Butte county website For information call 530-891-2850 or download the Membership Application (PDF). Search & Rescue. The use of these web cams by the public is done at your own risk. Recording Hours: Information Systems Mission. Recording Hours: The Sheriff's Office serves all the citizens of Butte County by providing a mix of public safety and public service functions. scanbuttecounty. In 2021, Butte County was awarded a grant through the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for emergency evacuation planning. Arco, ID 83213 Mailing Address Butte County Clerk View the Groundwater Status Report for years past. , Mon. Website Sign In Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We have some exciting news!! Butte County Probation Department is now offering a $5,000 hiring bonus for entry-level Deputy Probation Officer I. Employment. In 2022, Butte County contracted with a transportation consulting A major element of the Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Plan was the creation of the Drought Task Force, which is comprised of various Butte County Department Directors and other agency representatives in the County. Learn about the court's mission, locations, news, and COVID-19 policies. 10 am-3 pm (call before pickup to confirm staff is available: (530) 891 ‑ 5556) Butte365. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Butte County residents are encouraged to examine the State-proposed Butte County LRA Fire Hazard Severity Zone Map before the 90-day window closes on May 13, 2025. P. Whether you’re a local, new in town, or just passing through, you’ll The Unified Program is a suite of six state hazardous materials management programs consolidated and administered by a local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA). If an interpreter is needed please ask at the time an appointment is made so one can be made available for the interview. Multiple copies of titles read by the library book clubs are available. Chaplains. Check out the Explore Butte County website for ideas on things to do, places to stay and things to eat in Butte County. This website provides an overview on fair housing laws, tenant rights, and landlord responsibilities in California. Archives Email. Here you can discuss local Fires, Butte County Office of Education Visit the BCOE website. Tax Information. Mounted Posse. AB 2234 Post-Entitlement Permits. County Budget. County Bikeway Master Plan. Applications are available at all branches and can also be printed in either English or Spanish from the links that follow. Butte County 205. Know Your Zone. Oroville Medical Therapy Unit (MTU) The Constitution and By-Laws of the Butte 4-H County Council are provided in PDF form below. The county went across the present limits of the Tehama, Plumas, Colusa, and Sutter Counties. Millions of Americans now eligible for free at-home COVID-19 tests. The event was a success with over 45 applications processed! Butte County . Phone: 530-552-3400. 2024 Apiary Crop Report Survey. Links identified with " * " are provided for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by Butte County Environmental Health. Please Note: A new master fee schedule became effective on January 1, 2024. Managing Butte County's investments. Butte 4-H County Council Constitution Approved 6. Public Records Request Act (PRA) Contact Us. Butte County Connect Page - Report issues to Butte County. Slip on your tennis shoes and explore Butte County on foot with a walking arts tour. It's also a good idea to memorize other important zones . To keep healthcare providers and partners informed of infectious disease outbreaks, emerging infectious diseases, immunization updates and other conditions of public health Receiving and accounting for all Butte County funds. The Butte County Behavioral Health Advisory Board is accepting applications for current and upcoming vacancies. Butte County Office of Education . Petitions for CARE Court can be filed beginning December 1st, 2024. buttecounty. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 8:30-11:30 at the Oroville Branch Library, 1820 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Our new website was brought online in April 2016 with the help of MIPS Inc. Butte County Air Quality Management District. The BCCERT organization enhances the BCSO mission by providing services to the citizens of Butte County during emergencies. . Butte County is named for the visually striking + 2,000-foot (610 m) Sutter Buttes in neighboring Sutter County. Find COVID-19 policies, procedures, and online services for infractions and citations. Communications Reserves. Be Prepared for Emergencies. Below is the most up-to-date calendar for the 2024-2025 Program Year. Departments. Butte County welcomes you! Explore stunning waterfalls, hidden swimming holes, and miles of trails. Butte County, California (@butte_county) • Instagram photos and videos. org Butte County . Sheriff’s Team of Active Residents in Service (STARS) Contact BCSO . Board Information. Butte County Mosquito and Vector Control District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public. Applications are still being accepted for other resources within the DROP Project, including Temporary Water Tank Installation, Potable Water Hauling, and Bottled Water. Butte County participating in Operation Green Light supporting veterans; Butte County switching Medi-Cal providers in 2024; Habitat for Humanity building new homes in Paradise; Rollout of ebtEDGE security app moving forward; Millions of Americans now eligible for free at-home COVID-19 tests; Event dedicated to helping Butte County veterans Butte County CERT. Website Sign In Discover some helpful child support resources such as employer resources, help with legal issues and more. Website Sign In The Butte County Sheriffs Office is accepting applications for reserve deputy sheriff. The Butte County Behavioral Health Advisory Board is looking for volunteers to sit on the board. Find information on voter registration, ballot The County Recorder Division records all real property transactions, financing statements, and maps; and collects and administers various fees for the county, cities and state agencies Learn about the history, geography, demographics, and government of Butte County, a county in the northern central part of California. Browse unique local shops, discover a vibrant arts and culture scene, and savor the flavors of farm-fresh foods. Grand Ave. The Behavioral Health Board acts as an advisory board to Butte County . 67 per hour). com is a comprehensive online resource for Arts, Culture, Entertainment, and local Events in Butte County, CA. Get Directions Call Us Contact Us 500 Orient Street, Suite 105 Chico, CA 95928 For general information: Front Office. Discover the modern-mixed-with-historical paintings and installations throughout Chico, Gold Rush-themed The Butte County Department of Public Works is partnering with the Plumas National Forest Service-Feather River Ranger District and the Butte County Resource Conservation District to apply for a two-phase Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant. Fruit and nut crops lead in value at over $469 million followed by field crops at over Per County Ordinance, Property Owners MUST enroll in a Phase II Debris and Hazard Tree Removal Program by March 14, 2025. These zones will be used during fires or other emergencies requiring evacuations in our County. An updated list of current County maintained road closures is available, please refer to the Butte County Public Works Road Conditions Map. 9 am-3 pm; Chico Visitors Center: 180 E 4 th St # 120, Mon. MIPS Inc is the Technology Services Division of the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO). Current Situation. Apiary survey crop report 2024 Fruit & Nut Crops; 2024 Nursery Stock; 2024 Seed Crop; 2024 Vineyard Crop; 2024 Field Crop Survey Beans, Alfalfa, Rice, Pasture, Etc. 1 Butte County . Find descriptions, dates, times and locations for free events, theatre, music, dance, concerts, art exhibits, museums, film, lectures, workshops, kid-friendly events, special events and more. The county seat is Oroville and its website is www. Engage your community – connect to news, events and information you care about. Collecting all taxes for Butte County, including real estate and mobile home taxes, and special assessments. Grand Jury. Butte County switching Medi-Cal providers in 2024. 25 County Center Drive Website Accessibility Statement. This model will provide field-based services to respond to the The Well Replacement or Repair Program is now closed. CARE stands for Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment. With the discovery of gold in California in 1848, the Gold Rush ushered in thousands of people to the area and Butte County, including eventual city of Chico founder John Bidwell. The mission of the Department of Information Systems is to support the delivery of high-quality public services by providing flexible information, communications, and mapping technologies. 1. Student Events The Butte County Office of Education promotes excellence in public education by organizing countywide student events and competitions including Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, Robotics, National History Day, Spelling Bee and Poetry Out Loud. Road Maintenance. Public Records Act Request /QuickLinks. Rollout of ebtEDGE security app moving forward. Butte County Economic Development provides assistance through the entire development process for businesses interested in starting, expanding or relocating in Butte County. COPYRIGHT 2023 BUTTE COUNTY, IDAHO | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | WEBSITE DESIGN BY ZS DESIGN. UPCOMING EVENTS Holidays in United States The Butte County Development Services processes building permits including plan review, developmental applications including environmental reviews and code enforcement to ensure proper ordinance compliance. aspx. Butte County Superior Court. -Fri. The Corrections Division oversees the operation of the 614 bed county jail and other inmate-related programs. 530-879-7411 (Fax) Quicklinks School Resources Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. BCCERT volunteers attend events and take the opportunity to educate the public About Butte County; What is a Cooperative Extension; Weather; Butte County 4-H Program. Dry January Passport stickers are available for pickup between January 15 and February 15, 2025, at the following locations:. Phase I Household Hazardous Waste Removal began on August 19th and is expected to continue for the next several weeks. 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 1:30 pm. Welcome to the Administration Department. For information on road closures impacting non-county maintained roads, please refer to surrounding jurisdictions for road closure information. The Sheriff's Office provides around-the-clock law enforcement services to every region of the county. 60 biweekly ($23. Medical. Butte County participating in Operation Green Light supporting veterans. Access information on making payments, the fee schedule, permits and estimating rates. Recording Hours: The Community Action Agency (CAA) of Butte County provides Housing and Community Development Programs to assist the residents of Butte County. It houses pre-trial and sentenced inmates and is equipped with various facilities to ensure the security and Park Fire phase 1 household hazardous waste removal. These denote how the Council is to be run, how changes can be made, who can vote, standing committees, and more. The successful applicants must be at least 21 years of age, be a United States Citizen, hold a current driver’s license. B-Line Butte County Association of Governments Our Schools Find A School or Browse All Schools Elections Public Notices Public Record Request (PDF) Contact Information (208) 527-3021, ext # 1 Physical Address Butte County Administration 205 W Grand Ave. An interview is completed at the office. Most vaccines take time to become effective in your body and some vaccines must be given in a series over a period of days or sometimes weeks. Access information on benchmarks, drainage studies, improvement standards, and more. Permit Portal. Website Sign In The health department works strategically to prevent and respond to disease outbreaks. Butte County Detention Center, California. Will need to take an entry test and score 75% or better. Box 737 Arco, Idaho 83213 (208) 527-3021, ext. Agendas & Minutes. Education. Directions. Quick Links. Careers. Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm. Phone: 530-552-3835 FAX: 530-895-6640. 23. Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Careers. Corrections. The estimated gross value of agricultural production in our Butte County crop reports in 2012 totaled $721,434,000. As you proceed with your development project in Butte County, take advantage of the development assistance available to streamline the process. Do Business with Public Works. Following the closing of the recruitment, qualified applicants will be invited to participate in the written examination that is tentatively Butte County has established individual evacuation zones throughout the County. Notify Me. com which provides Emergency Service Scanner Feeds covering Butte County, CA. Multiple copies of titles located in branch The Gold Rush in Butte County. Health & Human Services. CARE Court is a way to allow specific people, called “petitioners,” to request voluntary treatment, services, support, and a housing plan for people, called “respondents,” who have certain untreated severe mental illnesses, The Butte County Community Emergency Response Team (BCCERT) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, that falls under the BCSO umbrella. County Code. California 4-H State Website; About 4-H; Join 4-H & Enrollment; Butte 4-H County Council; 4-H Clubs of Butte County; Record Book Corner; Cloverleaves Newsletter; Butte County 4-H Calendar; Events; Forms; Agriculture and Natural Resources. M365 It is the mission of the Public Works Department to accomplish the maintenance of County roads and bridges, the managing of the Land Development, Solid Waste and Fleet Services divisions as well as County Service Areas, County Keaton Denlay, County Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters, hosted a Passport Fair on Saturday February 22, 2025. Butte County Administration Building Hours: Monday - Thursday. In some cases the interview can be completed at another location. Encroachment Permit. 5 Gillick Way Oroville, CA 95965. View All Forms. Website Sign In Butte County Road Closure Information. Habitat for Humanity building new homes in Paradise. 155 Nelson Avenue. Climate Action Plan - The Butte County CAP is a long-term strategic document to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Butte County. With an average daily population of over 540 inmates, the Butte County Jail is the largest county correctional facility north of Sacramento. Oroville Chamber of Commerce: 1789 Montgomery St. The Department of Public Works is primarily responsible for the issuance of three different types of permits. Beginning December 31st, 2023, in line with new California Department of Health Care Services Behavioral Health Information Notice (BHIN) 23-025 the Butte County Behavioral Health Crisis Services program will be expanding its services to encompass a 24/7 mobile response model. Administration Address 25 County Center Drive Suite 245, Oroville, CA 95965-3385 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. NACO's website address is nebraskacounties. As part of this commitment, the District strives to provide an accessible website compatible with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2. For more information please view the State of California Housing and Community Development Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Webpage and the County of Butte Adopted 2040 General Plan and Certified Housing Element. Butte 4-H County Council By-Laws Approved 6. Ideally, appointments should be scheduled up to 4 to 6 weeks before your trip. Learn More. County Clerk Recorders Email. Sierra Nevada Energy Watch We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Website Sign In Find information and services for the Butte County Superior Court, including online payments, forms, calendars, and self-help resources. Butte County Public Health recommends being up to date with vaccines, staying at home if you are sick, testing if you have symptoms, and to consider wearing a mask. Issuing titles and licenses for Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. From its fertile agricultural fields encompassing Gridley and Biggs in the western part of the County; to its dynamic population centers in Chico and Oroville in the mid section; to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and its foothills including the town of Paradise to the east; Butte To access COVID-19 information in Spanish or Hmong, please visit the California for All COVID-19 website. Thank you for applying. Those living in Butte County can apply at any of the Community Employment Centers listed under Connect with Benefits. 63-$31. W. Elections & Passport Email. Learn about the responsibilities and services of the County Clerk-Recorder as the Chief Election Official/Registrar of Voters in Butte County. A library card gives borrowing privileges at all branches and provides access to the library's online resources. Library cards are free and will open the doors to a whole world of books, movies, music, programs for kids and adults, computers and online information. Butte County Public Works manages several web cams throughout Butte County, primarily for departmental use. 40 -$2533. Butte County Public Health offers information about health-related risks while traveling abroad. net. Website Sign In Box Butte County. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Scroll down to view the 2023-2024 calendar for Record Book assembly purposes. Chico Medical Therapy Unit (MTU) 2090 Amanda Way Chico, CA 95928. If it is less than 4 weeks Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. If you do get sick with COVID-19 talk to your healthcare provider about treatment. Butte County . Rollout of The Butte County Office of Education is committed to the success of every student and the excellence of every educator. Local Appeals Board. Reduction targets in the CAP call for a 15% reduction below baseline 2006 GHG emission levels by 2020 consistent with State guidelines, and a 42% reduction below baseline 2006 levels by 2030. Take a Walking Arts Tour. The Butte County Public Health Department monitors the number of reported communicable disease cases in our county as well as administers a range of programs and services. The department is not responsible for any damages should the camera go offline or is outdated. [10] Butte County was incorporated as one of California's 27 original counties on February 18, 1850. 11 Butte County Flood Ordinance. We thank you for your participation in this process to ensure our communities are safer and better informed. Website Sign In Search for public court records or hearings of various case types in Butte County, California. org) Resources. 25 County Center Drive Oroville, CA 95965. Visit the Enterprise System Catalog page. Please contact the Planning Division at 530-552-3701 to verify fees for applications to be submitted on or after that date. PRIZE REDEMPTION. Use this website for informational purposes only. Each zone has a different number. Land Development Services. Butte County Board of Supervisors Extend Deadline for Park and Thompson Fire - Impacted Residents to Enroll in a Debris and/or Hazard Tree Removal Program Read on Butte County Sheriff's Office Search and Recovery Operation for Andruw and Wesley Cornett Current Evacuation Maps Public Alert Bulletin Board Number 833-512-5378 The Butte County 4-H Program provides a variety of events for members to attend and participate in. Recording Hours: Announcing Sure Start for Early Years’ Library Playtime! 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month, 9:00-12:00 at the Paradise Branch, 5922 Clark Road. 11. Catalog of Enterprise Systems. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Healthcare providers and laboratories are required by California State Law to report specific communicable diseases to the local public health department to aid in the monitoring of disease trends and outbreaks. [11] The Butte County Library would like to help support local book clubs with their reading material: Book Club in a Box: The library has boxed sets of books with discussion questions available for community book clubs to borrow. Recycle Butte. Have a clean Criminal record, have an HSG or GED, be able to move to Butte County. Emergency Preparedness. Butte County has the largest urban population in California North of Sacramento in with an estimate of approximately 221,539 residents in 2012. Coroner. It is important to memorize the last three numbers of the zone you live in. Field Crops Please click on the link to see a list of available resources in Butte County: Visit Butte County Resources (partnershiphp. More information about these programs is available on the CAA website. ScanButteCounty is the Facebook Group for the website https://www. Oroville, CA 95965. The salary rage for level I is $1890. Towns along the Feather River – including Oroville, Cherokee, and Magalia – came into existence. The Butte County Detention Center, CA, often referred to as the county jail, is a correctional facility located in Butte County, California. Private Sector Gray Water Advocacy: Gray Water Action* Links identified with " * " are provided for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by Butte County Environmental Health. Butte County truly is a land of natural wealth and beauty. Additional information is available on the Butte County website. Apply for a CCW. The Butte County 4-H Program provides a variety of events for members to attend and participate in. O. Administrator's Office. County Maps. Engineering. Title 25 - Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings. Recycling is more than extending the life of our landfill. bwtlx hlkehu buzcqe ftk iaosq xpokfl lwtcp iobjp hze pjn ykiv xxiwne bnsd cui ykhbs