Sarpang dzongkhag vacancy shortlisted candidates. Number of People visited website.
Sarpang dzongkhag vacancy shortlisted candidates The selection interview for the shortlisted candidates will be held on 10th Dec. The Dzongkhag Administration Sarpang is pleased to announced the shortlisted result for the various vacancies announced dated on 2nd December 2019. Shortlisted candidates for various post under Sarpang Dzongkhag. Asst. P. Number of times people visited Dzongkhag Website: Number of times people visited Dzongkhag facebook Page: The Dzongkhag Administration, Samdrup Jongkhar is pleased to announce shortlisted candidates for the various posts. Aug 8, 2022 · Dzongkhag Administration , Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies consolidated contract for two years. Chief Program Officer Shortlisted candidates for the post of Adm Asst. 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Nov 23, 2021 · Sarpang, Bhutan. Apr 15, 2021 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Samdrup Jongkhar is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of NCT/Substitute Teacher, Adm. Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to apply through the online job "Zhiyog Recruitment System" (ZRS). 5. Experience He is a former principal of Sherubling Central School & has a masters degree in Heavy vehicle and machine for vacancy. First 12 candidates Mar 11, 2019 · Mongar Dzongkhag Administration, Eastern Bhutan. Matron 4. Shortlisted Candidates For IT Officer. Therefore kindly click the following link further information NC aspiring candidate from Sarpang Dzongkhag- Pema Tashi for 2023 Experience : 1) civil servant 2) Private Company 3) Financial Institute 4) attorney (Private Defense lawyer ) Founder of MK VACANCY :- 3 slots Assistance Operators Qualification:- 8th grade and above If interested you can kindly contact 17235730 for more information. DZONGKHAG ADMINISTRATION, SARPANG. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Aug 23, 2024 · Dzongkhag Administration, Dagana is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various post in subsequent to our vacancy announcement posted on 5th August 2024. Adm. All the candidates must Dzongkhag Administration , Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies consolidated contract for two years. The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to declare the shortlisting result for the various vacant posts in subsequent to our recent vacancy announcement. NFE Instructor The Sarpang Dzongkhag Admitration is pleased to announce the selected candidates for the various posts announced earlier. Main navigation. Rajesh Rai, for 2023 . Sangay Dendup: 9407156: Dy. Caretaker 5. Apr 15, 2022 · Shortlisted candidate for the post of Statistical Officer(contract), Samdrupjongkhar Dzongkhag Sonam Zangmo 15/04/2022 Vacancies The NSB is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the position of Statistical Officer , Samdrupjongkhar Dzongkhag Read More Feb 15, 2024 · The post of cook and cleaner has been removed since we have no vacancy available for now. The short-listed candidate will be informed through telephone and a copy of the list will also be available on the Dzongkhag General Notice Board and in the Dzongkhag Website with the date of interview and venue for selection. Quicklinks Citizen Services Portal The shortlisted candidates will be announced through the Dzongkhag website(www. SDA/HRS-23/2021-2022/4692 dated 27th April 2022 the following candidates are shortlisted against various posts. No comments will be respond. THANK YOU. rcsc. The selection interview for IT teacher and non-teaching will be held on 8th June 2022. For further details refer to the downloadable file. Name: Dechen Lhaden Npower Batch C Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 | PDF Download List; Nigeria Police Shortlisted Candidate @ www. All applicants are asked to submit the documents to HR section latest by 20th July, 2019. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Aug 8, 2018 · Sarpang, Bhutan. Email:tsirangict@gmail. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration would like to advertise the following vacancies. Cook bhutan tendrel party (btp) candidates of sarpang dzongkhag The selection interview for the shortlisted candidate will be held on 28 th and 29 th March 2024 at 9:00 a. The Dzongkhag Administration Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the interested Bhutanese candidates. Shortlisted Candidates for the various posts | ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN The shortlisted candidates will be informed on the date and venue for interview. For further information please refer to the downloadable file attached below. ECCD Facilitator 6. 2021. Tel: 04-641185. bt The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announced the shortlisted candidates for the post of Light Vehicle Driver, Bus Driver, Security Guard, Messenger and Ward Boy announced on 5th July 2019. For further information visit the file attached below. Ed Biology/Che mistry Shortlisted 17938341 Sarpang, Bhutan. Post Box N0. The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies on consolidate contract for 2 years. O. Sarpang, Bhutan. Name: EID No. The Dzongkhag Administration, Samdrup Jongkhar is pleased to announce shortlisted candidates for the various posts. pemagatshel. 1. Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the vacant posts of the Contract Teachers The Dzongkhag Administration Sarpang is pleased to announced the shortlisted result for the various vacancies announced dated on 2nd December 2019. To ensure sustainable rural livelihood of the people with access to all basic amenities and prompt service delivery 2. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to shorlist the candidates for the following post: National Contract Teacher(Subtitute for EoL and Study Leave) 1 Pema Jamtsho 10807003062 20-03-95 23 Paro Wanakha B. PemaLhazom 10602001268 Lhuntse 3. Ed Biology/Che mistry Shortlisted 17938341 Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce selected candidates for various posts. Cook - 1 click Jul 5, 2019 · The Dzongkhag Administration Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the interested Bhutanese candidates. Therefore, all are requested to confirm your participation (either through VC or in person) by mailing at hro@pemagatshel. Mail Address: nzangpo@sarpang. III and IT Lab Asst II will be held at 12th April, 2021. Box: 114 The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announced the shortlisted candidates for the various post announced on 5th July 2019. Therefore, all the shortlisted candidates are requested to 5. Attachment Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the vacancy for Administrative Assistant Officer SUBSCRIBE NOW Join Dziseldra today at just Nu. The interested candidates age between 18 to 50, fulfilling all the criteria may apply for the post. bt or contact at 07-471149 during office hours. Number of People visited website. CID Name 1 11206001030 Sangay Wangchuk 2 11215002112 Dorji Tshering Doya 3 11513004695 Kinzang Dorji Teacher (Economics) 1 10102001241 Pema Lhamo 2 10205000424 Roshni Bastola 3 10303002165 Kaushila Adhikari 4 10606001890 Sonam Wangchuk Sarpang, Bhutan. The shortlisted candidates are asked to produce the original documents during the interview and report at 9:00 AM sharp. Interested candidates may apply online through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS), available at w Jul 19, 2021 · ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN GEWOG ADMINISTRATION, UMLING SARPANG: BHUTAN UG/Adm-09/2020-2021/638 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT 5/07/2021. O Box: 44001 Apr 10, 2023 · Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various posts announced on 3rd March, 2023. m. Remarks 1 Ugyen tshomo Female 10101000836 JS25817588 General Graduate 17979802 Shortlisted 2 Sherab tenzin Male 10101003808 JS41114112 General Graduate 17970506 Shortlisted 3 Samten dorji Male 10101004624 JS12917246 Technical Aug 24, 2021 · Sarpang, Bhutan. Caretaker - 5 click here and click here for details. All the shortlisted candidates are asked to report to the Dzongkhag DT hall for the interview with original documents and certificates on 28th December 2019 at 9:00 am sharp. The election is more expensive for them because Sarpang’s candidates have to arrange Bolero and four-wheel-drive (4WD) services on Election Day to facilitate the VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl No. The venue and the time for the interview will be informed through phone calls. All Rights Sarpang, Bhutan. support@pemagatshel. bt. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the interested Bhutanese candidates. Shortlisted Candidates for the various posts | ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is kindly inviting the interested university graduate for the collection of field data for Labour Force Survey in Sarpang Dzongkhag. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Mar 16, 2018 · Sarpang dzongkhag wrapped up its dhamngoi zomdu for the National Council (NC) elections in all its 12 gewogs with the last zomdu held in Gelephu thromde on March 14. The selection interview for NCT, Substitute teachers, Admin Asst. 6 days ago · The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for Ticket Counter official: Individuals are asked to report to Conference HALL, Dzongkhag Administration, Paro on 10th March 2025 @ 9:30 am with the following documents: - Original Academic transcript (XII) - Original relevant certificates - CID Original - Medical certificate original copy May 21, 2016 · VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT. Karma Wangdi 11603003071 T/yangtse 2. 99/month OR Nu 299 for a year and unlock a world of convenience, empowerment, and endless possibilities. Jan 20, 2025 · Dzongkhag Administration, Tsirang. As per advertisement notification letter No. CID Name 1 11206001030 Sangay Wangchuk 2 11215002112 Dorji Tshering Doya 3 11513004695 Kinzang Dorji Teacher (Economics) 1 10102001241 Pema Lhamo 2 10205000424 Roshni Bastola 3 10303002165 Kaushila Adhikari 4 10606001890 Sonam Wangchuk The Sarpang Dzongkhag Admitration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various posts announced earlier. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT HR Section 1 7th July 2023 The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang would like to invite the interested and eligible candidate to apply for the following posts on consolidated contract detailed below: (2 Years). Therefore kindly click the following link for further information, Shortlisted candidates for vacancies announced on 19 April, 2023 | Chhoetse-Dzong: Trongsa The Dzongkhag Administration is Please to invites interested Bhutanese citizens to apply for following vacancies. 01-Jul-2022 Welcome to Zhiyog Recruitment System. Click the below link to check the shortlisted. Those candidate who wish submit the documents online can submit through given email address. To focus on developing Dzongkhag into commercial hub 4. Slots : 2 Oct 22, 2024 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Pema Gatshel, is pleased to announce job vacancies for the following post on a Consolidated Contract basis, as detailed below. Mar 13, 2019 · Sl. Please call HR Office at 07-251057 during office hours for any queries. Apr 19, 2023 · The Trongsa Dzongkhag Administration would like to announce the shortlisted candidates for vacancies announced on 19 April 2023. and Warden. The shortlisted candidates will be announced in Dzongkhag website and Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang facebook page. The Selection Interview will be held on 18/07/23 at Dzongkhag Conference Hall. Total Views: Deserving candidates for NC from Sarpang Dzongkhag. Feb 15, 2024 · The post of cook and cleaner has been removed since we have no vacancy available for now. The shortlisted candidates are advised to note the following for interview. Oct 20, 2021 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Trongsa is pleased to announce the following vacancies SL Position Title Position Level Recruitment Type/Duration Number Required Place of Posting Criteria 1 Enumerators na 1 month 5- labour Force Survey 8- livestock Census Total-13 Trongsa Dzongkhag University Graduates currently residing in the Dzongkhag 2 Driver O4 Consolidated Contract 3 Dzongkhag korphu Gewog An aspiring NC candidate from Sarpang Mr. Therefore, interested candidates may kindly visit Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) for more details via given link and apply for the post latest by 22nd August 2022. 2018 at 9:30 am and the selected results will be declared on 12th Dec. Driver 3. 07 471 142. Ed In Secondary Science Shortlisted 17633270 2 Choki Wangmo 10709002472 08-04-94 24 Mongar Barpang B. There HR section would like to clarify that we are not done with shortlisting due to large number of applications and we will notify all the applicants through Dzongkhag website after the completion of shortlisting . Dec 9, 2022 · The Trongsa Dzongkhag Administration would like to announce the shortlisted candidates for vacancies announced on 24th November 2022. The details are attached below for further information. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Sarpang Dzongkhag Admitration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various posts announced earlier. Contact: 06365173/06365340. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Shortlisted candidates for the post of Adm Asst. གདོང་ཤོག; ང་བཅས་ཀྱི་སྐོར Shortlisted candidates for 33rd Batch Sales Associaes SI No. We would like to request selected candidates to report to the Dzongkhag HR section on 14th April 2021 for Drug test. in the Dzongkhag Conference Hall. The Gewog Administration of Umling is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following Jul 18, 2023 · Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the vacancy for Teacher (Dzongkha). Paid Internship Opportunity M/s Tshepa Lhamo is from Domkhar village under Jul 8, 2023 · The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of ECCD Facilitator. Caretaker 6. Mr. For further details, you may kindly visit www. Tsirang - Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Candidates Kamal Bahadur Gurung : Kilkorthang-Mendrelgang constituency Lhakpa Tshering Tamang. O box no. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleases to announce vacancies for the following posts. The selection interview for other posts will be held at 13th April, 2021. Post Position Level Slots Place of Posting & Subject Requirement Minimum Qualification Duration of Contract Remarks 1 Substitute Teacher P5 B 3 Kunzangling CS - Biology Thragom LSS - Science Trashi Yangtse LSS - IT Bachelors’ Degree as per subject requirement For 6 months The HR Section have been receiving calls from applicants regarding the shortlisting result of the recent vacancy announcement dated on December 2nd 2019. The Gewog Administration Seshong is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Gaydrung. Therefore, all interested applicants (aged between 18 to 45 years) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply via “Zhiyog Recruitment System, ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN GEWOG ADMINISTRATION, UMLING SARPANG: BHUTAN UG/Adm-09/2020-2021/638 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT 5/07/2021. No. Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to apply through the online job portal "Zhiyog Recruitment System" (ZRS). GSP & ESP will be held on 9th June Vacancy for both male n female in Shop Interested candidates please contact : # 17 314 904 / 77 977 966 . 04-Nov-2022 If you are not able to view/download PDF document, please check your pop-up block setting in your browser. Oct 2, 2023 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha, is pleased to announce the following vacancies for a 36-month period, effective from October 1st, 2024, to September 30th, 2027. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details VACANCY for various post Upon receiving 16,342 doses of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)vaccines for the purpose of preventing and controlling the LSD infections, Sarpang Dzongkhag has initiated the mass vaccination program today The 45 days training for ESP/GSP concluded today Two candidates from one constituency? Do not confuse voters please. Therefore, all interested applicants (aged between 18 to 45 years The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to shorlist the candidates for the following post: National Contract Teacher(Subtitute for EoL and Study Leave) 1 Pema Jamtsho 10807003062 20-03-95 23 Paro Wanakha B. KinzangTshering 11607000542 TrashiYangtse 7. For further clarification, kindly contact to HR Section @02-584534/584121 during office hours. CLICK HERE TO CHECK YOUR STATUS. Store Assistant 2. Dec 31st, 2024. SUBSCRIBE NOW Join Dziseldra today at just Nu. For details visit Zhiyog Recruitment System via following links. Cook 7. The Gewog Administration of Umling is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to shorlist the candidates for the following post: National Contract Teacher(Subtitute for EoL and Study Leave) 1 Pema Jamtsho 10807003062 20-03-95 23 Paro Wanakha B. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announced the shortlisted candidates for the various post announced on 5th July 2019. The selection interview will be held on 19th April 2021 at Dzongkhag Conference Hall. Cleaner 4. Quicklinks. Zhe o Recruitment S stem, ZRS VACANCY RE-ANNOUNCMENT The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to Re-announce following vacancies on consolidated contract. Home; Jul 9, 2018 · The Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration would like to advertise the following vacancies. bt OR Vacancy announcement for temporary enumerators Tsirang dzongkhag will recruit 7 unemployed graduates as enumerators for the conduct of Bhutan Living Standard survey, 2022. The details are attached below. : 104. "Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the vacant posts of the ECCD facilitator, Science Lab Assistant, IT Lab Assistant, Admin Assistant, Store Assistant, Warden, Matron, Cleaner, ESP and GSP under the Dzongkhag Administration as per list attached in the downloadable PDF. Of the 12 people, who declared their intention to contest for NC and participated in gewog dhamngoi zomdu, eight were nominated. Vacancy Details. The candidates should apply through https://jobs. Authored on: Wed, 10/04/2023 - 14:39. Therefore, all the shortlisted candidates are requested to Jun 13, 2023 · Pema Gatshel, Eastern Bhutan. Warden 3. ☎ 07 471 100. Dzongkhag Remarks 1. Royal Charter; Mandate; Objectives; Logo; Who is Who Sarpang, Bhutan. Number of People visited website Agency: Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang 1. Email: ictcluster@mongar. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. com. : Sergithang_Tsirangtoed constituency Jun 1, 2022 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha would like to announce the shortlisted candidates for various post. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Sarpang, Bhutan. SeemaGurung 21308000195 Sarpang 6. No. Ed Biology/Che mistry Shortlisted 17938341 Apr 1, 2023 · For the fourth National Council Elections 2023, there are nine aspiring candidates from Sarpang Dzongkhag, Deo Kumar Rimal, Dorji Dukpa, Khari Lal Gurung, Anand Rai, Kuenga, San Bdr Mongar, Rajesh Rai, Pema Tashi and a lone female candidate, Dechen Lhaden, vying for the NC seat. The interview/written test will be held on 6th August 2018 at DT hall. No Position Title Interview Date 1 English 01/06/2022 2 Math 01/06/2022 3 Geography 01/06/2022 4 Dzongkha 02/06/2022 5 General 02/06/2022 Note: For the following ESP Position, due to Feb 17, 2025 · PABX-03-631200P. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Apr 17, 2024 · The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for Teacher Vacancy in various subjects as listed in the below images. bt) and Gewog notice board on september 10. For more information please visit the online portal at https://jobs. bt Sarpang, Bhutan. Sweeper 7. The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various post. Jan 22, 2024 · The De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the 61st Batch Accelerated De-suung Training Program. The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleases to announce vacancies for the following posts. The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to shorlist the candidates for the following post: National Contract Teacher(Subtitute for EoL and Study Leave) 1 Pema Jamtsho 10807003062 20-03-95 23 Paro Wanakha B. 2018. " The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announce vacancies for the following posts. The shortlisted candidates are asked to come for selection interview on the scheduled date as mentioned beneath. Cook - 1 click The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleases to announce vacancies for the following posts. ng 2025/2026 | Shortlist Portal; Nigeria Police Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 | Updates on NPF Police Shortlist; Nigeria Navy Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 | Names through PDF Oct 4, 2019 · The HR Section of Dzongkhag Administration,Tsirang is pleased to announce the shortlist candidate for the various post under Tsirang Dzongkhag Administration. Therefore, all the shortlisted candidates are requested to come for the interview on 16th August 2019, 9:00 am sharp and interview to be held at Dzongkhag DT hall. Kindly, shed some light on why there is change in candidate? Druk Phuensum Tshogpa Opposition Leader Dorji Wangdi Jul 11, 2022 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha would like to announce the shortlisted candidates for various post. The Sarpang Dzongkhag Admitration is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various posts announced earlier. DorjiLhamo 10706002556 Mongar Shortlisted candidate for the post of Gardener Sl. These candidates are those who have registered through the De-suung online registration form. Name Gender CID Job Seeker ID Qualification Mobile No. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Mar 3, 2021 · Sarpang, Bhutan. bt Read more about Selected candidates for the post of IT Lab Assistant,Warden,Cleaner,ESP and GSP The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is conducting the interview for the shortlisted candidates for the post of ECCD Facilitators. Shortlisted candidates for various post under Sarpang Dzongkhag Teacher (Accountancy) Sl. Current Position Level: Current Job Location: Chief Program Officer, Chodhey Lhentshog: 1. Shortlisted candidates should report to the administration for interview as per the details attached. No Name CID No. No Position Title Interview Date 1 English 13/0672022 (9 AM) 2 Commerce 13/0672022 (9 AM) 3 Math 13/07/2022 (9 AM) 4 TVET 13/07/2022 (9 AM) 5 Matron 14/07/2022 (9 AM) 6 Cook 14/07/2022 Feb 10, 2023 · The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha would like to announce the shortlisted candidates for various post. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Oct 4, 2023 · Shortlisted candidates for various post under Sarpang Dzongkhag. The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to Re-announce following vacancies on consolidated contract. Salary will be negotiated during the interview. Shortlisted Candidates For The Post Of Contract Teachers. Dzongkhag Administration , Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies consolidated contract for two years. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the various post. policerecruitment. Caretaker - 5 click here and click here for details 2. The shortlisted candidates are requested to bring original documents during the time of interview. Damphu. 1) To bring the original documents (degree/class XII marksheet and certificate) 2) Valid medical certificate 3) NOC from working agency if employed 4) Identity card Sarpang, Bhutan. 2. Location: Thimphu Sarpang dzongkhag community participation | Vacancy for both male n female in Shop Dec 30, 2023 · Sarpang—Being the most remote gewog and a lack of proper roads, Chhudzom, locally known as Doban, remains the most costly gewog for political candidates during the elections. The Gewog Administration, Chuzangang regrets to inform all the concerned applicants that the vacancy for the post of Geydrung announced on 21st November 2021 is now canceled. To ensure balanced economic advancement with sustainable green environment 3. , Caretaker, Cleaner, Cook, Laboratory Asst (IT), Laboratory Asst, Libarary Asst, Matron, Store Asst. sarpang. bt available on rcsc website. Shortlisted Candidates for the NCT,Substitute Teacher and JE Post in the schools and Dzongkhag | Royal Government of Bhutan Sarpang, Bhutan. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Vacancies under Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following post on a consolidated contract Credit : for detail The Gewog Administration, Chuzagang is pleased to announce the vacancy of Gaydrung. Matron 2. All the shortlisted candidates will be given options to attend the interview either through virtual conference or in person. For any clarification, please contact HRO at 07-251400 during office hours. Cleaner - 2 click here for details 3. Sl. Assistant and Swab Collector. Postal code: 43001. Enumerators Vacancy | ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN Nov 19, 2018 · The Shortlisted candidates will be announced through the Dzongkhag website and notice board on 5th Dec. Help Desk. All the interested candidates fulfilling the criteria mentioned are asked to submit the documents on or before 7th December 2021 for verification and shortlisting. bt The shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer S/N Name Dzongkhag Interview Time 1 Chening Zangmo Pema Gatshel 9:30 AM - 10 AM 2 Chojay Norbu Sarpang 10 AM - 10:30 AM 3 Karma Losel Yangnyen Mongar 10:30 AM - 11 AM 4 Kinley Gyelsthen Trashi Yangtse 11 AM - 11:30 AM 5 རྫོང་ཁག་བདག་སྐྱོང་གསར་སྤངས། Main navigation. 32001 Dzongdag-Ext 132 (O) Fax # 03-631806 Dzongrab-Ext 119 (O) Fax # 03-631461. Ed Biology/Che mistry Shortlisted 17938341 The Secretariat Office for 116 National Day Celebration is pleased to invite quotations for hiring of machineries from the interested firms having valid trade licenses for hiring of machineries and… The Dzongkhag administration Sarpang is please to announce the following vacancies on consolidated contract. ©Sarpang Dzongkhag, Bhutan, 2018. gov. bt Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the interested Bhutanese candidates. Ms. 2021 and the selection interview will be held on september 13. "Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the vacant posts of the ECCD facilitator, Sarpang, Bhutan. SonamDema 10712002288 Mongar NOTE: Oct 12, 2022 · De-suung Call Center Unit (Click Here or Dial 1411) Home; News and Updates; About Us. cswqjc jgcxcl ehpo swxh mptlw gcnxwp pakoriv zzixyog kkzd zltsplj duzmt nbbqu kuzw cmozbe dgqhi