructed when the owner character is Defensive Acuity is a Teräs Käsi specific defense modifier that allows us a chance to Dodge, Block, OR Counterattack our opponent. Benefits: Terrain Negotiation, better harvesting, camps, additional melee/ranged defense, and the ability to remove states. This video covers Primary, Secondary, and State defenses in detail, explaining what stacks with what, as we Biggest problem was defense stacking. Knockdown works like Dodge -- you need a pistol equipped. Status: Online. M. SWG Crewman Posts: 47 Registered: 10-22-2003 The template im currently using is Master Swordsman 4-4-0-0 fencer 0-3-0-4 tka 0-0-4-0 pistols SWGEmu Server Status. However, for PvE Jedi only excels in a few things The bonus is directly added to the secondary defense. Unlike Melee or Ranged Defense, you have to have a One-handed Weapon equipped to benefit from One-handed Toughness, which means there is no stacking available from other professions. Accuracy is compared to a targets defense to determine both the chance of hitting and damage in a Weapons min-max range used. ) to Stacking Reduction is a battle mechanic that reduces a stat for a unit, usually an enemy. This will assist you in your leveling. He didn't get a chance for specials though cause we crushed him. Also included is a visual indicator of a players chance to hit a target. AriasImmortal Jedi Posts: 8261 Registered: 07-01-2003 PA: The Intrepid Corporation Server: Intrepid Reply 18 of 56 Viewed 4173 times. Highest Population: 188 since reboot. Ykeer Assistant to Tank. I'm leaning towards this one: Master Swordsman/Master Brawler/Fencer 4440/Teras Kasi Artist 4304/Pikeman 0020 But I'm wondering if medic is needed. Sith Marauder. Stacking Increase is a battle mechanic that increases a stat for a unit, usually themself. Add Defense Stacker Counters in PvP to Jewelry Sets! Thread starter Ykeer; Start date Feb 19, 2024; EVOLVE. Hope this helped. Rifles/4440 Fencer/0040 Pistoleer/4040 Medic. I shouldnt have to say it but only wimpy mobs can ever miss you. Dodge only works with a Hooray for Defense stacking! For those of you who don't like Doc at all and don't even want to heal yourselfHere is your answer. Master swordsman, Fencer 0440, Pistoleer 0040, Carbineer 0020, and medic 2130. Stacking Increase - Defense . e. To answer your question, try to keep defense vs states higher than +50, around +65 (including defense vs posture down). Veteran Smuggler Han Solo. Startleshot. CoB is also weapon dependant, meaning that if CoB is active for 2-handed Melee, it must be reapplied if you switch to a 1-handed Melee weapon. Highest Population: 179 since reboot. I was having my son do that with his rifle at first but A brief look at the reality of game mechanics in SWG as of Patch 7, 4/21/04. Remember, melee defense won’t provide you benefit against any PvE creature worth killing. Speed - Reduce the total amount of Speed that a unit has. Swordsman, 0440 SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 101 Registered: 07-06-2003 PA: n/a Server: Wanderhome Reply 37 of 50 Viewed 852 times. I imagine it is a combination of defense-stacking (like mswords, some fencer, etc) mixed with a few key BH skills. Dodge is a great secondary Defense as well, completely negating incoming attacks when it fires off. defenses, melee/ranged defenses, or just keep the Doc skills I have. Ships. Would be great to see a guide here. cyndera. because in SWG defense is king. However, I'm still debating on the build. It offers radically higher DPS than that of a nonmaster and gives better defense than the defender tree. In other words, no matter how high your state defenses there Jedi Healers and Supports gain 50% Max Health and Jedi Healers and Tanks gain 100% Defense and 50% Max Protection. You can go more defense stacker which works will when killing nightsisters such as M. I start the fight by pulling the mob with a pistol bleed to get him isolated. However some skills/skill mods do, regardless of weapon, like the state defenses you’re getting from pistoleer. In jedi on jedi fights, the jedi without Master Lightsaber will lose, period, because saber toughness protects against saber damage while jedi toughness does not. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer: The "##% Dodge bonus" of these foods is a little fuzzy. 20 KD defense +2 Ranged Defense Health Shot 1 – Very useful damage over time attack causing your opponent to bleed Certifications: FWG5 Pistol SR Combat Pistol Tangle Pistol Training Pistoleer: You have your skills, your pistol certified, now its time to train Novice Pistoleer. They also have a bit more Defense vs. Rifles / M. Intimidate 2 breaks much faster then 2 minutes for me. Ford Prefect- fencer newber 08-29-2004 06:16 PM Report Abuse to a Moderator : Re: All the facts: Intimidate Yes 1 and 2 are stackable - you can use more then 1 of each SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 109 Registered: 07-10-2003 Reply 6 of 33 Viewed 5629 times. An Anti-Stacker Variant on the Single-Mastery Template: Master Lightsaber Melee defense, ranged defense, dodge, counterattack and block all have a 125 cap from skills (SEAs, food, and squad leader bonuses all stack on top of that, though). Get full light line ,strenght,agi, and Defense Stacking was the de facto answer for pvp builds because there was no counter to high defense values. com-My homepage. Currently all these defenses stack across professions The Counterattack +5 skill mod should be removed and either Ranged Defense +5 or Melee Defense +5 put in its place. Primary Defenses The bonus is directly added to the secondary defense. Most professions have accuracy around 150 or so without food. I'm thinking the latter for Have been reading threads on SWG forums about Jedi that are stacking defense and able to take on 4 toons at once. Knockdown +95 (115) I usually don't give advice since I still feel I am learning server/ SWG again. If you get a debuff that lowers Melee/Ranged Defense, the extra might keep you going just right as normal. com WillGrey. Speed has a sort-of cap, because you can attack at most once per second. Population: 452 Online accounts last 7 days: 1,366. Another ode to defense stacking. Population: 461 Online accounts last 7 days: 1,353. Character builds are unique and diverse in SWG. There is no cap to those, but with CA/AAs you will be near 125. 07-21-2004 12:22 PM Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: Teras Kasi and her Sister Professions: A Template Guide You basically want your melee and ranged defense high enough so that with +25 to both, you reach the cap. This may be the chance an attack misses you completely prior to any checks of your ranged/melee defense. So I am not entirely sure what is most effective for killing Jedi. Buff Stacking Rules: * You can stack a Type A with a Type B as long as HR/AR/MR equals max +250. Directly correlates to an opponent’s accuracy when determining successful hits. Population: 132 Online accounts last 30 days: 1,171. Primary defense of Master defender means, unlike a non-defender which will get hit 100% of the time, you will sometimes get -miss-above your head. It may be a % increase of your ranged/melee defense skill (making this more beneficial to players with a high defense). From my research it seems a defense stacking swordsman would be one of the more powerful choices, is this correct? I would appreciate any insight into this matter, thanks for reading! Go to swgemu r/swgemu. 1 introduced a new and improved accuracy versus defense system. Members Online • Writhes. States relatively high. I'm a Master Swordsman/Brawler and some defense stack. Type A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. applied. Technically they cap at 125, and can be pushed higher with a Squad Leader + food. I find it sad that you want to turn SWG into Doom by eliminating all the non combat professions. I can tank krayts with 84% kinetic armor for as long as I have doc buffs. Knockdown from other professions. Thanks Farelli (SWGEmu Admin) (unstable)[Fixed] Rangers will now receive appropriate resources when harvesting via droid Defense stacking can now provide immunity - Mantis #8019 ~ The SWGEmu Development Division. Stacking Reduction. but again, spinning jantas is so relatively I've created an alt to be a guild-dedicated stacker and going with Master Swordsman, of course. buuoutygivnannwgwxdnpmjxcxegpbisvoqcrtfrtjcsyzapkcnwtfzoibdfnfinyquvlborjftgwggesxmdfa