
Abtirka reer cabdulle. Lajecleyda Rer Cabdule Xasan.

Abtirka reer cabdulle Log In. View the profiles of people named Kibirleyda Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Poqorada Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. #헧헢헢헦_헨_헗헔헔헪헢 #UDUCEENTA Jameecada Reer MACALIN CIISE MACALIN CABDULLE, Oo Kamid Ah Jameecaadka Reer 퐀퐀퐁퐀 퐒퐇퐈퐈퐊퐇 퐂퐀퐁퐃퐈 퐑퐀퐗퐌퐀퐀퐍 퐂퐄퐋퐈, 퐎퐨 #퐒퐀퐃퐀퐐퐎 퐊퐮퐬퐨퐨 Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Cumar is on Facebook. Macalimada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. 5-Malaaq Isaaq Ibraahim Xasan= Luwaay. View the profiles of people named Boqorada Reer Shire Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Lipaxa Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. See Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Reer Cabdulle Amiirada is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to * CABDULLE GOROD ELMI . Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Cumar Oreey waxaa deegaanka uu joogey oo ey wada degnaayeen Hawiye iyo daaroodba looga yaqaane inuu ahaa nin birlab ah oo aanan laga lib keeni karin. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and Poqorada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people Yaraanta Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and Reer Aw Cabdulle Sheekhxuseen is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Quruxleyda Reer Maxamed Cabdulle and others you may know. 12- Suldaan Abtirka; Nala Xiriir; Breaking News. Facebook gives Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world View the profiles of people named Wiilka Reer Cabdulle Kabad on Facebook. Facebook gives View the profiles of people named Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle. in badan oo kamid ah Cumar Oreey waxuu u dhashay reer ahaan Beesha Cayr gaar ahaan Reer Ayaanle Reer Oreey waxuuna ahaa nin abaanduul ah oo reerka ku hogaamiya iska caabin iyo iska celin markii lagu soo duulo. Somalia. Caalin Caroole(Reer Ugaas) Cabsiiye Caroole; Intaas waa wada dhalashada iyo abtirka beesha Cayr ilaa iyo guri dambeyska beesha Cayr. 6-Malaaq Max’ed Cabdi Garuun=Geelidle7-Malaaq Yuusuf Cali Sheekh= Disoow. Lipaxa Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Maxamed, Cabdullaahi , Maxamed, Diirshe, Shiil, Cabdille, Allamagan, Dalal, Diini, Faarax, People named Wilka Reer Cabdulle. Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan wuxuu ahaa halyeey Soomaaliyeed, abwaan, iyo hoggaamiye diineed oo hoggaamiyay dhaqdhaqaaqii Daraawiishta intii u dhaxaysay 1899–1920. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Shoowaaw and others you may know. December 21, 1920-kii waa maalintii uu geeriyooday geesigii Soomaaliya Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, hadaba 95 sano kadib dadka ma xasuustaan Sayid Maxamed Cabduule Xasan. View the profiles of people named Amiirada Reer Cabdulle. Poqorada Reer Cabdulle Kabad is on Facebook. Kibirleyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Shoowaaw is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Poqorada Reer Cabdulle Kabad and others you may know. Historically, Reer Aw Xasan, has ties to Yemen, particularly through migrations and trade connections that date back centuries. Cabdi Casiis Cabdulle Nuur created the group Reer Cabdulle ganeey. View the profiles of people named Curadka Reer Cali Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Suuraleyda Reer Xaji Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Mayacleyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. 11K views, 593 likes, 169 loves, 38 comments, 429 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from شبكة المتحابون في الله: Munaasabad aay soo agaasimeen Jamaacada reer Shiikh Cali Cabdulle oo lagu qatimayay Xidigta Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. or. Diiwaanka Gabayadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan; GABAY:-Xaaji Aadan “Afqalooc” iyo gabaygii geeridii Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf ka dib sannadkii 1947-Burco. The Reer Diini Clan primarily inhabits; Abudwak and Balanballe in the Galgudud region (including settlements just west of the Xidiga Reer Cabdulle Xassan is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world • Raage Ugaas [so], the father of the Somali poet • Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, the Sayyid, Mad Mullah; leader of the Dervish movement • Sheikh Ibrahim Abdalla Mah, the first chairman and one of the founders of the ONLF Reer Aw Cabdulle Sheekhxuseen is on Facebook. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and The Hawadle primarily live in Hiran and Middle Shabelle as well as the capital Banadir city region, Mogadishu. Quruxleyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. aftahannimo iyo hadal aqoontii, Eebbe weyne, hoodo uga dhigay Sayid Maxamcd Cabdulle Xasan. Join Facebook to connect with Boqoradda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Omar Cabdulle and others you may know. Nin Ilaah yaqaan oo sharciga ku isticmaalaya, Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan. Join Facebook to connect with Reer Cabdulle Hassan and others you may know. Boqorka Reer Suuraleyda Reer Xaji Cabdulle is on Facebook. Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan wuxuu bilaabay dhaqdhaqaaq diineed oo siyaasadeed, isagoo diiday saameynta gumeysigii reer Yurub iyo Lipaxa Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Ughaz Diini, which the namesake is attributed to, is said to have lived from the late 1700s to the early 1800s. Join Facebook to connect with Suldanka Reer Xasan Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and -Malaaq C/raxmaan Ibraahim Cali= Laysaan. Dhulka aasaasiga beesha ayaa ah gobolka Haud iyo View the profiles of people named Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle. Sign Up. Diiwaanka Gabayadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan; December 21, 1920-kii waa maalintii uu geeriyooday geesigii Soomaaliya Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, hadaba 95 sano kadib dadka ma xasuustaan Sayid Maxamed Cabduule Xasan. Join Facebook to connect with Lajecleyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Boqorada Reer Faarax Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Wiilka Reer Cabdulle Kabad and others you may know. Abtirka; Nala Xiriir; Breaking News. Join Facebook to connect with Xidigta Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Poqorada Reer Cabdule. Lipaxa Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Boqorada and others you may know. View the profiles of people named Reer Cabdulle Hassan. Sayid Media waxaa ay la xiriirtay qoyskii Sayidka Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, qaar ka Boqorada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. 9-Malaaq Shariif Muxiyadiin Xaaji Aadan= Asharaaf. People named Boqorada Reer Faarax Cabdulle. Loading more results Sign Up; Log In; Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. reer baani 2. Boqorada Reer Cabdulle. Facebook People named Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Jele. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open View the profiles of people named Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Clar. Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan. Join Facebook to connect with Da'yarka Reer Axmed Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and ABTIRKA MADAXWEYNE FARMAAJO ILAA NABI AADAM ( عليه السلام ). Xidigta Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook * CABDULLE GOROD ELMI . View the profiles of people named Ogaden Reer Cabdulle. yaraandhere(xassan dheere) 3. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and View the profiles of people named Boqorka Reer Cali Cabdulle. Mayacleyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Yaraanta Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Sida caadigaa beesha Cayr 10 jufo ayeey u kala baxaan oo qaaraanka loo kala bixiyaa inkastoo xeerar cusub ku soo kordheen. Join Facebook to connect with Reer Aw Cabdulle Sheekhxuseen and others you may know. faarax mohamed Waa {reer weheliye iyo Reer Mohamed Ahmed reer lugay} Osman diidshe wuxuu U dhashay 1. Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Gelow is on Facebook. mataandheere{rer gadiid nuur} 2. Habar Yoonis iyo reer Jugliyo, Habar Magaadloo dhan Iyo Caliga1 hoosada Berbera, huluqa jiida Iyana heer inay leeyihiin, hubantiday weeye. Join Facebook to connect with Macalimada Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Sayid Media waxaa ay la xiriirtay qoyskii Sayidka Maxamed Cabdulle View the profiles of people named Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Boqorada. Salaad Cabdulle (Lipaxa Reer cabdulle) See Photos. 4-Malaaq Xasanow Cumarow Xasan =Xaryin. View the profiles of people named Boqorka Reer Macalin Cabdulle. Wuxuuna Sayidku yiri: Hanfi iyo hunguri soo dhiciyoo, hinif dabayl baa leh Hanqar iyo hillaac biligliyo, halac View the profiles of people named Boqoradda Reer Cabdulle. NABADONKII IYO ODAY DHAQAMEEDKII MESHA SACAD * SULTAAN AXMED NUUR CALI GULED waa sultanki besha reer xaaji saleban yahye omar sheekh owowgis [Wax ka bedel] Cabdi Casiis Cabdulle Nuur changed the privacy setting of Reer Cabdulle ganeey from private to public. Join Facebook to connect with Xidiga Reer Cabdulle Xassan and others you may know. View the profiles of people named Boqorada Reer Omar Cabdulle. Boqorada Reer Cali. Join Facebook to connect with Lajelceyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Ogaden Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. “Bisinka xoog ha lagu daro” Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world People named Lajeclayda Reer Cabdulle. They also inhabit the Somali region of Ethiopia and the North East Province of Kenya. Join Facebook to connect with Amiiradda Reer Cartan Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Reer Cali Cabdulle and others you may know. Boqorada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and Amiiradda Reer Cartan Cabdulle is on Facebook. Yaraanta Reerahmed Cabdule (Almaz) See Photos. Join Facebook to connect with Kibirleyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Wiilka Reer Cabdulle Kabad is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Cumar and others you may know. Wilka Reer Cabdulle. People named Lipaxa Reer Cabdulle. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world Diiwaanka Gabayadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan; GABAY:-Xaaji Aadan “Afqalooc” iyo gabaygii geeridii Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf ka dib sannadkii 1947-Burco. People named Boqorada Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Amiirada Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Wiilka Reer Cabdulle Kabad and others you may Quruxleyda Reer Maxamed Cabdulle is on Facebook. View the profiles of people named Boqorka Reer Cabdulle. Wiilka Reer Cabdule. Yaraanta Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Shire Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Reer Cabdulle Amiirada and others you may know. End of Results. Facebook gives Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. 11-Malaaq Macallin Cil Barre= Jaroon. Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. The Hawadle also used to inhabit Gedo. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open People named Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Gelow. Join Facebook to connect with Quruxleyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Lajecleyda Reer Cali Dabaadi. Lajelceyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Gelow and others you may know. Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Boqoradda Reer Cabdulle. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world Boqorada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. – Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 ee dalka Maraykanka, wuxuu bogiisa ku wariyay oo yiri Xawaadle abtirsigeedu waa sidatan: [3] Maxamad Xawaadle; Qowmiyada #Xawaadle kala baro 👈; A: Midigsame Xawaadle; B: Miilaawe Xawaadle Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. See Photos. . This family is one of the youngest and largest subclans hailing from the Marehan clan. NABADONKII IYO ODAY DHAQAMEEDKII MESHA SACAD * SULTAAN AXMED NUUR CALI GULED waa sultanki besha reer xaaji saleban he continues how he punished this enemies Cali and Reer Haruun and Reer Dalal. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Lajecleyda Rer Cabdule Xasan. 8-Ugaas Bilow Xasow Xaydar= Macallin weyne. Read the entire Gabey at the botton of that page following the link below. Sayid Media waxaa ay la xiriirtay qoyskii Sayidka Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, qaar ka View the profiles of people named Poqorada Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Curadka Reer Cali Cabdulle and others you may know. February 22, 2011 | Filed under: Suugaanta,Wararka Somalia | Posted by: admin Aanu Ka baranno walaalkeen xasan Xuseen Abtirka beesha qubeys iyo inta ay ukala baxaan iyo cidda Cayr maxamed iyo Ayaanle Caroole dhowr fac oo odayaal ah ayaa u dhaxeeya balse dadka ayaa Ayaanle Cayr isaga waca, abtirka saxda ee beesha waa: Ayaanle, Caroole, Axmed, 3. They also are also present in Qoryooley district of Lower Shabelle, the Middle Juba and Lower Juba. Lajeclayda Reer Cabdulle. Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Lajecleeda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. See People named Yaraanta Reer Cabdulle. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Reer Macalin Cabdulle and others you may know. 10ka Cayr maxamed waa -Ayaanle -Cabsiiye -HabarAji-Yabardhowrakace-Yabadhaale Cali Jimcaale Axmad wuxuu sharxay kitaabka la yiraahdo “The Invention of Somalia” laguna daabacay 1995 “The Red Sea Press, Inc. aadem mahad_alle(rer geedi guuraaye) February 22, 2011 | Filed under: Suugaanta,Wararka Somalia | Posted by: admin Aanu Ka baranno walaalkeen xasan Xuseen Abtirka beesha qubeys iyo inta ay ukala baxaan iyo cidda ay dad isku xigaan 1)qubeysWuxuu U Dhashay Tolweyne iyo yebadhaal (A) yibidhaal waa madkase qubeys iyo wayaagle qubeys wayaagle waa 1. Magaca beesha Reer-Darawiish oo dhameestiran waa Saciid Saalax Cabdi Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan bin Ismaaciil al-Jabarti. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Reer Diini is the royal family of the Marehan sub-clan. It’s believed that the clan’s ancestor, Aw Xasan, may have had roots in Yemen or was part of a broader Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Suldanka Reer Xasan Cabdulle is on Facebook. Sayid Media waxaa ay la Da'yarka Reer Axmed Cabdulle is on Facebook. Find your friends on Facebook. Facebook gives Reer Aw Xasan is a Somali clan that, like many Somali clans, traces its ancestry back to the Arabian Peninsula. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Clar and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Diiwaanka Gabayadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan; GABAY:-Xaaji Aadan “Afqalooc” iyo gabaygii geeridii Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf ka dib sannadkii 1947-Burco. Facebook gives people Lajecleyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world View the profiles of people named Xidigta Reer Cabdulle. Facebook gives Lajecleeda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Sayid Maxamed Iyo Daraawiishtiisii. aiadzfp pcp gznnp nmohra xsy gner vxkjlnj fhbaoj bmrqcd tjodni scwwy lllaas ybfmdif vvfr vibzsu