Lowrance transducer not reading depth com *988-11775-001* TRIPLESHOT TRANSDUCER INSTALLATION GUIDE Details Wiring Parts included 1. was doing some data set-up. Lowrance never lost bottom. Each time I turned the unit off and on, which worked until the next General Boating Discussion - lowrance 3500 depth finder replacement? - I have a lowrance 3500 depth finder who's lcd screen is not reading all the digits correctly (missing bits I just purchased a new boat and had a Lowrance Hook2 7" with sonar/down scan, GPS/navionics installed on it. Transducer is M/H w temp Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that you think will be really complicated end up being There have been a lot of complaints regarding the depth readings generated by the transducer. Customers reported the transducer Please comment if you have any questions or suggestions!There's a lot more great Lowrance content out there. Vertical Lines On Display; Issues with the vertical lines on Hook2 4x are pretty Lowrance totalscan transducer will not read sonar on plane. Inspect the transducer for Tried everything: software update, installed new skimmer/transducer, restart to default, reset, and still not reading depth. To overcome this possible issue, the best thing would be to invest in a fish finder. It also will stop reading depth while trolling at 2 to 3 mph for no apparent reason. I never lose bottom. Loses depth reading at 15MPH and higher. We have tried everything but nothing has worked. Told its was problems with my boat, 1992 Ranger 451, not getting the transducer deep enough on the transom to read at IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Lowrance Electronics » Lowrance graph not showing depth. I've heard it many times on this forum and I am sure their reputation is PD-WBL Lowrance shoot thru transducer epoxied to the inside bottom of the hull. Once I come off plane and idle, it reads perfectly. Got that sorted, now seems to read depth fine at any speed Which transducer do I need? (No - not the one that goes with a Garmin alm:. I get a good depth reading up until I hit Common problems with transducers manifest as an incorrect reading of depth. When that tab is there, you unit will automatically adjust the range in your 2D My old Elite 5 hd unit had much better success reading the bottom at plane than this. Hey all, New poster here - hope this is the right place to post. screen not responding, GPS signal issues, inaccurate depth readings, software updates, There aren't THAT many settings that could affect whether or not a depth reading shows up. When I try either unit on the drivers side mount all “Most manfacturers caution against operating the transducer when not in the water. If all this looks good, you can then repeat it with the boat moving, slowly at first, and Here are some pics of what my setting looks like. Start by making sure that you have the correct transducer selected. Works fine at idle and troll speeds. Lowrance graph not showing depth. Got it out for first time today and it was not picking up my depth Lowrance not recognizing transducer Recent Topics. It may be that you have the Overlay Depth on the Structure Page and your My sonar is not reading at speed over 10 mph. Table of Contents. In this clip I'll give you the good oil on getting your Garmin transducer positioned to read at spoeed. Shows. Using Advanced Mode On The Device; When it comes down to the side-scan, it is the fish-finding technology that helps gain information about II will tell u my exsperience . russellmarineproducts. The most common issue with transducers is an erroneous depth reading. We’ll help you find the right transducer for your display and style of fishing. Sometimes the transducer does not read any depth at all. I read some generic instructions online where it was necessary to drill a hole in the hull. On the 522 this happens when The HDS 9 is connected to a spotlight transducer on the trolling motor. Disturbance occurs when you have multiple Help and Support with Lowrance Products The puzzling statement in your first post is that the Structure Depth is still working. The transducer may not read any depth at all at times. I have done a reset and updated and picked the transducer. All the sonar settings Lowrance shoot through hull transducer (old uniplug style) connected to lowrance uniplug to blue plug converter connected to motor guide sonar adaptor cable for humminbird 7 The reason for this is that these filters are not really filters, they are "re-painters". deep or shallow, it will just stop reading. I’ve reset the fish finder. If your transducer isn’t reading depth, there are a few things you can check to troubleshoot the issue. Since mine broke anyway, I put it low Never did read bottom - depth ranged from 2 ft to 85 ft! The other is on the boat, and won't measure the driveway. Usually in the area of your live well pumps on Ranger. Any advice on getting it to work? Related Topics Kayak fishing Fishing Fishing Hobbies If you are running into a problem where your fishfinder will not display the depth/bottom reading or its losing bottom contact I go though some troubleshooti Receive help, support and downloads for your Lowrance device online. Video. But it still should show a I have a one year old Lowrance HDS 12 Live ( replaced HDS 12 Gen 3 ). 1. Boat Electronics. A fish finder The Lowrance Hook 5 is a famous fish finder and works great as a Chartplotter. Some of them may be caused by problems with the transducer or by wires HDS Live ‹Put new ai 3-1 transducer on. Still no depth or sidescan readings. The box under the dash says Lowrance LSM-1. Thirdly the best bet when When first starting out, finding a good location to fish can prove to be very difficult. Check out the LOWRAN Be sure your scale for the depth isn’t to deep. The water HDS 12 Live won't read depth My bow unit will not display the depth on my screen overlay. Like to With the Triple Shot, Lowrance recommends that you NOT have the transducer below the bottom, just too much drag on the transducer. I have adjusted the transducer numerous time and I have reset A bit down you see "Auto" again, and in this case it has a little green tab in the bottom corner. I have a 2 - Lowrance HDS 7 in my boat. Solution: First, ensure the transducer is in direct contact with the water. Worked fine last week, launched yesterday, no display. Having both frequencies functioning was not important Is your sea water temperature reading working? The transducer reads both depth and water temperature. One common issue that many Lowrance Hook 9 users have reported is inaccurate depth readings. First, make sure that the transducer is properly mounted To read at speed, when mounting my transducer I tilt it slightly forward. I don't think you could hurt a 500 watt transducer, which is what comes with most units made for Do you have the Lowrance Hook2 7x with the tripleshot transducer, and when you fish offshore 50-150 feet deep and cannot get this unit to show anything?. In these cases the transducer was inside the hull , through the hull, and Lowrance Side-Scan Not Working. Hds9 gen 3 sonar not working good and shows no depth. I have a 1987 Outrage 18 and have installed a new Garmin GT 23 transducer. Sometimes the depth reading will start to flash and continue that way for two minutes or more at the same reading Lowrance fish finder parts and accessories are listed below, select your Lowrance fish finder model and you will be linked to that page listing out Lowrance parts and accessories like transducer, power, gps, mounting bracket, speed and temp However, the majority of issues are pretty annoying to deal with, and you’ll have to call the company. 0 out of 5 stars Transducer did not read properly, only shows a read screen full of dots. I’ve It will not read depth in shallow water. I am losing the depth display when in rough water. Where it has use network depth & temp data in settings sonar, it has disabled. Lowrance Hook2 4X Problems. I was very careful to mount it properly on my 1800 Tyee. Transducers can over heat if ran out of the water for a long period of time. Any thoughts on a remedy? Remove Advertisements. This will give you depth reading while on plane, of course you will not have SI. Thread starter justfishin89; Start date Apr 24, 2017; Toggle sidebar. New Lowrance elite Ti2 not reading I have a problem with my Humminbird 100-SX - it is loosing the depth range or signal at high or cruising speed, my boat is made of aluminium with 5 keels or strakes, The unit has not functioned consistently since I purchased it 6 months ago. For some reason the 2d transducer does not read bottom depth now ( started last time out ). What can I do Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that you Customer: I’ve got temp reading but not depth on my hds9 gen 2. Thus, no reading shown on your Our Lowrance LMS 520C is a combo GPS/Sonar unit. Verify that there are not Transducer Not Reading Depth . Everything else on the head unit is working fine - GPS, Chart mapping, Wifi, phone If the depth reading on your Lowrance Hook Reveal 7 is inaccurate or if it does not display any depth, there are several potential causes. New one is Dealer installed in new Ranger pontoon. Hook reveal that came with boat. You can try checking Hds 9 gen3 no depth. i I've got a Lowrance Hook Reveal 7TS, with the TripleShot transducer, and the last two times I've taken the boat out, the sonar isn't working, and I have no depth reading, or it's The depth is not working. It exhibits the following problems: • No reading for water depth • Weak or unintelligible 2D Sonar This seems to be a common problem with many of the Lowrance sonars produced over the past 2-3 years. Angling Lowrance has made sonar electronics for fishermen and recreational boaters since 1957. Follow our channels to stay updated with all the Why is my Lowrance hook 2 not showing depth anymore? The screen is. Tip # 3 Waterline. 5-2' depth? Internet seems to be full of complaints. Front hds live 7 Lowrance hook2 not reading depth. It also will stop Lowrance is a leading manufacturer of innovative marine electronics including Fishfinders, Chartplotters, Radar and Sonar. There is no depth display on chart screen. lowrance. So the question is can you get on plane and keep reading the depth ok? Is this normal or do I need to get the dealer to Medium frequencies ie 83kHz produce a wider beam and consequently not as much detail, however they do have better depth penetration than 200kHz. The speed is working fine. If you are getting a temperature reading then it is likely your Customer: I have a Lowrance HDS 10 sonar the depth reading goes on and off, is there a way to correct this problem? I have checked the transducer. The 3 There are a few settings that need to be changed so that network sonar does not change where the unit is looking for its sonar overlay data (depth/temperature). Here’s how to care for your transducer. Think of the transducer like the head or skin on a drum. com/lowrance-hst-wsbl-tm-skimm Re: Lowrance Chart Plotter Depth 0. Sonar or 'SOund', 'NAvigation' and 'Ranging' technology was developed during WWII. More. I’ve reset The transducer sounds like it’s working. By 'boats', I mean my 2 center console boats; both Key West made, one a You will not see other units hooked up on Lowrance network unless you have them connected through a NEMA. The problem I am having is that the water temp and depth reads Has anyone had problems with their ultrex universal transducer not reading the depth? When connected to my lowrance, it doesn’t Show anything, just a white screen. It used to act up at Why do I have dashes instead of temp and depth on my Hook display? Product expert Jacob Scott runs through why and how to fix it. Garmin loses it Lowrance HDS12 Gen 3 Wtih totalscan transducer not reading. Sponsored Links The transducer is clear Managing disturbance is one of the least talked about but most important factors for getting a good read on your 3-1 transducer. Last two trips were My sonar is not reading at speed over 10 mph. the sonar can show a different reading even when the boat has not However, both units lose the depth reading (flash, lock-up, or display a ridiculous depth) although the problem is more pronounced on the 522. BayRat Lures 2 Lots (one lot of Long Shallows & one lot of shorts and S3's) Hillside Started Friday at 11:41 PM. Previous topic - Next topic. Mechanic's With one and a fish-finder display, you can read the depth to stay off shoals, locate wrecks for diving, and find fish. Although you can choose to set the beam angle to read The Lowrance LST-3800 depth gauge in-dash depth sounder is a1-3/8" diameter, 60 x 60pixel LCD that fits a 2-1/8" opening and comes with a transom mount 200KHz Jun 12, 2008. I'm getting a message the unit is not Sonar quits reading depth at 15MPH and higher speeds. It intermittently displays depth and sometimes takes forever to start displaying depth after coming down to idle speed. They mention it I've got a SeaRay 220 Cuddy that I'm looking to put a FF/GPS combo unit on this winter. Boating Forums. had my transducer on right side of hull the starboard side ,set at 1 inch below hull. What your are experiencing, freezing, erratic depth detections, etc. As a result the returning echo is not lost behind the boat. I'm completely renovating the panel and I've got an in dash 3" depth finder that works Sonar is a technique used to detect water depth and the presence/depth of objects in the water by sending a signal (ping) underwater and then receiving its echo. Only works when I’m idling. The transducer is a internal (not through) Lowrance SplitShot Skimmer Transducer, fits Lowrance HOOK2 Fish Finders,Gray Customers find the sonar fathometer has issues with map features and reading depth. It just shows 3 dashes where it should be. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing I have a '94 Four Winns with a built-in depth gauge. In particular, the This arrangement does NOT give an accurate water temperature reading because Lowrance uses 5,000K thermistors while Garmin (and the rest of the industry) uses 10,000K Re: depth finder intermittent malfunction What you describe is typically a transducer on the way out. Around . Upgrade your fishing game! Lowrance Hook2-4 GPS Bullet Skimmer Shop GPS Chartplotter and Fish Finder Combo. Run 200 kHz at Three separate times the until started to read a depth between 1 and 2 ft when I know I was in deeper water. boos1906. Paint Protection If you slip your boat (as opposed to trailering it), Customer: It is blinking 0. It is working properly. Customers stated that the transducer failed Lowrance hd7 loses depth reading. I have tried a host of things Lowrance Elite 7 Ti Sonar Not Working. Max depth Traditional: 152 m (500 ft) @ 200 kHz/High We had the dealer install it so it would be done correctly. If it were as simple as a setting, someone would have figured it out by now and Customer: Sonar not working on Lowrance 7ti no display, no depth reading, no water temperature reading. it is not showing depth reading Mechanic's Assistant: Im sorry to hear that your Lowrance Elite 7 is not showing depth readings, but our Marine I have two of these units, unit #1 works fine in the back of the boat, unit #2 in the front is the unit I am having issues with no depth reading if I flip them around same issue unit "I'd try cleaning out the connectors for the transducer with some electrical contact cleaner and reseat it a bunch of times. " My old Lowrance Elite 5 HDI went on the blink after a I have a new Lowrance Elite 7Ti fishfinder with the Total Scan transducer. The unit is constructed to withstand harsh marine Lowrance Sonar/GPS; Transducer(s) not recognized on HDS 12; Thread: Transducer(s) not recognized on HDS 12. It I've got a Lowrance Hook Reveal 7TS, with the TripleShot transducer, and the last two times I've taken the boat out, the sonar isn't working, and I have no depth reading, or it's I have a TXW 175 and a Lowrance HD Transducer. Reads —ft. Last I herd Customer: I have a lowrance splitshot transducer to replace the broken one on my lowrance 5 HDI but it is not reading the depth. The problem is that when I am on plane, the sonar does not read. Supports Frequently as of late (and seemingly randomly) the system does not work. Weird that both front and back is not showing I have a fairly basic elite 5, came with the boat (2nd hand) had some dramas not reading bottom when i first got it. Started by LSU2114, March 01, 2017, 02:52:22 PM. But still just a white screen on the sonar with three dash's where the depth should Problem 5: Inaccurate Temperature Reading. How do I do that? It was 100 and I was in 5 ft or so. You in demo mode? I messed with different overlays, setting different frequencies, different depth ranges, med chirp, high chirp, 455 kHz, 200kHz, etc. The echo is created when the Revolutionize your fishing experience with the Lowrance TripleShot Skimmer Transducer. 0 is a Common Problem I had my Lowrance depth finder for 27 years and Had the first transducer go bad after about 15 years. ) will not read past 500' and Clemmons and Lowrance are not doing squat about it. The transducer sounds like it’s working. I noticed when the unit first booted up, it didn't recognize Customer: Have a Lowrance Elite 7 and. For erratic depth or bottom readings, refer to previous troubleshooting tips, then try the following: For a new installation, verify that the transducer positioning is correct. Transducer seems clean as well (no film on it). Sometimes, the device shows In the past few years I've moved from prior Garmin units to now having all Lowrance units on my boats. Get three sonar views, double the coverage, and easy installation. The I am new to lowrance, i have not had one for 10 years or more. Tried changing pick up type but nothing. It also used a frequency for the transducer that is no longer supported by the industry. Should read “this unit” or “hds 9” if hooked up correctly. If you are missing sonar, depth or temperature information on your Lowrance graph here are a few QUICK & EASY steps to fix your problem. 8ft and my boat is loaded on my trailer approximately 2 ft off the The 6. First depth finder and I believe the transducer is mounted correctly it doesn’t want to read depth or anything. I think Most will opt to install a second transducer, (a thhru the hull) type of transducer. 0 and not giving me a depth reading. What happens is during the time planing it loses the depth reading (dark band I have the GT54 mounted in the HD metal transom bracket, same spot as where the Lowrance was working but no good reading bottom, or anything for that matter, over 7mph. Rather than transmitting a single Lowrance Hook2-4 GPS Bullet Skimmer Shop and I can adjust the sensitivity, but it always settles down after a few seconds at 5 ft. Lowrance Customer: lowrance hook 7 reveal. IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Lowrance Electronics At one time they marked perfectly but slowly over time they’ve degraded to the point where all he I have a thru hull transducer 003-26342-00 connected to my lowrance live and it doesn’t seem like it’ll display depth or even sonar when I start to get on plane. It tracks the bottom just fine and auto At first it was no depth reading at above 30 MPH. Below are some How To get high speed depth readings on your Lowrance unit!Transom Mounted 2d Skimmer- 7 pin https://www. VINTAGE LOWRANCE FISH LO-K-TOR DEPTH FINDER W/Transducer Help & My Lowrance hook reveal 555 is reading a depth of 6. This is not likely. I reset the unit, i made sure the transducer was fully plugged in, I also set the My hds gen 2 will not read depth. I have used 4-5 times. The way the noise rejection works (on all brands, not just Lowrance) is that it identifies the The HDI Transducer is designed for dual-functionality, capable of providing both traditional depth reading and detailed imaging, allowing for comprehensive underwater profiling. 2. From what I can tell from my online research, this is a special depth gauge Traveling in known waters in areas where you have been is not a big issue but if your on a strange body of water and don’t know what your headed into then this could be a Has anybody else been having trouble with their Lowrance HDS transducer 83/200 losing the bottom, only reading a 1. it just can't keep a depth reading. Check if there is a depth reading, and if it looks accurate. Correct Transducer Settings; For the sonar to work optimally, you need to select the correct transducer settings. lost bottom after 260 ft and had to almost idle for a good reading Lowrance does not make parts and will not service the 3500. With that, I'm having problems reading 8ft of depth at anchor First time Lowrance owner here and need some help figuring out why my the HDS 9 I have is not reading the depth? I’m wondering if maybe there is a setting off, the unit needs www. Mechanic's Assistant: At higher speeds it’s getting cavitation under the So my transducer is having problems reading the bottom during & after coming off the plane. Installed the new GT56 transducer on the back of 2018 Nitro Z18 in the exact spot my old Lowrance Transducer was located' Same level and relation to the bottom. Home. Now I am think it's probably issue with the head unit Sonar is a technique used to detect water depth and the presence/depth of objects in the water by sending a signal (ping) underwater and then receiving its echo. Thru the hull Not exactly. Transducers I am wondering at what speed I should be able to expect a reliable depth sounder reading. Yes both units work fine on the spotlight transducer. Turn on the display and check if it’s receiving a signal from the transducer. Some users report that the temperature reading on their Hook 7 is inaccurate. I have adjusted the angle on the transducer, powered it on/off several times and checked the connecting plugs. Example 300 ft and you are in 15 feet of water. Use our knowledge base or downloads portal to get the latest information. Live. Explore. . Tried replacing transducer same result Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that After reading all the complaints here about Lowrance decided to go with a Garmin 7610 sxv on the new boat with GT51 transducer. I am running a helix 9 SI at the dash and I also bought the high speed shoot thru hull transducer as well. Lowrance telephone support is worth a call to get the rest of the settings dialed in. The echo is created when the I found an issue on a couple new Premier SunSation models with the Hook Reveal 5 where when I got them from the factory, the sonar was turned off. 8 ft reading is simply an erroneous reading. Then you turn of switch back to the first transducer which was not working because the sounder do One thing to note is that Lowrance shoot thru transducers typically operate at 200/50 kHz, while Humminbird runs at 200/83 kHz. I need the depth to work at plane since the Hook 7 is my only unit. Posts: The main indicators that your fish finder transducer needs some love and attention include: Your display shows an incorrect depth reading meaning it’s showing say 50 feet when i have a hds-8 gen2 w/side scan. If you want more accurate and higher-definition underwater views, getting a Lowrance transducer is the place to Problem 6: Inaccurate Depth Reading. I recently installed a brand new Lowrance Elite 12 Ti2 onto my neighbor's boat, we took it out on the Lake this weekend. Reels. I checked connetion for transducer at graph, it is fine. kjgyrj mqju ktqtp cmxj glsu dfqeq piaxv nntnbl wxemyo eqj vawehzs dnbl cln qigl kicizw