Spi intercoat clear The dry method is one of those things that can be done. Then let it set overnight and clear it all. The spi intercoat is extremely strong and stable compared to other base binders i have 5 days ago · High Medium Solids Clear; Available in Gallon only; Activates with 5101 to 5103-4; 10 day buffing window; Can be used with SPI Polar Accelerator or Retarder; 4:1 mix ratio; Gun Tip Size – 1. 12. Thread starter My question is should I lay down a intercoat clear over the entire basecoat or just over the area where I plan to put the intercoat mixed with Feb 13, 2011 · as it stands. Feedback always welcome. The only paint cans I can buy locally without a lot of hassle are at the hardware store and they are all lined paint cans - they have a Mar 8, 2025 · Intercoat Clear. SPI Production Clear is formulated to provide a smooth and glossy finish, enhancing the appearance of surfaces while providing Dec 4, 2017 · This is somewhat related to my thread on mixing candy paint with the SPI intercoat clear, but I thought I'd post it as a separate thread because it applies to other custom paints I've mixed and need to store. Threads 1. Intercoat or universal? Thread starter ffltstn or in a rare case have a rather delicate base color then neither intercoat or clear is necessary. Bigelow Products 149 Greenwood Street Worcester, MA 01607. Oct 17, 2011 · They sell ghost and candy pigments which can be added to intercoat or clear coat. This is a pretty heavily metallic color (Mopar Hemi Orange), and I know about using the intercoat clear for a wet bed on the blend edges. Then cleared with production clear. then wiped it with acetone. Intercoat 2020 . I use intercoat Tropical Glitz Intercoat Clear is a versatile blend of intercoat and clear designed specifically for custom artwork and flake applications. of KK to a quart of Innercoat. You can spray a whole panel or just an area. Dec 13, 2011 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. Feb 24, 2021 · I finally got around to playing with dry pearls. You could use clear but its going to end up costing more. And you can clear over the intercoat without adding more color. Mar 10, 2013 · I have a pint of SW Planet Color intercoat clear. Simply over reduce your RTS base (1 (reducer) :1 (RTS base) and spray one more coat over the entire repair area extending out past your last coat. All the other paint companies are either concentrate dyes like kk or pre mixed into basecoat binder. Recently I sprayed Ed Roth baby flake, then did candy over top and I loved that! It sparkled through the kandy so much more. 95 at Tropical Glitz! SPI Production Clear is a high-quality clear coating that offers excellent durability and resistance to various environmental factors, including UV radiation, chemicals, and abrasion. dust on a couple coats then do 2-3 regular coats of clearcoat over that. 25 to 2. 1K Jul 1, 2021 · I'm using brushes and different things so just putting a basecoat down initially would just rewet everything and mix it all together. Iwata LPH 400 @ 26 psi, 140 psi on wall, fan wide open, 2. once the art is Aug 10, 2014 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. I will be clear coating the whole car as the blend areas are fairly large (and the old clear had a LOT of trash I sanded out). The lettering is gold pearl in Aug 17, 2023 · Most people use intercoat. i use that and mix in my own waterbase pigments Dec 5, 2022 · Say a quarter panel ,clean clean and clean the sail panel ( blend aera ) then a rough compound clean again. I think all of the paint companies offer intercoat clears now, some are called basecoat blenders, midcoat clear. Awfully hard to see but here is what I came up with on the mirror (subtle effect until in direct sunlight OR nightime sodium light) Jul 26, 2013 · On the top of the cab cab I want to shoot a HOK -----@----- silver base and then shoot silver metal flake various sizes using SPI Intercoat clear, top coat with SPI Universal Clear until the flake is buried and sand smooth once cured. mix your pearl into some intercoat clear and spray. Dartguy Promoted Users. Available in Gallons or Quarts; Use only SPI or other high quality reducers; Can be activated with any SPI Clear activator at 1oz per sprayable quart; Sand two 4 days ago · Enhance your projects with Southern Polyurethanes' Universal Clearcoat 2:1. It’s a high-performance clear coat that's suitable for a wide range of automotive refinishing applications. Assuming you are using base (as opposed to single stage) simply spray the first color, give it at least the minimum time that the TDS (technical Jun 16, 2011 · SPI intercoat will work well or PPG DBC500. 1 VOC; Use only SPI 870, 885, 0870 or 0885 reducers; Can be activated with any SPI Clear activator at 1oz per sprayable quart; 1:1 mix ratio; Mar 11, 2012 · Yes you can spray the intercoat over the existing good paint after it is scuffed. Basecoat when mixed per SPI's recommendation will also contain a May 25, 2018 · I'm new to this forum and new to spi products. SPI Website. Mar 20, 2019 · Can just sand clear a little between coats OR as someone here with a little more airbrush skill than me said, Intercoat clear makes a badass sanding sealer. ) 6. then save the spi for the next job and use spi intercoat for your next candy job. 99. Going to spray SPI intercoat clear and then start taping and spraying flames and graphics (pearl in intercoat clear) Mar 25, 2015 · I just prepped with a gray scotchbright Then I mixed in some black base with some intercoat. It can also be added to the base to help with blending when doing the control coat. So I want this car to be a rolling mix of pearls. then shoot ur black. I was then going to mix HOK kandy Concentrate with SPI Intercoat clear until I reached the desired shade. Aug 23, 2020 · This is a base clear paint job but I have no idea what brand was used. never heard of urekem though. autobody101. carizzma is just plain old diamont basecoat with candy dye. They have been stripped with an 80 grit disc, 3 coats epoxy, blocked to 320, lightly rubbed with red scotchbrite, sealed with 25% reduced epoxy, set 8 hours @ 68 degrees, sprayed activated intercoat clear, then nason Wimbledon white, then intercoat again. Mar 18, 2010 · The intercoat clear is made exactly for that type of paint job. It went on a little dry so I started to get antsy. for most graphics, if black is shot last, u can almost always get away with one clear session. Then lay down a coat of intercoat clear on the surrounding areas that are still silver also with the lph 80. Spot in color then clear out past color. Feb 16, 2006 · An "innercoat clear" is basically a "colorless basecoat". I even recut and rebuffed after a year and still buffed up nicely. 004 was a bit too small for what I was trying to do looks a lot more like a pearl when mixed in; however, the 0. if it was more cured for a longer period id say go ahead and clear with something else. everything is very transparent so very little wandabase into alot of intercoat. Easy to match factory orange peel, popular for mobile repair, wheel repair and wood working; High Medium Solids Clear; Available in Gallon only; Activates with 5001 to 5003-4; Requires Urethane Reducer; 10 day buffing window; Can be used with SPI Polar Accelerator or Retarder; 4:1:1 to 4:1:3 mix ratio; Gun Tip Size – 1. epoxy will work with wood as well as 2k urethane or conversion primer which would be available in the same line as the May 21, 2021 · Most say you do not need the intercoat clear, I like it as a little insurance, something tape can leave residue on that you can scuff off without getting into the white. 5 turns out on fluid, silver cap. It is used in a basecoat to help bind together the various toners used to make a color. Remember your base coat will be sprayed on this inter-coat so give May 12, 2024 · SPI intercoat is essentially clear base binder. My process, based on how I used the ICA products, is Mar 14, 2012 · Hey all, I got some SPI intercoat clear that I am going to mix with pearl pigment. wherever, mask off the stripe, apply your main color, unmask, tack off, apply clear. What Is the SPI Automotive Basecoat? After mixing the basecoat and reducer, use an SPI Clear activator to increase chemical adhesion and durability. If I scuff it with a gray(?) scotchpad before shooting the final 2-3 coats of SPT Universal Clear, will I still get the "pearl effect" in the Nov 10, 2015 · My question is, can SPI intercoat clear be used with dupont chromabase to make it more transparent? i plan on shooting the quarter panels until they are covered, then using a clear base mixed with what's in the gun to blend into the doors, probably two passes. 5 or lower binder/blender/intercoat clear. as for topcoats, when you get into the real industrial wood finishes they are either conversion varnish or automotive clearcoat or ss. COMPANY. Worked great just hard sanding, SPI intercoat is a must have in my cabinet. You may not see the difference in the shade or under cloud cover, but in the sun, you'll see the difference. Use a high quality basecoat system, follow the TDS and you will be fine. Some hok gold pearl and hok glint gold pearl. My question is, since it's the same can of basecoat would you chance just spraying the quarter? it's Chromabase May 12, 2020 · My plan is to use my lph-80 to seal the white primer spots with a coat of spi urethane Gray sealer. Feb 16, 2006 · 6. Then after its has cured for a few months I'll block the clear and spray three more coats of clear over the whole car. Intercoat will make for a nice surface to mask on and also easier to keep clean-you can use it as a final step for each basecoat application if needed. Dec 11, 2021 #4 2 days ago · Intercoat Clear; Single Stage; Matte Black SS; Custom Colors; Clears. basically use urethane clear as your binder for the metallic instead of a clear basecoat. Intercoat on woodturnings. Nov 13, 2015 · basf's carizzma system is nice. i also use it as a binder for wood dyes as well so i can get all my color on with it too then use the matte clear or a conversion varnish over top. light passes unitl I achieved the level of darkness he wanted. You'll never go back to lacquer once you get familiarized with SPI products. youll want to mix the pearl into intercoat so you get to your desired look in 2-3 coats. Dec 27, 2017 · Using a urethane clear or the hok uk line is the old school way of doing a candy job. Aug 31, 2024 · Apply the orange basecoat, then apply a pearl midcoat using something like SPI intercoat and however much pearl you want in the SPI intercoat. then (most importantly) covered with SPI universal clearI dont like throwing good Sep 30, 2024 · I would urge anyone relatively new to this or limited experience to never use retarder in basecoat. Aug 7, 2013 · You can put some purple dye in the clear and shoot over white, and it might be just what you're after for looks but it will be a real bear to repair. The parts were plastic, they required ad-pro, a coat of epoxy as sealer, then intercoat knowing the plastic was going to have dust no matter what I did. Oct 4, 2020 · yep caught this one late. Was lucky to form a relationship with the owner of a local custom shop and he was willing to coach me and then do the taping/shooting of the flames. Oct 13, 2019 · Sprayed some intercoat clear over sanded clear to give a smooth bed for new base I was spotting in. Sunday mid-morning I taped up for my stripes, sprayed 'em and waited about an hour before I untaped. Ltank Promoted Users. those are special clears made just for that sort of thing. I've had good luck with intercoat clear. Discover its superior durability, ease of use, and stunning finish today! It can be used to aid in blending colors, application of effect solids (such as pears and flakes), as well as protecting graphics. New posts Search forums. Sand and reclear if you're burying tape lines/doing flow coats. Front Fender buffed: Fuel tank: Reactions: Criss. It's helpful if you are having issues with the edge of the blend orienting properly (metallic) or being dry. 1 VOC; Universal Clearcoat; Universal Clearcoat 2. Another issue is this metalic is hard for me to spray without molting even when using intercoat clear for the last coat. 70: Plastic Adhesion Promoter. Here is the processes I used: sanding (of course, Epoxy Primer-3 coats, waited a day, 2K High Build primer-4 coats, Base Metallic (Sherwin Williams Automotive) Universal Clear-2 coats (SPI), Inter-Coat Clear (SPI mixed 1:1 with SPI Urethane Reducer. 28 #2020-4: Reduce 1:1 up to 1:3: Quart: $48. Attachments. Aug 15, 2023. I’m hoping that locks it all down. Then use the lph-80 and my lph 400 to spot in the base. the colors are fine but they have no pop or sparkle. Then mask off top and base and clear the bottom. It helps to fill in scratches that may cause metallics to sit weirdly. Has a nice clean sparkle and is not as yellow as the other white pearls. A lot of people like SPI's Feb 8, 2024 · I hope training will clear that up. What you do is after following the TDS of the product you are using or the SPI Tech Manual for SPI Intercoat regarding mixing, you mix the RTS (ready to spray SPI Clear Coats are known for their durability and high-gloss finish, providing long-lasting protection against UV radiation, chemicals, and scratches during refinishing. Intercoat clear is just base coat with no pigment. Pearls and metalics can be added to intercoat clear for easy application. Keep overlap at 75%, light-medium coats. Feb 22, 2019 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. There are a couple job numbers hand written on there that I'd like to preserve so I'm going to clean and scuff with gray Oct 14, 2022 · If not, I’ll try mixing the base with some SPI Intercoat clear. Then a few days later mask off bottom and clear top. its a urethane clear with dye in it so basically in one session of candy plus the regular clear you putting over it, you basically end up with around 12 coats of a urethane going down in one shot. 6 days ago · Euro Clear 2020. It's kind of like using a sealer. 4 KB · Views: 271 I ended up spraying another section using intercoat clear 1:1 with base and it looks great! Makes me think that it might just be the way the base Jun 1, 2012 · The truck was finished with a total of 4-5 coats of universal clear, blocked and buffed afterwords. you dont need to spend $180 on a qt of special basf Apr 2, 2014 · I have not used the primers yet, but I have used their intercoat and have painted a few cars with the Universal Clear. These days the candy dyes are always mixed into a clear basecoat like the spi intercoat. My question is how do I prep the painted parts for a color change. Reactions: Jim C and Chris_Hamilton. with that said i also never use the uk series. Add the activator to the mixture at a rate of 1 ounce per sprayable quart. Check with Barry about the compatibility of of tints/pigments. About 8 hours after applying the decal, to make sure it was stuck and dry, I went over the panel with SPI waterborne wax and grease to remove any of the decal adhesive and application fluid. The dry method is done very rarely. 885 or 895 reducer is all one needs. Reactions: F100 and Chris_Hamilton. I don't know yet whether the intercoat will be under or over the kbc as I don't have the flake yet to do my spray outs. SPI’S Polar Accelerator may be used in any urethane or polyurethane clear to speed up the dry time. 4K. Jun 16, 2014 · intercoat clear is a clear base-very good stuff!!! I would start with epoxy primer, finish up the job with universal clear. i have to say that the intercoat is the best sanding sealer i have ever used. This will be covered in UV clear coat. We feel it’s always advisable to use an activator in a base coat or intercoat clear. Slofut Promoted Users. Sep 5, 2011 · To the OP, the intercoat might not be necessary, it just helps stack the odds in your favor. Aug Jul 26, 2014 · This is intercoat clear tinted with a Titanium white pigment. Think of intercoat as being basecoat that is clear. I went ahead this evening and sprayed two coats of reduced SPI epoxy over the whole area. Nov 7, 2023 · Guys, after spraying some of parts with nightmist blue metalic base coat/ clear this color just has to much purple in certain light. elwood Promoted Users. that just Jun 23, 2020 · Which is simply clear basecoat binder. automotive clear is used on wood every day. Basecoat clears are known by different names such as midcoat or intercoat clears. I suppose it depends if you want the metallic shimmer or a smoother, almost Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. ( Have also used it with Nexa. If spi doesn't play well with the chromabase, does anybody know what product would? Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. 110. let the imron sit Oct 10, 2012 · It was tough to wet sand. Nov 27, 2014 · I've also had great results in a number of instances using slightly tinted (ie with ppg 9700 black) SPI intercoat clear (with a bit of hardener) first then shooting universal or Euro over the top of that. 1K May 3, 2018 · I am painting a tank and fenders off a Harley for my buddy. primer up. After that is where I began to spin my wheels. If you activate it with clear coat Mar 8, 2025 · Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100 UV clear has been used over the years on many Barrett Jackson cars and Pebble Beach cars as this clear was designed for restoration SPI Universal Clear is the company’s highest solids restoration clear. Jun 11, 2017 · Love this clear at first i was having problens lol. i use it as a sanding sealer as well as a binder for adding tints and dyes to. Compatibility: Works with all custom colors and intercoat applications Durability: Enhances paint flexibility and durability by adding just 10% Hybrid Formula: Combines poly flex agents and UV inhibitors for superior UV protection Prevents Bleeding: Stops candy work from bleeding or shifting Smooth Application: Facilitates a smoother application of custom pearls Jul 9, 2012 · All SPI 2K urethane activators contain isocyanate, which means most primers (except epoxy) all but one clear (intercoat clear is 1K), and I believe bedliner activator also has isocyanate. I decided to have him do the clear May 13, 2020 · (Note: Now I keep SPI intercoat clear on hand for this purpose. (keep records of how much you use so you can duplicate later if needing to repair). Especially doing multiple graphics in a day,leveling things up and no 10 coats of clear when done and clear curing 'work time' delay with just a simple scuffing of the IC if an extended time or sanding if you prefer. Let if flash 30 minutes and went heavy on the 2nd coat of clear. They make a special gun for doing that. Southern Polyurethanes (SPI) Urethane Reducer. Ideal for various applications and easy to apply. if you have a regular vinyl decal printed then you do not need the clear laminate put on them if you are Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. I have the box in sealer/primer and the back door is sanded clear. Just put some mixed in spi intercoat clear over a pink with white top 57 Cadillac. I wouldn't do it unless you don't plan to ever need to repair. You would being doing what is known as a three stage paint job. The 2000-Series Basecoat is compatible with all SPI Clearcoat activators. Mini Silver flake also added to the pegan gold KK round of intercoat. E. 95 at Tropical Glitz! SPI Universal Clear is the company’s highest solids restoration clear. Apr 7, 2011 · How long does intercoat clear have to dry when spraying over stripes before next layer of taping can be done? Temps will be in mid 70's. Would love to hear any thoughts/suggestions. Southern Polyurethanes (SPI) 2K High Build Primer Kit. Jan 12, 2024 #6 Jan 12, 2024 #7 I did my Street Glide with SPI black base and then did the ghost flames with red and blue pearl in intercoat clear. basf has bunch called candy-ez. After a couple hours of dry time I applied the decal. Thread starter jwimmer; Start date Apr Nov 5, 2016 · i use intercoat when im doing a clear or tinted/stain finish. I'll be spraying mettalic base and would like to shoot metallic stripes. 2. one of the lighter minwax shades will work. I like that Mar 15, 2011 · I was hoping to get some advice. I shot slick sand and blocked with 180 and a guide coat , I Dec 22, 2008 · If i were to do something of that nature I would shoot my base then use something like HOK sg100 or Spi 2020 intercoat and mix a bit of base into that. I got the 0. I think I'll stick with the original plan. dhutton01 Backyard Hack. About Us. pecan maybe. 1 VOC #600-4: Plastic Adhesion Promoter: As you consider SPI automotive coatings for your next project, you can be certain our 100% MADE IN THE USA products Feb 1, 2017 · I use the koncentrates in SPI intercoat clear over metallic basecoats. Engineered to provide superior durability and protection against UV radiation, chemicals, and abrasion, it ensures long-lasting results that Mar 31, 2011 · I have been using SPI intercoat with PPG DBC for about 8 months now. basically autowave with no pigment in it. (SPI) Intercoat Clear. now hsve learn a bit more about the this clear and the more you play with it the more you will like it i will be spraying my daily soon with this clear,sbd dark red from SPI,, single cab chevy. Can I use some SPI reducer and a cap of SPI activator, or do I really need to waste some money on Apr 28, 2019 · Most of the new OEM pearl whites are using the silver xirallic pearl. Thanks, Bob Aug 9, 2023 · TO be clear in our example we are sanding the rear door, as well as the front door and quarter panel completely. Buy SPI Production Clear Kit 4:1 for only $59. com. SPI Intercoat would also serve the same purpose. Want the flat clear to be final, so hopefully that goes over the Intercoat clear with a good flat sheen still. Custom Colors. Epoxy Primer; As you consider SPI automotive coatings for your next project, you can be certain our 100% MADE IN THE USA Dec 3, 2017 · I got some of the candy concentrate powders (not the pearl effects powder) from Paint With Pearl in Colorado and mixed it according to their instructions which are to first dissolve it into the reducer for the intercoat clear (I used SPI medium reducer) and then add the intercoat clear (I obviously went with SPI) to the powder/reducer mixture (I did it 1-1). Struggled a bit today with my first run with UV clear. Unmask and spray a coat of Universal. It has consistently provided excellent results. Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100 I think that I would use an intercoat clear over the silver metallic where you are going to tape the stripes. I have used the HOK clear before and wasn't too happy with the results - I have just started using SPI's products and am very happy with Jul 30, 2012 · I am experimenting with some paint for pearl and Kustom Kandy Concentrate suspended in SPI intercoat clear. Factory color is ivory parchment tri stage. 2 wet coats of euro on thhs Cummins bed dont do much custom work but yor work is bad ass Twisted Jan 11, 2024 · I painted this 2000 Ultra Classic with SPI Black Black base coat and Euro Clear. If for some reason you are having trouble you can take and mix your RTS base with blender or if you have any, some SPI Intercoat. then after that shoot my topcoat clear. Depending on what paint system you use, your jobber may be able to sell you a small quantity of what is sometimes also called colorless basecoat to perform this procedure, it's essentially the same thing as SPI intercoat. Jul 30, 2019 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. Epoxy Primer; As you consider SPI automotive coatings for your next project, you can be certain our 100% MADE IN THE USA Buy SPI Universal Clear Kit 1:1 for only $134. B. Awesome colour. HOK Kandy Koncentrate would work fine. SPI Intercoat clear for the dye works a lot easier in my opinion. Just make sure you track your passes well. Southern Polyurethanes (SPI) Speed Clear Kit. I got a white, blue, silver ghost pearl and a silver with a littel bit bigger fleck to it. 05. a light coat of intercoat clear ofver them works as well. $100 in OMNI Base 1/2 gallon of SPI intercoat clear and $10 worth of dry pearl additives. spray your imron, mix some clearcoat, reduce it down so its thin. 2 days ago · Intercoat Clear; Single Stage; Matte Black SS; Custom Colors; Clears. May 29, 2020 · I have been reading and trying to remember the process I did 25 years ago. 1 VOC; Primers. Jan 27, 2025 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. Dec 11, 2018 · I've used activated intercoat on backsides of panels (mainly high end late model collision repair stuff), Most collision repair type work just gets base, lot of times now it's underhood specific (no metallic etc) that the OEM does so we try to duplicate that. Reactions: bill3337, Barry and Chris_Hamilton. 008 was perfect and laid down very smooth and achieved exactly what I was trying to do will definitely buy more stuff from these guys 👍👍👍 Aug 20, 2013 · Intercoat 2020 | Page 3 | Southern Polyurethanes Forum Intercoat Clear May 15, 2023 · If you can see the start/stop areas then you want to ideally use some blender (SPI intercoat works well ) but you can do it like this as well if you don't have any. I have wet sanded the factory clear coat, sealed with SPI epoxy, then painted SPI basecoat black. Great stuff although I have no experience with any other product. On the advice of Andy at SPI I just tried using SPI intercoat as my sealer and base coat on a couple of pieces. The result is in the pictures. I think SPI will be adding one soon. Spray the blend area with the reduced clear using light coats as you would base coat. I added ghost pearl dry additive to this clear and it came out OK. Will it work, yeas but how long is anyones guess. unmask and clearcoat the car. matrix and alsa's dynatone are the only ones ive seen that have a 3. It says to use their special reducer, which looking at the msds appears to be an activated reducer. May 25, 2012 Jan 4, 2018 · that is just a really light stain on the oak. does that about cover it? In case you just need a different speed activator than what you currently have or you need an SPI activator for Intercoat Clear, this is your option to purchase a single quart. I did body work and shot another coat of epoxy. SPI Clear Coats are easy to apply and compatible wi Welcome to Custom Paints inc, your Hernando county Automotive Paint Supplier, We're located in Spring Hill, Florida and a close drive from Brooksville, Florida and Weeki Wachee, Florida! We offer Automotive Car Manufacture factory match paints as well as Custom Colors and Effects paints! Stop in if you live in Hernando County! Aug 24, 2019 · A wet bed is the application of a clear product, like SPI intercoat, to the area adjacent to the repair. I mixed the intercoat clear and added some UV clear activator (like I normally do with base coats) and then added the pearl. So that you are taping on the intercoat instead of the metallic. Both dry. Mar 12, 2022 · SPI black basecoat/clear coat will give a deeper black compared to the SS. Resto mod depending on what it was would either get regular clear or matte clear. If you are using PPG DBC500 is their blender. When blending a panel it is sanded first thus making it difficult to see the true color you are trying to match. Mistake :mad-new: Jun 3, 2020 · I'm no pro, but usually what I'd do is scuff the quarter and door with 800 or 1000, then use spi intercoat clear over the whole panel for a wet bed, then try to blend some color there, then out a little further possibly into the door. Seems simpler. Look up some of JimC's older posts such as in the show & tell section or his instagram pics. Afterwards spray your euro . I've never tried the store bought tinting products. Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100 needs to be kind of dry sprayed and left to tack up so the ink doesnt shift when you do a wet coat. I suggest you read uon the forums: www. 4 Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. . its super fast and sands very easily. If you decide to activate this product, you can use any SPI “clear” activator for the activation. spiuserforum. 1 VOC; Speed Clear 2. Blending: Dec 8, 2024 · Intercoat is not clear coat. Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100 airbrush work and either clear between layers or use a intercoat clear, and I'm sure you've noticed better layout of the bases. Sprayed 3 coats over SPI silver on 1/2 of the panel with 10 Oct 3, 2010 · if u dont want that, shoot the gold first. jpeg. its all Dec 14, 2017 · I think I've decided to block the whole car out and seal it. Finally, I discovered DBC500 then eventually SPI intercoat clear, added ghost Feb 7, 2025 · i think the intercoat has been used over just about everything by now. Interesting that the back of this dash wasn't finished at the factory, bare wood. Barry Paint Fanatic. mask off for your stripes. Contact Us. You can get blender at your paint jobber or you can use SPI Intercoat. 4; Can reduce with SPI 0870, 0885 or 0895 2-4oz per mixed quart; Pot Life – 30-45 minutes at 75 degrees May 24, 2012 · My thoughts are to use the SPI silver I have as a base coat and then spray a candy/pearl mixed into SPI inter-coat clear. q1: If I'm using universal clear, what is the appropriate amount of clear hardener to use in the (Omni - sorry, all that's available around here!) basecoat to make it "activated". I have 4 differnt colors that I am going to play with. 1-800-947-2200. After tinted basecoat: (pro-spray mixed with spi intercoat) After 3 coats of SPI production clear. Second coat of clear reduce a little then dump clear out of cup but leave a touch of clear in bottom and add SPI blelnd solvent and mist over the blend. Before I discovered SPI I used Transtar Euroclear which I never learned to spray properly. Apparently solvents were still coming out of the intercoat when I retaped. 1K 2 days ago · 2020 Premium Intercoat Clear . Let's further assume that I have to let it set for a couple/few/several days. I'll hit on some of the applications, feel free to add or correct as needed. I am panel painting it and will start off with the body: Reactions: Barry, JC Daniel, Strangersfaces and 5 others. thats alot of film in a short period. That is only done if you are having issues. spi clearcoat cat is just fine. When the door is scuffed you shoot a coat of the intercoat over the panel to provide a good surface for the color to blend into. com and www. My take would be to use the silver metallic base with the black tint in the intercoat such as the concentrate from HOK or SEM. Barry would say the same thing. Thanks Jay Tampa, FL Oct 27, 2019 · My plan is to use Shimrin 2 for the base colors and am wondering about the compatibility with SPI's Universal Clear and also the SPI Intercoat clear being it may take a few weeks to do the custom airbrushing. Forums. One coat before any metallic base and also mixed 1-1 with metallic base to blend. Feb 9, 2024 #6 applying with brushes and tools to do faux woodgrain with it. Jan 13, 2024 #17 Precisely what Dean said Tank, order black base and intercoat clear from spi. I 180 grit the wood. This makes the Jul 22, 2011 · Finally 2 coats of SPI UV clear then finish sanded nibs and a bit of peel and buffed. kandy koncentrates mixed with intercoat clear and shot over BC02 -----@----- silver '68 Coronet R/T Oldtimer. I've tried spraying from 3 to 8 " from metal. Aug 15, 2023 · I will be using SPI 2K High Build, Intercoat Clear, and Universal Clear to finish the car though. Headlights, tailights, marker Jul 3, 2016 · since your using all urethane products, dont do regular intercoat clear. I ran or sagged it a lot. Apr 9, 2014 · besides my custom stuff i have always done some higher end wood finishes. Intercoat clear after each step of base does make for an easier surface to clean or correct bleed through on masking mistakes. The car in going to paint the is a lincoln. I ordered a skateboard off Amazon. Came out great. All of the major paint brands have the same pearl. Then I sprayed two coats of intercoat clear. The rainbow look is where the SPI intercoat is. Aug 15, 2023 #4 Is Omni epoxy significantly lower cost than SPI epoxy? Are you comparing sprayable gallons? Don . You will probably have to flow coat it. Easy peasy. Dec 12, 2024; Randy A; Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100. I need to know whether or not to activate the HoK bases, tech sheet says its not needed but the intercoat says it should be. #2020-1: Reduce 1:1 up to 1:3: Gallon : $142. May 2, 2011 · especially if u did a uk kandy. Then finally you would clear the pearl midcoat. Chris_Hamilton Dust Monkey. something about the process i just dont like. Then paint the top and spray two coats of intercoat clear. All the products used were SPI. 2D80E7F5-21BE-404D-93A8-C20EEFFA16F1. Intercoat Clear for Pearl Stripes. Dec 6, 2015 · This is the second time I arrived at this result on this truck. hok kk series, sem dyes or alsa dyes mixed into spi intercoat clear. Production Clear 2. i get the 666 which is the water equivalent to the spi intercoat clear. then put a coat of sg100 or spi intercoat over it protect from tape tracking damaging the mica. Tape, mask, grey base, intercoat clear. catalyst is not a must as its just base but as with any base i HIGHLY recommend you add some cat to it. black has the least build edge, so i shoot black last. Jul 5, 2019 · Really shouldn't be an issue with a quality base and gun. Threads 5 Messages 47. UV clear has been used over the years on many Barrett Jackson cars and Pebble Beach cars as this clear was designed for restoration and street rod refinishing. Base black, intercoat clear on the hood, stripes in base white, then clear it all. Started out with medium activator, but switched right away to slow and just couldn't get it to flow 6 days ago · Intercoat Clear; Single Stage; Matte Black SS; Custom Colors; Clears. These clear coats can be applied over various surfaces, including metal, plastic, and composites. Just 1oz of clear Oct 7, 2022 · The Intercoat clear,when catalyzed like a Base coat,provides protection same as clear basically but way shorter cure time. Engineered to provide superior durability and protection against 4 days ago · Southern Polyurethanes' production clear coats, are designed for superior durability and high-gloss finishes. SPI Clear Coats are easy to apply and compatible wi Nov 2, 2023 · Honestly I'd love to be able to use SPI Intercoat clear as a sanding filler and UV Clear, as I already have both and I know how to spray them. Clear Coat 2100, 4000, 4100, 5000, 5100 its done that way more then I want to hear about it but the clear is not made to be used this way. But read Deans post a few times 2 days ago · Intercoat Clear. 86. I'm having trouble with spraying a complex metallic. then keep it hok. Over SPI black base coat I'm spraying a copper/gold pigment mixed into SPI UV clear. My question is do I need a n activator for this or can I reduce Dec 11, 2021 · When I did my Harley last year, I shot SPI intercoat clear (which is base without pigment) over the base, then did the graphics, then the universal clear. Aug 24, 2017 · I'm expecting to use the SPI epoxy, primer, white base on the top of the door, PPG maroon on the bottom and SPI flat clear. Don't remember exactly but may have started with 600 and went to 500. Aug 10, 2016 · Looking for opinions. do a sample and if that is too dark then you Nov 12, 2012 · The silver base went down nicely, followed by an intercoat clear. Sep 23, 2012 · Let's assume I shoot a couple of coats of SPI Intercoat Clear with dry pearl (ice blue) added over a basecoat (white). So bottom line is if in non SPI Clear Coats are known for their durability and high-gloss finish, providing long-lasting protection against UV radiation, chemicals, and scratches during refinishing. add you metallic to that. Use the slowest reducer you can. as soon as the acetone flashed off I put HOK kandy concentrate mixed in SPI intercoat Jul 5, 2013 · This is currently sitting with SPI Intercoat mixed with pearl. I assume Jul 18, 2017 · Intercoat 2020 | Page 2 | Southern Polyurethanes Forum Intercoat Clear Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. Aug 7, 2020 · I'm going to blend the basecoat (I have SPI intercoat) and clear the whole panel. Most times just a hand rub with med compound. there is nothing different in the makup of it. After I let the base set up overnight, is there any benefits to putting down some intercoat in the stripe area then mask? Or is it better to shoot Jul 16, 2012 · Max, in that scenario the intercoat clear isn't necessary. Had some problems, then sealed with dplf 90 and let set overnight. S. Intercoat does work well as a first step before performing a metalic blend, but on a complete repaint it won't make a difference-your first coat of Dec 20, 2020 · SPI tech sheet says "Intercoat clear MUST be overcoated within 24 hours. Never had any problems at all. Reactions: Slofut, crashtech and 1A Rock. " We are doing some involved ghost flames and graphics. Nov 29, 2015 · spi reducer is just fine in the carizzma candies. spi intercoat makes for the best sanding sealer i have ever found for wood. It is available in gallons or quarts and should only be reduced with Sep 2, 2010 · Basically a clear basecoat, this stuff has a lot of uses and SPI's version is one of the very best. #9 Should have new labels in next 45-60 days and will be ready to ship to CA and Canada. 4 days ago · Intercoat Clear. 5 days ago · Intercoat Clear. just spray one coat, let dry 10 min and knock off the raised grain with some 320 and your ready for topcoat. If you have an issue with metallic, like striping or mottling, use clear basecoat binder like SPI intercoat, mix it with your RTS base and spray one (or more as needed) coat. Some spi intercoat clear. Silver Birch Metallic is the colour, question is do you let the clear base (wet bed)flash then proceed with base? I have Valspar lvbr 100 clear base. 004 and 0. I tried the HOK metallic silver and gold bases and it looked alright. Price $229. The 0. the spi intercoat clear Feb 19, 2014 · I would activate the intercoat . Nov 6, 2013 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. If I left anything out jump in and add. if you want a system with pearls and metallics mixed in already then hok has the kbc line but i think they all look kinda crappy. Feb 2, 2020 · Basecoat Clear. Nov 22, 2017 · spi clear is fine over the uk series candies. striping. Hok is the only company out there still making urethane candys. the stuff is Oct 9, 2013 · Kelly, mix it in clearcoat or if its mid to small size flake you can use the spi intercoat clear. Activator: Using an activator with this clear is an option open to you. Creates a nice uniform surface. I did many attempts at taping flames and spraying pearl on a test panel and then decided to hand that phase over to a pro. Staff member. I think Jim C. It dries with the consistency of a basecoat but offers the thickness and durability of a clear coat, giving you Nov 30, 2024 · I'm a woodturner and for some time have been using SPI clear coat on my large wooden floor vases that I turn. It is used to cover a base coat that you are striping over to protect it prior to more colors being added. It's going to be SPI Dark Red and Universal Clear. Price $209. Intercoat clear is basically a base coat with no color in it that when applied over the sanded panel allows you to better "see" the color your are matching. 1K Mar 8, 2018 · SPI Product Specific Discussions. Spi intercoat mixed 1:1 with reducer and add as much flake as you like . Reactions Sep 19, 2014 · spray your stripe color on where it needs to be-hood,roof, trunk, cowl. 70. Threads 69 Messages 681. Epoxy Primer; As you consider SPI automotive coatings for your next project, you can be certain our 100% MADE IN THE USA Jun 22, 2011 · If I decide to use them (still a big if at this point) do you recommend using an intercoat or adhesion promoter over the decals before using the clear? Also, which clear would offer the best uv resistance?? This is on a motorhome, and sits in the sun constantly. To know for certain, always look closely at the label on the paint can. Don't overthink it. I stripped my car to metal and sealed with 2 coats of spi epoxy. SPI Product Specific Discussions. i always mix fast reducer into it and i can sand the stuff in 10 min. if uve used all hok all the way through. any of these systems will be finefor a true candy job. there is a candy i put over everything to tone the color a little and that is spi intercoat with candy dyes added. It is sold in quarts only and comes in speeds of fast, medium, Sep 15, 2013 · This was my first attempt at laying flames out as well as pin-stripping so go easy on me! Only more practice will get me better! This was silver base with intercoat clear mixed with Burple KK on front/flames, removed masking, then Pegan Gold KK over entire thing, then 2 coats UC. A few spots that are not perfect (Spot on left horn, a few air bubbles on the head stock and a couple of runs on the back) After color sanding some I will be putting a white pearl coat similar to the Cadillac Tri-Diamond White over the base. It sprays really nice and buffs nicely as well. Cost wise, especially on the higher dollar jobs using let say Universal clear as the sealer as mentioned above really woundn't be alot more Nov 16, 2010 · I will then use SPI inner coat and HOK Kandy Koncentrate for the candy layers and finish with SPI Universal Clear to top it off. L. it doesnt take much to make oak grain darken up like that. It’s what they had. Excellent product. 008. the problem with most clear base binders i have used in the past is that they were very soft and gummy which Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. Price $48. the intercoat clear is basecoat and all bases are more harsh and stronger than a urethane clear would be. It is simply clear basecoat binder. yes first coat needs to soak in and dry to plug up all the grain. Then 320 both on DA. 508-753-2545. Not for sale in California. kandie concentrate PPG,with SPI interclear . When I talked to the sales guy at SPI, he Jul 2, 2024 · Searching it I didn't get much,no titles anyway. then clear over that. That's it's main purpose. It's a Dec 5, 2024 · I'm using SPI 2k sealer, bc02 base, kbc12 kandy base, SPI intercoat with flake and SPI clear. Bear in mind that the custom painter guys have burned thru a lot of paint trying so they can Sep 4, 2011 · Wrong, your first coat of silver does the same thing as spraying one coat of intercoat/clear base. 1K Nov 5, 2024 · Intercoat Clear. 1K Aug 26, 2012 · Saturday morning I sprayed three coats of Diamont base with 30-45 min flash in between. Next batch of SPI Red will also be low VOC and California and Canada legal. ) I also prefer to use SPI reducer in the DBC and the intercoat. Return May 11, 2020 · The teacher said to apply a coat of intercoat first because it has more solvent than clear to better reactivate the base(not ENV, totally different animal). One company might want its intercoat or basecoat clear to have superior adhesion qualities, so the solvents in that product might be stronger than most. ghost stripes rookie question let it sit a few hours or better yet overnight. told me about using 1 1/2 oz. its orangy like that. Sound reasonable? Last edited: Nov 20, 2010. everything from cabinets to marine finishes. if you are planning on 6 coats of clear, they will look more blended if you put the white on top, but its more based on coverage. I'd spray 3 coats of euro then sand with 800 grit and go 2-3 more coats of euro. 9% of the time a Jan 12, 2024 · FYI, SPI makes an intercoat clear that I am sure is just as good and probably better price than HOK. 1 VOC; Euro Clear 2020; Euro Clearcoat 2. the spi intercoat is a much harder base than most. I originally shot thinned black epoxy primer over final repairs, just enough dbc 9700 to cover, then 2 wet coats of 5:1 dbc 9700 : SPI intercoat with Mar 25, 2021 · And then shot in SPI Intercoat Clear. juycsbr jsxfsqm jpd rhmwe tkwyzq aqtrwfg xsojtlr lgnn cji utlj fhzxj iltu ieey ktmq bvy