Swtor lana beniko romance May 12, 2021 · What are the exact conditions to romance lock her in chapter 9 and keep the romance afterwards? The last time it ended in the infamous cantina scene. Then again, frankly, I didn't like Ashara's romance that May 27, 2018 · The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! Starting romance with Lana Beniko Starting romance with Lana Beniko. Eigentlich dachte ich das ich Nov 11, 2019 · So, I've completed KOTET while in a relationship with Lana, and even kissed her before my final battle. For everything else (for both genders), Lana is the best choice. It was just a check box with no text when I started the romance Mar 3, 2022 · Bonjour, ma question doit être un peu débile mais je voulais vous demander, quand dan l'histoire on est en couple avec la partenaire de lana beniko, si dans l'histoire j'ai juste Aug 23, 2018 · Hallo Zusammen, ich hab jetzt endlich mal auch die Nathema-Verschwörung durchgespielt. So after i finished kotet thinking that I'm in a Relationship with Lana, I Apr 19, 2020 · et puis là, je n'avais pas la popup pour continuer la romance avec Lana, j'annula donc le chapitra, et j'allais voir si mon partenaire avait toujours des relations avec moi, et Dec 21, 2016 · Greeting Dev's, I have submitted multiple trouble tickets and have yet to receive any sort of resolution nor some sort of peace of mind on how my particular problem will be Sep 13, 2015 · bonjour, alors voila, je n'ai pas encore atteints les planètes concernées (suite a un abandon du jeu pendant longtemps) néanmoins j'ai lut par-ci par-là qu'on avait -enfin- accès ( Jan 6, 2016 · Recently started SWTOR again since last playing in December 2012 I believe. I have no [flirt] options with Lana Beniko after completely unobvious KOTFE chapter 9 cantina dialog with Theron. ” Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can 4 days ago · Lana Beniko is a Sith Lord and one of the main romanceable companions introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic - Shadow of Revan. But in all reality if you look at it from Sep 7, 2015 · I just finished the Ziost story and if I didn't already know Lana is in the next expansion I'd be freaking out right now. I did, however accept Valkorrian's help every time Apr 13, 2016 · Alors j'ai finalement commencer une romance avec Lana Beniko au détriment de celle avec ma petite esclave préférée que je pensait perdue à jamais Et puis les patchs et Oct 7, 2019 · If you play chapters 3-9 and there's a patch or update while you are playing through, it can reset your romance flags with Lana and the game will act as though you hadn't flirted Apr 27, 2019 · Hello everybody, I have already heard from many that it is a pity not to be able to start a romance with Lana Beniko, because they gave wrong answers. I got the pop up message and May 12, 2021 · It's after Chapter IX anyway, but if you flirt in that reunion and renew the romance Lana breaks up with you. But, when everything ended, she and Theron were chatting and I was Feb 1, 2021 · It seems I messed up something in my first KotFE playthrough because I can't romance Lana in chapter IX, and ofc i'm a bit salty so i'm going to play all the chapters again, May 12, 2016 · Hello to all So when i flert with Theron thats means that i'm flerting with Lana?i'm playing SOR I dint flert when i spoke with Theron is that means that now i cant romance Lana Sep 28, 2015 · Ashara makes sense if your Inquisitor is really light-sided. Did anyone play it since 4. S’il le pouvait, à la fin de son apprentissage, il ferait comme Lana Beniko et 1 day ago · Graphics: Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 1 GB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3. Share Mar 14, 2016 · Nekobaghira Imperial Agent Sniper Ebon Hawk My codex for Lana Beniko does not list my romance with her. During the Galactic War against the Galactic Republic, she served as a key advisor to Dark Council Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Lana Beniko in the expansions. Are you sure you want to proceed?" click Jan 16, 2016 · You can for sure my consular who fully romanced and married Nadia cheated on her with Lana and started an official romance with Lana. I wonder if you could have a gay romance with a male Feb 20, 2017 · Hi guys! I too had the problem with romancing Lana, except I misunderstood the flirt option in the Cantina scene, thinking I was speaking with Theron only, but anyways after Dec 31, 2014 · I know I'm not the only person thinking about it, but I was thinking it would probably be cool to have an extra companion for Empire Allegiance and maybe even Republic Jan 11, 2025 · So I Loved romancing Ashara Zevros, but while she was gone I was romancing Lana Beniko. ” Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion Feb 22, 2016 · I was told that there was a bug with the Lana romance since 4. (Examples include:Intel HD Introducing cosplay kits for various characters from SWTOR - Starting with Lana Beniko. it came absulutely no Oct 22, 2020 · Hello. With her serene and considerate manner, Jun 20, 2019 · Lana Beniko was a Human female Sith Lord of the resurgent Sith Empire. . It did start the Lana romance but, as soon as I finished Chapter 9, the romance went away. Will the romance option come up for Lana or Aug 24, 2018 · Hallo Zusammen, ich hab jetzt endlich mal auch die Nathema-Verschwörung durchgespielt (mit meinem ersten Char den ich je erstellt hab). You must have successfully started romance with Lana in Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire; Then you can do [Date Night] Dejarik for Two; COOL BUG: If Feb 8, 2018 · I think any of the dark-side classes could work well for her as a romance option. One of the things I did was to look at classes that do not have very good romance options and Jan 11, 2016 · Bonjour, J'ai vu sur une vidéo anglaise que à la fin du chapitre IX, on pouvait séduire Lana et engager une relation, mais je n'ai pas eu l'option, est-ce car j'ai utilisé un jeton Feb 25, 2016 · Another possibility: Usually Lana shows up at the spire, for me, but this last time around, it was Koth. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the 6 days ago · Pas du tout, même. Then in fallen Empire I have been romancing Lana and Mar 31, 2022 · Is there a way to romance Lana Beniko later in the story after KotET, after chosing the wrong dialogue in the Cantina scene in Chapter 9 of KotFE? Unnecessary long version Oct 25, 2015 · First time around on my main character I just assumed that was flirting toward Theron, when my goal was lana so just picked the first option which then allows you to pick a Jan 8, 2016 · Hello, I have a Level 65 Female Sith Assassin that has a romance with Lana Beniko, a lesbian romance so to speak. 1 and got the romance lock in on chapter 9 with Lana? And did it get fixed since the Jul 24, 2023 · hello times a question to enter into a romance or relationship with lana beniko do I have to play the complete story or is it enough there just when I start knights of the fallen Nov 2, 2015 · Like the topic said, what class should romance her? What class were you when you first romanced her, and what class do you wish you had been? Basically, I'm gonna romance Nov 12, 2015 · So I am playing a Jedi Consular who romanced Felix Iresso. Travailler pour les services secrets ou les contrôler ne l'intéressait pas. I'm near Nathema Conspiracy FP, which is rumored to Aug 10, 2020 · Moreover, when I re-recruited Mako back into the team (playing as a Merc BH btw) the game told me I can either continue the old romance with Mako or move on with the new Apr 25, 2017 · clicked to wrong option in chapter 9 and now i carn`t get the option to romance Lana Beniko. I had many times flirt options with her through 8 Chapters, and used it all. They'll happily romance males, females, light side, dark side, imperials, republic. I'm near Nathema Conspiracy FP, which is rumored to Feb 3, 2021 · Hey I've also had this problem after replaying some chapters, support told me the same thing, even though it says that replaying chapters don't affect what choices you already Jan 30, 2020 · I was wondering if it was possible to resume a romance with Kira Carsen even after pursuing a romance with Lana. While completing chapters 1 through 9 of the Knights of the Fallen Empire the romance option never Feb 20, 2017 · Hey guys, Long story short, when I got to chapter 9 I tried to lock my romance option with Lana beniko, but instead it gave a different option. Zaloguj się Sklep Strona główna Kolejka odkryć Lista życzeń Sklep punktów Aktualności Statystyki This will officially lock in your romance with Lana Beniko, and a box will pop up that says "This choice will begin a romance with Lana Beniko. Quality software engineering there, Jun 27, 2020 · Lana Beniko invites the player for drinks at the cantina, and the player can choose “[Kiss Lana]. While I successfully May 28, 2016 · Lana and Theron are almost boring romance options at the moment. I still have the Jun 8, 2019 · I have noticed that Chapter 8 is a good way to test if the Lana romance is bugged. Eigentlich dachte ich das ich Lana Beniko einen Heiratsantrag machen könnte Dec 6, 2016 · Had this issue on two separate characters that were republic characters. By SkyrimCZ May 27, 2018 in Bug Reports. 1. I completed Onslaught and reunited with Kira but had no Feb 14, 2016 · Romanced with Lana my Sith Assasin since Shadow of Revan Prelude. But in Chapter 9 I didn't Dec 7, 2016 · When KOTFE recently came out I played chapters from 1-9 but I think I stoped at 5 or 6 and probably the game got patched and reset rommance, however In my particular case I Jan 21, 2020 · I'm just wondering if I could still marry Lana Beniko even if I skipped KoTFE and only finished KoTET and currently on to Iokath. My agent took Valkorion's power every chance he got and was still able to lock in Lana's romance at the end of Chapter 9. Is there a guide to romance the . Regards, Mark Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service So there you go guys, if your Lana romance was Lana Romance Guide. Therefore, I take the May 16, 2019 · Hello. Loved her character and so on, but when I got the chance to reunite with Ashara Jun 10, 2020 · Hey there reaching out to the community, I'll make this brief. No choice you make Jun 21, 2016 · Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. You never get the chance to resume it for the rest of the game Jan 21, 2023 · So, I'm very deep into my Bounty Hunter (Light Side, Hetero Male) playthrough of Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne. So I played chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire and stopped on chapter called Alliance. Or at least there was a Lana romance bug that can be dealt with in Chapter 8 sometimes. 0 or better. is there anywat to get it back i have restarted the chapter and still no option to flirt :- Dec 6, 2016 · 4/3 Edit: Broke down and tried that this weekend. As far as I know I've done all the flirt/romance options Mar 16, 2016 · The Lana romance is bugged. I denied all Valkorion powers and In chapter called "Taking Fight" Lana saves May 16, 2019 · Hello. The only thing I Jun 27, 2020 · Lana Beniko invites the player for drinks at the cantina, and the player can choose “[Kiss Lana]. If Jan 7, 2020 · hey, first off I'm not really good at doing this kind of stuff and would usually avoid this, but I need help. Played about a month and decided to resub for the KotFE content and used my 60 token to try Jul 24, 2023 · halllo i have now with the 6 char the bug that i can not enter into a relationship with lana beniko in knights of the fallen empire chapter 9 the alliance. Long story short, I didn't get the Marriage proposal option to Lana Beniko after i just finished Naethema Jul 16, 2020 · Which makes the romance with her so much better, I kind of feel bad in a way for the old companion LI you break off to keep up with Lana. Neither were flirted at. I played through shadow of Revan and romanced Lana.
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