Borderlands 2 lost save data. Nov 28, 2016 @ 11:11pm Wow.

Borderlands 2 lost save data To be able and save again, head to windows defender and untick the "controlled folder access" option. (ie: the game saves for your Moze) in “Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\” (you should see the files saved in It’s a very long and tedious process but it should work. I have my saves from windows (C\Users\USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\Willowgame\SaveData\) but when copying them into the equivalent directory in the Linux version of the game, I get nothing. Now it says my zero is only a level 43 Please Help! First, disable Steam Cloud for Borderlands 2 (if you don't know how let me know). I played a little earlier and then got off, but when i got back on It popped up saying that my most recent save was corrupted and to just start over again pretty much. Omega Riddler. sav Now whenever I try to launch the game on my old pc it says Steam was unable to sync my Borderlands 2 save file and if I play it will be permanently lost. it gone. Go to https://store. There is no way to restore overwritten saves and you will never find a copy of your saves online Yeah! Documents -> My Games -> Borderlands 2 -> Willow -> Save Data -> Choose recent folder -> Bunch of files, choose . I heard on the Windows version,you need to right click on the Borderlands 2 save data and go to properties then find previous version which is filled with files and you click on one of them and click restore while on the OS X version,you go to the Borderlands 2 save data file but you open it and delete the files that ends with bak. I think it has something to do with the "Cloud". Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2. New Related Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter Lost my save! [ PC - Steam ] Hi, I booted up BL3 earlier (my internet was perfectly fine) yet it made me make a new shift account and suddenly my level 72 moze save was completely gone, and I can't get it back. Saves are located in C:\Users\ [Your Username] \Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\ Borderlands 2 ; Lost everything! Lost everything! By KingAntz February 2, 2013 in Borderlands 2. And the game options all reset to the default (aim assist on, not inverted etc) Has anyone else had this? Is there any way to get my customization's and keys back? Hard lesson learned. then the Steam Cloud should save your In case if you didn't find This PC > Documents > My Games > Borderlands 2 > WillowGame > SaveData > (numbers) After clicking the file of numbers, there's your characters saves. Is this a pc Check you last save then load save. bak file in your save folder) but borderlands also overwrote that file with a corrupt version defeating the whole reason for that backup existing. The Borderlands 2 Reddit. i have a problem loading gaige. I had a save lvl 32 or 33, but when I tried to play offline (because I had no internet) came up with lvl 21, I closed the game, but when I opened the game, my save lvl 33 did not appear anymore, does anyone know how to solve? Tomorrow I can see if i can recreate one for you. The game is loading your cloud Incase this helps, I managed to fix my corrupted data by hovering over the BL2 application in my PS menu, Options, Upload/Download Saved Data, Download Cloud Storage, Downloaded a previous save and it bypassed the Corrupted Today I show you how to recover lost saves in Borderlands 2 on steam! I hope this helps those that may need it. Fine this has happened to me in quite a few games. I lost very important legendary weapons for not saving properly. However if moonstones etc they will be gome as that is a profile. I’ve just finished my first playthrough, nearly all side missions and uncovered every location. Borderlands 2. Which one of those options Note: The save files are labeled save1001-1011 to prevent them from overlapping existing save files, but please double check this. but it looks like Borderlands 2 SAVE CORRUPTED . The most common reason is to create a copy of the save files to prevent game progress loss if I believe the unlocked heads and skins are saved in profile. Today all of a sudden my game crashed when I was grinding the Turn off Steam Cloud syncing (Google that if you don't know how) and the save data is found at: C:/Users/Username/My Documents/My Games/Borderlands 2/WillowGame/Savedata. I quit the game then and come back only to find that my save is apparently gone--it only gives me an option to access "New Character" and still says that I'm only level one. So we played split screen co-op on PC using an old method where you change the properties on two shortcuts. Thanks, ːbanditː i have goty and all non-cosmetic dlc. Some people seems to think that when that prompt shows up it displays the playtimes of the different files. It doesn't. If Right click on bl2 in the library, properties, local files, verify the integrity of the game files. Character was the exact same as when i was on that mission, only zero with a torgue skin, 2 fast balls etc etc. Mac. Lost all my saves now suddenly I got 3 friends just starting out. Installations of Borderlands 2 on Mac devices save their games in the following directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Borderlands 2/WillowGame/SaveData To go to this path: This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level 80. Open menu Open navigation Go to Lost a Dead Island 2 and BL3 save the same way Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Then go to C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData Inside there will be a numbered folder. The backup copies have . PC If anyone has a download for a Amara around that level, please link it. Share either way people are losing save data. Nov 28, 2016 @ 11:42pm I lost all my data, thats why i have like 200 hours, because it goes missing, so i restart, i then go to 72 Default location is: C:\Users\<your name on the PC>\Documents\my games\borderlands 2\willowgame\savedata\<you Steam ID number> Sort by date modified, look for the one modified on the date you think is the correct save. bin file, this is where all of your BAR stats are stored. sav and so on You shouldn't need to move anything. Or consider downloading saves at about the level you were at. We recommend copying the entire SaveData folder and moving the copy to your desktop. Whiskas Sep 5, 2020 @ 10:02am I was getting rid of some data to download bl3 on my computer and now I lost everything in bl2 and I don't know how to get it back and every time I launch bl3 I lose all my progress. Click 'Download' on the correct one. " Last edited Please - Back up your current save files and profile data before making any changes. Anjodu • Check your your Cloud save data, you can just download the most recent save file. You may have a little time lost, but the majority of your data should I'm doing a fresh reinstall of the entire borderlands 2 game (Uninstall, then install again) and I wanted to know if I backupthe folder in My Games > Borderlands 2 > Save Data if it's all I needed to keep all my classes, badass rank and progress. If you haven't played that character since then, the backup copy may be from before you lost those items. There is a problem with Borderlands 3 save data on PC. My xbox 360 had been crashing consistently with the 2 rings for a couple weeks to the point where I went out and got a xbox 360 4gb slim. Borderlands 1, 2, and TPS save your data as a general top-level file, called something like ProfileData (containing your per-user data, like Gearbox id and golden key info), and then a separate file for each character you have, something like Save0001, Save0002, etc. I lost a lot of my When I restarted it my save data was corrupted too. my siren . Best. save000whatever. I was absolutely sure--I went back in just to double check. bak Delete the ->save000whatever. Select Move Select USB storage. Fast traveled to Oasis and once I land the game crashes. I went to download the data from the could that I had backed up the day before but it said there were no saves to download. #3. There is a way to possible fix this issue. Nov 28, 2016 @ 11:11pm Wow. I've checked and on both computers (connected to the internet) How To Fix Lost Borderlands 3 Save Data Hotfix Has Been Issued. or making a new one. so later yesterday i decided to redownload it and then when i log in . I found my save file in the "my games" folder but I'm not sure how I can load it into Borderlands to get it to play my most updated game. He was a level 43. In most situation, the cloud save functions as a back-up, and can allow you to regain your progress in the event of either a loss of data on your system, or if My Documents / My Games / Borderlands 2 / WillowGame / SaveData / [long number] #1. So I re-downloaded my save data from the cloud and it fixed it - although it reset my Maya to right before the final fight again. I even changed his look and its back to the I was playing borderlands 2 on TVHM on my PS5. That really sucks. Gearbox clearly knew that PlayStation cross play wasn’t going to come because it’s the only game where your save data won’t transfer from ps4 to ps5 games without losing trophy progress and messing up save files. so that you can see the game progress achieved in one computer will also be good for the other computer. com/account/remotestorage and find Borderlands 2. sav, Save0002. I lost a level 78 Maya when she got stuck on the load screen and it went to blue. Well i haven't played in a day or so, so today i log in and its on a different character and all my video settings were reset but controls. It's not meant for recovering lost saves. He's fast like Borderlands 2. I just rebooted this game up after a while , it asked me to choose a saved data and I apparently chose wrong. I tried Find your most recent save file for the game - this will most likely be the second newest one at about 10KB. I put a For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation Vita, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. Back up when you need to. was having a lot of connection issues, the shift play thing kept saying it was losing connection but idk if that could have had an impact. Click 'View files' on the right in the same row. Please help. Anyway, don't trust the game backups, keep your own. ". In the dashboard, Navigate to the system tab. I got pretty far on a bunch of quests. Open the Epic Games Launcher; Go to Settings; Uncheck the "Enable Cloud Saves" Go to C:\Users\*your username*\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\*mixed letter folder* Find the Borderlands 2 save location on your computer and perform files transfer, backup & restore there. 209K subscribers in the Borderlands2 community. One of my character saves got corrupted and is unusable. Select "games & apps" Select "Borderlands 2" Select the new level 1 game data you just created. I had two high level characters and had to start from scratch , am I screwed or is there a way to recover? Hey, sugar♥️ I was inspired by DLC for Borderlands 2 “Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty” and So I had a good four hour run not too long ago, and I saved so I could go back later. Then right-click on the original folder (not the copied one) and click properties. bak in as the save. Select Storage Select Harddrive. Start->my documents>mygames>bl TPS> Willowgame>savedata>save 0078965104125 copy it to desktop. Original video for reference Video Same issue here. Whether you’re looking for new gameplay Documents\my games\borderlands 2\willowgame Copy the savedata folder and paste it somewhere, like a USB drive so you have a backup copy, keep it up to date. Nov 5, 2017 @ 8:02am Originally posted by zverozvero: \Documents\My games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\76561198071976537 The game saves your character data and completed objectives. Open comment sort options. I had a power outage at home while I was playing. However, for some reason, all my progress on my badass rank and all the golden keys I had saved up are gone. If there is a difference between those two files, it should ask you which you wish to load from. So when the option is displayed for people who first encounter something like this due to Steam's way of recognizing whether you need a prompt or not, can lead to this confusion and issue. Gamecube save data deleted. sav, etc. Plug in your Xbox 360 formatted USB flash drive. Sep 23, 2012 @ 2:13am I Just Lost My Save Data I'm not back to level 1 but I was Level 20 last night and now I'm back to level 12. What the hell is going on? I'm having a similar Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. More posts you may like Related Borderlands 2 First-person shooter Shooter game Good day to you all. Downloaded and installed Borderlands 2 last night and I'm rather miffed to find that, despite signing in with my Steam details, it hasn't transferred accross any of my saved games (DLC however, seems fine). When I went to quit the game, it freezed in the main menu (before showing anything) for a couple of minutes. Each character has modded stats including, skills, ammo, drop-able Eridium Stacks, Seraph crystals, Make sure in Today I show you how to recover lost saves in Borderlands 2 on steam! I hope this helps those that may need it. All Discussions BorderTool 2 for Mac) and try to recreate your save as best as you can remember. bin somehow. Inside that folder, you will have at least one folder named after your Steam ID. bin, they should still be unlocked. Playstation Something in the new BL2 DLC is corrupting saves. sav save000whatever. Choose The Newer Im playing BL2 on steam, but there is no SaveData folder in the WillowGame folder. What level were you and how far? Save game location is: Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData You could look at it as an opportunity to do something else for a new playthrough - new class, different types of weapons, side with Hodunks/Zafords etc. . Then you copy If the issue persists you may want to clear local saves games on the Xbox to redownload saves from the cloud here's how to do so: Enter Settings; Choose System; Select Storage; Select Clear Local Save Games; Allow the Xbox to restart; After the console is back on, launch Borderlands 2, the game should attempt to sync data from the cloud. Create a character in the epic games version, then copy all files from the steam save data file over to the Posted by u/itsneversonny - 2 votes and 1 comment Borderlands 2 is not recognised. bin file (along with your golden keys, Claptrap's Stash, and your BAR score). But profile. So my computer run into some problem and i factory reset it and since then i havent touch borderland 2 in like 4 months . Earlier today I went to play some Borderlands 2 with my level 37 Zero, but I was having short freezes. Find your most recent save file for the game - this will most Here are a couple solutions that may help you: Make sure you are connected to the internet and your Xbox account is logged in. bin (holds your badass rank, golden keys and such) and Save0001. Especially if you have the time put in as I do. edit: dontu got this. I was able to restore the save folder (lost about 5-6 hours of gameplay and 2 or 3 great loot drops) but my buddy on Windows 8 wasn't able to because he didn't have the backup option enabled Sign in (Opens in a new tab) to get faster help, access self-service tools, and manage your support requests. Ok I was playing a new solo Krieg the past few weeks . Aka he can just set/reset any mission, change your equipment, level, skills. You would generally choose whichever is newest. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lost my save data due to PS3 corruption -_- Can someone pass some dupes?". bak added at the end (eg. Cheats; Trophies; PlayStation 3 Game Save Directory (ZIP) (North America) From Raptor715 (04/10/2013; 260KB) Character So today is the first time I've played since the update and I've lost 2 golden keys (down to 1 from 3), lost all my customization heads and outfits. In most One of my characters in Borderlands 2 was level 61, had completed the campaign and had lots of good guns and stuff, but then my save got corrupted somehow and I lost Lost save data . Store . I restarted the game to find my save data was corrupted. Top. I was lvl 19 and now hes back to a lower lvl . If not if you click on browse local files look for if Borderlands 2 for PC saves in two locations, it saves your progression locally on your PC, and if you are connected to the internet, it will create a back-up cloud save through Steam. Go to: Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData and check if some folders with files are there. Welcome to the Borderlands Project 2 GitHub Repository! This repository is dedicated to Borderlands-related content, providing a variety of save files to enhance your gaming experience. Is there a way to find a past local 92 votes, 70 comments. when transferring saves make sure to also transfer the Profile. bin also has your BA Rank data, and if you lost that too, then I guess you lost profile. lost a few hours of progress, but recovered the hundred or so I already I lost all my data on my mac and I didn't have it saved anywhere, I just now downloaded steam on a windows and downloaded borderlands 2 and have none of my data saved, is there anything I can do to still get it back? and then manually import them into the correct folder to move your Borderlands 2 save games between platforms. You could try contacting Gearbox support. If you only see one file at first, then that is your Steam save data. However, please note that lost progress cannot be recovered anymore. Depending on what's happening, you _may_ have a backup copy of the affected save file(s). This will help a ton. I didn't uninstall steam from my old computer nor did I uninstall Borderlands 2. Turn off BL2. sav and Save0001. repair and re-install did not help Some time ago I've installed Borderlands 2 on Linux (Ubuntu) system and my saves didn't sync back, but after quitting game empty save list did upload itself to cloud overriding all of my progress (which was pover 1100 hours of gameplay). On your Deck, go to your Borderlands 2 download location and find where your save files would be stored. All my progress has been reverted to a older save file . r/VampireSurvivors • Lost save file through cloud save. Borderlands 2 save data ps3 Blus Assassin borderlands 2 modded game save download ps3, moded save for borderlands 2 PS3, borderlands 2 ps3 starter save, borderlands 2 modded save files ps3, https:www The same thing happened to me. but I could only get it to pull up the player 2 save data My game and computer crashed and reset and I lost all my data. Back up your saves then The game automatically creates a backup of the save file at certain times. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Lost Data and SHIFT (Gibbed or Bordertool2). Is there anything thing I can do to fix this or have i completely lost my character? I have a mac and I tried looking up a So I thought hey, maybe I can transfer my save files to my PC, delete the corrupt file there, and transfer the save files back to the PS5 that way. sav. The PS5 let me pull the save files using a standard USB flash drive, it has about a 16 GB disk space, nothing fancy, and now the save files are sitting on my PC. Share Sort by: Best. Help! I lost my save data for a level 18-20 Amara. xbox automatically saves your game progress I had this problem yesterday. bak . It's a good idea to find where any data is on your system you don't want to lose and do the same for it, game save or what ever you don't want to lose. Products. MY BEAUTIFUL SIREN WITH ♥♥♥♥ LOADS OF LEGENDARY AND BLUE AND ORANGE AND ALL THOSE STUFF JUST GONE. If the files don't exist on the Steam Cloud storage page, then chances are they were lost at some point and empty data was synced instead, removing the previous files. I got this message when I loaded up about some cloud save if I wanted to download it to my computer or put it on the cloud and when I loaded up. Release Data; Game Credits; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Game Trivia; Guides; Q&A; Cheats. Skip to main content. I reboot the game and get the messag I just lost all my lvl 46 Commando badass rank bonuses and unfortunately i didnt made a backup from save I know there have been alot talk about it but is there anyway to get these back if you dont have a backup from save and Gearbox really should fix that bug Documents->My Games->Borderlands 2->WillowGame->SaveData has the save files for both copies (steam and epic) in two separate folders with long identifiers as names. You should ALWAYS manually backup your saves every once in a while - I learned my lesson long ago, with Bioshock (1 or 2 was crashing a lot for me, and corrupting saves REGULARLY), and Hitman Absolution (crash there is a real pain in the a**) - it is generally a good idea to do so, and especially if the device is a portable one (ergo may not Was right before the bunker battle when i save quit. Any help or advice would be much appreciated! Borderlands 2. I got my save back. Spent 2 hours farming the maggie and finally go 2. bin issue. bin (which is stored along with your character save files), so if you still have your old profile. So I wanted to start with the DLCs. Borderlands 2 has many bugs - and security-problems like when you join a random game the host CAN change your save-file. BL2 has its own Save directory. Some players lost all their progress for some reason in BL3. the_bat_turtle. I'm sure some of you are familiar. RMJ So I finally got a proper gaming PC after years of trying to play games on my MacBook Pro. I pressed save data to the cloud and when I got back to the game I was back to level 17. Here's where problems start: \Documents\My games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\76561198071976537 For windows they should be there. Nice clickbait cancer title, Leafy. As for custom cosmetics, those are saved in your Profile. The save files are under My Documents in My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\<some long number> There will be files like Save0001. IT saves both to cloud and to your computer. 12-13-2014 #8. Sure boosting me back to this point wouldnt be hard but that's not the point. The harddrive save is usually the one to go with because if Steam goes down or your connection has issues, then it won't get a proper cloud save. So, I just got a new computer, and one of hte first things I downloaded was Borderlands 2. Within the folder named after your Steam ID, you can find your game saves. Save it to your desktop and name it SaveGame. Came back and it set me back to the "catch a train" mission. sav file (the save file) Transfer or copy that over when you run Bl2 from Epic. So I joined into my buddy's game and somehow he lost his entire inventory (both equipped and backpack) and at the same time my entire equipped inventory disappeared as well. I have been doing local saves, no cloud saves. It probably wont fix the issue but it might. There is no way to prevent that so either never join any random host, or at least make a backup of your safe-files regularly (which you should do Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2. sav Go back to your xbox. z00t. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lost Badass rank, Skins, and Heads. steampowered. A Hotfix has been implemented to resolve the issue. If that is the case, you could try a data recovery option, but what is much easier and quicker is to create your own My wild guess right now (but who knows?): You don't have a BL2 folder (or a saves folder in it) or the folder permissions are are messed up. I play the game in two different computers under the same Username. As alternative you can install any Antivirus that take charge of that function, Defender will disable that function automatically if another AV is in charge of it. Shark Bait. ADMIN MOD PLEASE HELP! I lost all our save data 😭 . Posted by u/urboyeatthatpussy445 - 3 votes and 3 comments So I bought a new laptop and re-downloaded Borderlands 2 from Steam but my game was set back by like 3 levels and a ton of missions. Under Windows, the save files are stored with your user "documents", under My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\<some long number> The regular save files are Save0001. The entire drives are backed up, so I can restore any or all data if needed. If it's not recognizing it right away, make a new character in Epic, and then go to \Documents\My Games\borderlands 2\willowgame\savedata And replace the new file with the one from before. fml I had a level 63 or 64 zero and i went over to my friends house and i instead of downloading steam cloud to this machine i pressed local files. 215K subscribers in the Borderlands2 community. There will be a directory in there which is a long number, inside that you have profile. sorry for bad English Ive put in almost 100 hours into my Zer0 character for borderlands. Copy-paste it to the Desktop. When you told it yes to delete the save, the game assumed you were sure and cleaned up Let me start with 2 things: 1. Members Online • SmartestElf. Loaded the game up today, to seeing everything BL2 related has been reverted back to saves from 2 weeks ago, meaning my countless hours of playtime/work have been lost for unknown reasons. I had saved my game 2 days ago before starting the tiny tina DLC (Ii had reached level 55 at this point). Unsure if it always corrupts every time its opened, to open the game go to properties - Installed files - Browse- SteamLibrary > steamapps > common > Borderalnds 2 > Binaries > Win32, then scroll down until you find a file named BorderLands2 and then open it. Saved game lost in a cloud Hello! Some time ago I've installed Borderlands 2 on Linux (Ubuntu) system For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lost of Data". Sometimes the system will ask me if I want to save to the STEAM CLOUD or TO THIS MACHINE. Borderlands 2 for PC saves in two locations, it saves your progression locally on your PC, and if you are connected to the internet, it will create a back-up cloud save through Steam. So, I lost a little progress and had to fight the last boss again. I tried restoring the backup (. After I did that, I was worried the game would crash again so I saved and exited after beating it you can also go through the game files and open it, but it corrupts the existing characters and you will have to start over. zri flhbq czpabu mput enada neb mpzwv byirmuhm rhraj hkd rgr uzce nauy rgmmabwv xjdvr