Rec twinpeak 4 black series Commercial solar power: Businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills can benefit from the panel’s high output. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC Twinpeak series Intersolar Award-winner 2015 Press release. Warranty Information (From Install) Commercial Use View online or download Rec TwinPeak 4 Series Installation Manual. Basandosi sulla lun REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased yield and lower costs. 1 m + 1. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 REC Solar TwinPeak 5 395 Black Series – Modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 365 W Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 5 apportano maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. 0 practices. FRAME ELIGIBLE. Design load = Test load / 1. 7 lbs (18. 2 in Wire Size: 12 AWG Material: Anodized Aluminum Frame, Highly Resistant Polymer Backsheet Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Spec Sheet: REC_twinpeak_4_black_series_en_use This is the REC355TP4, a premium 355W all-black solar module by REC. 1 m + REC N-PEAK 2 BLACK SERIES GENERAL DATA Cell type: 120 half-cut mono c-Si n-type cells 6 strings of 20 cells in series 3. MAXIMUM RATINGS CERTIFICATIONS WARRANTY MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions: 66. IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001 :2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, IEC 62941 GR GR GR Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. PREMIUM SOLAR PANELS WITH SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE. 3. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak ! REC Solar TwinPeak 4 Series 375 – Modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 375 W Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 4 portano una maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. What’s new? REC PEAK ENERGY SERIES 1665±2,5 28 382,5 900 GR 15. . Introduction. FEATURING REC’S PIONEERING TWIN DESIGN 100% PID FREE SUPER-STRONG FRAME ELIGIBLE rec Twni Peak 4 Serei s REC TwinPeak ˜ Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Die neue REC TwinPeak 4 Serie setzt auf die Stärken, die dieser Modulreihe zu großem Erfolg verholfen haben und nutzt das bahnbrechende REC Twin-Design, das seit seiner Einführung 2014 mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde. Combined with industry-leading product quality and REC strongly committed to CSR As all REC solar panels, the TwinPeak 4 Series is manufactured in REC’s highly efficient production site in Singapore using Industry 4. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 5 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme Available from: ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code REC Solar TwinPeak 4 Series REC370TP4 Black modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 370 W dal design unico “twin”, che consente loro di generare elettricità anche quando sono parzialmente ombreggiati. Garantiebedingungen REC Solar TwinPeak Series ; Menü schließen REC TwinPeak 4 REC375TP4 - 375 Wp (BFR) - mono, 120 mono c-Si p-typ PERT Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 20 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen. 22 Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box: 3-part, bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors: Black: Power Tolerance: 0/+5 Watts: Weight (lbs) 44. Series: TwinPeak 4 Black Length: 69. 1 in Width: 40. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF ENF Solar REC TwinPeak 4 Solarmodule stehen für fortschrittliches Design, einen hohen Wirkungsgrad und starke Leistung. Technical Properties: REC Twinpeak Series. 2021 16:13:34. Hierdoor kunnen klanten de beschikbare dakruimte optimaal benutten. 0 x 3. 2 mm solar glass with anti-reflection surface treatment Highly resistant polymeric construction (black) 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP68 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 4 mm² solar cable, 1. Coef PMAX: -0,34%/K Color marco: Negro Dimensiones: 175,5 x 104,0 x 3,0 cm Peso: 19,5kg Cable: 1 000mm con conectores MC4 Caja de conexión: Split box - Mid Garantía de producto: 25 años Garantía de generación: REC N-PEAK 2 SÉRIE DONNÉES GÉNERALES Type de cellules: 120 demi-cellules de type-n Mono c-Si 6 chaînes de 20 cellules montées en série Trempé transparent 3,2 mm avec traitement anti-reflet Feuille postérieure: Construction en polymère à haute résistance 4 mm² câble solaire, 1,1 m + 1,2 m conforme à EN 50618 conforme à IEC 62852 IP68 lors de la connexion REC TwinPeak 5 Black Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Building on REC's long experience with half-cut cell technology, the REC TwinPeak 4 Series uses p The REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panel is space efficient, featuring increased productivity, power production and a sleek fully-black design. 5 x 104. 11: Rail Exclusion Zone for REC TwinPeak IQ Series 12. Also for: Twinpeak 4 black series, N-peak series, N-peak black series, N-peak 2 series, N-peak 2 black series. REC TwinPeak 4. rec TwinPeak 4 Black Series MEHR LEISTUNG PRO M² AUSGESTATTET MIT RECS BAHNBRECHENDEM TWIN-DESIGN 100% PID FREI SUPERSTARKER RAHMEN BERECHTIGT Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Black Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. indd 1 12. 24. ; Caratteristiche del design: . 94 in Depth: 1. 0 Panel frame color : Black Panel backsheet color : Black Dimensions : 177. 17. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 und etablierten Marke sind REC TwinPeak 4 Black Solarmodule die ideale Lösung für private und gewerbliche Aufdachanlagen weltweit. Set 20 moduli fotovoltaici Rec Solar Twinpeak 5 400 Black Series modulo fotovoltaico monocristallini da 400 W – TOT. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP4 Black Power Europees merk zijn REC TwinPeak panelen uitermate 4 geschikt voor daken van woonhuizen en bedrijven. REC SOLAR TWINPEAK 4 BLACK SERIES – MODULO FOTOVOLTAICO MONOCRISTALLINO REC355/360/365/370TP4 Black Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 4 portano una maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. 9 kg) All you need to know about the REC360TP4 Black solar panel including rating, cost, efficiency, and warranty terms. 25 x 1. REC is a European brand with a long history of leadership and innovation is solar. REC Alpha Pure Series: Bleifrei und höhere Leistungsdichte. Twin Design: L’esclusivo design “gemello” consente a questi pannelli di generare elettricità anche quando sono parzialmente REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased yield and lower costs. Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC370TP4M 84792. Based on the multiple award-winning REC TwinPeak technology, REC TwinPeak 4 panels bring heightened efficiency to REC's portfolio. 2 mm solar glass with anti-reflection surface treatment REC TWINPEAK 4 SERIES. Zoom. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the rec TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP67 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 Cable: mm² solar cable, 4 1. Beschreibung REC Solar TwinPeak 4 REC365 Black - 365 Wp (FB) - 365 Wp mono, 120 mono c-Si p-typ PERT Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 20 Zellen i 6 Stränge mit 22 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen, schwarze View and Download REC TwinPeak 4 Series installation manual online. Sign In Upload. REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Installation Manual (31 pages) Brand: REC | Category: Solar panel | Size: 36. So nutzen Kunden die für die Solaranlage verfügbare Fläche bestmöglich aus. Purchase through an REC Certified Solar REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC rec TwinPeak 4 Black Series PREMIUM SOLAR PANELS WITH SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power brand, REC TwinPeak 4 Series panels are ideal for residential and commercial rooftops worldwide. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 Ansicht Und Herunterladen Rec Twinpeak 4 Serie Installationsanleitung Online. 10: Panel dimensions (REC TwinPeak Series) 11 Fig. Manuals; Brands; REC Manuals; Solar panel; TwinPeak 4 Series; REC TwinPeak 4 Series Manuals. 2021 11:07:24 Les modules photovoltaïques REC Série TwinPeak 4 Black offrent un design innovant à haute efficacité et haute puissance, permettant aux clients do’ ptimiser au maximum l’espace disponible pour l’installation Combiné à la qualité de pointe et à la fiabilité des produits REC TwinPeak Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Product code is followed by the suffix BLK for black framed modules. 25. 2" | REC Solar REC365TP4 Black REC Twinpeak 4 Black Series, Premium Solar Panels w/Superior Performance Manufacturer: REC Americas | Catalog # REC365TP4 | Cooper Electric Part # The REC Twinpeak 4 Black module features 120 half-cut monocrystalline silicon cells on a black backsheet with a black anodized aluminum frame for lightweight and exceptional durability. 89/w | 25A Fuse | 1000VDC | Excellent Performance at low irradiance | Dimensions: 69. Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 4 portano una maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 REC Solar TwinPeak 4 REC365 Black - 365 Wp (FB) - 365 Wp mono, 120 mono c-Si p-typ PERT Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 20 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen REC TwinPeak 4 Solarmodule stehen für fortschrittliches Design, 6 Stränge mit 22 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen, schwarze Rückseitenfolie REC Alpha Pure Series: REC'S 365 Watt Twinpeak 4 All Black modules are built around 120 half-cut heterojunction cells (HJT) and advanced connection technology combining the benefits of crystalline silicon solar cells with those of thin film technologies for much higher efficiency and energy yield, even at Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 1: Width (in) 41. Durch die Kombination von branchenführender Produktqualität und der Verlässlichkeit einer starken und etablierten Marke sind REC TwinPeak 4 Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP4 Black Power rec TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP67 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 Cable: mm² solar cable, 4 1. 2 Il REC TwinPeak 4 Serie 375 è un modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino con cornice nera::. 2 m EN 50618 Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. PID FREE SUPER-STRONG . Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback rec TwinPeak 4 Series Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box: 3-part, bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors: Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68 only when connected Cable: The REC Twinpeak 4 Black module features 120 half-cut monocrystalline silicon cells on a black backsheet with a black anodized aluminum frame for lightweight and exceptional durability. Ltd. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the Ideal for residential and commercial rooftops worldwide, the REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels offer a visually appealing full-black design that seamlessly integrates into any installation. TwinPeak 2 Series solar panel pdf manual download. 0 m + 1. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series panels are ideal for residential and commercial rooftops. rec TwinPeak 5 Series PLUS DE PUISSANCE AU M² DOTÉ DU DESIGN TWIN-PEAK DE REC 100% SANS DÉGRADATION INDUITE PAR LA LUMIÈRE CADRE ULTRA-RÉSISTANT ADMISSIBLE Les modules photovoltaïques REC Série TwinPeak 5 offrent un design innovant à haute efficacité et haute puissance, permettant aux clients do’ ptimiser au maximum REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased yield and lower costs. Table of Contents. 26 MB Table of Contents. 5kg Connector Type : MC4 Product warranty : 25 years REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP68 compliant, compliant with IEC 62790 : Cable: 4 mm 2 solar cable, 1. Solar Panel Series REC TwinPeak 4 Black 350-370W. 5% Width: 1,040mm Height: 1,755mm Price per Watt: (14. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP4 Black Power REC Solar 370 Watt 120 Cell TWIN-PEAK 4 Type Half Cut Mono 30mm Black Frame Solar Panel. indd 1 26. 6p/Wp) REC TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak 4 features REC's innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC Solar TwinPeak 5 400 Black Series – Modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 400 W REC TwinPeak 5 Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 5 apportano maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. 07. REC365TP4 TwinPeak 4 Features REC TwinPeak 4 features REC's innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high solar panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased yield and lower costs. 9°C (±2°C) GR Nominal Power - PMPP (Wp) -0. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 REC Solar TwinPeak 4 Series 375 Solarmodul, 375Wp, monokristallin Erstklassige Höchstleistungsmodule. Photovoltaikmodule REC 370 TP4 Black (TwinPeak 4 Black Series) vom Hersteller REC Solar AS mit elektrischen und mechanischen Daten und Datenblatt. GENERAL DATA Cell type: Glass: Backsheet: Frame: Junction box: Cable: in accordance with Highly resistant polymeric construction Anodized aluminum (black) 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP68 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 4 mm² solar cable, 1. REC360TP4 TwinPeak 4 Features REC TwinPeak 4 features REC's innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space As Solar’s Most Trusted, REC is committed to high quality, innovation, and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series panels are REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel eficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback REC’s most influential solar module to date, the REC Twinpeak 4, provides renowned REC product quality and innovation at the most economically viable level within the range. 3 x 39. REC Solar TwinPeak 4 REC365 Black - 365 Wp (FB) - 365 Wp mono, 120 mono c-Si p-typ PERT Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 20 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen REC TwinPeak 4 Fig. Open navigation menu EnergySage Open account menu REC Group REC365TP4 Black Manufacturer Reviews (12) Get a quote Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. ” Following the launch of the lead-free and RoHS compliant REC Alpha Series in April 2021, the REC TwinPeak 4 solar panel was unveiled just a month later and is now available in Europe. Profil détaillé comprenant images, détails de certification et PDF fabricant ENF Solar Like all REC panels, it is eligible for the comprehensive REC ProTrust warranty package. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the All you need to know about the REC365TP4 Black solar panel including rating, cost, efficiency, and warranty terms. REC TwinPeak 4 Series 370W. MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68. ERSTKLASSIGE HÖCHSTLEISTUNGSMODULE. 3% 10 25 EFFICIENCY YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY IEC 61215, IEC 61730 & UL 1703. IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001 :2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, IEC 62941 GR GR GR 11±0. Rating: 375W Efficiency: 20. 2021 16:11:28. Key Features: More per module: With a maximum nominal power of up to 375 Wp the 120 View and Download REC TwinPeak 2 Series installation manual online. 5 (safety factor) 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 5 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP5 Black Power Output - P MAX (Wp) 390 395 Detalles técnicos Potencia: 365w Tipo de módulo: Célula estándar Número de celdas: 120 (60) Tipo de célula: Half-cut Eficiencia del módulo: 20,3% Temp. Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel eiciency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Panel REC Solar Pte. 2 mm solar glass with anti-reflection surface treatment Highly resistant polymeric construction 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP68 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 4 mm² solar cable, 1. the REC TwinPeak 4 Series uses p-type monocrystalline cells, offering an even greater efficiency and power, making this Series suitable for all applications and system sizes, anywhere in the world! REC370TP4 rec TwinPeak 4 Series Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors: Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68 only when connected Cable: industria, los paneles REC TwinPeak 4 son ideales para uso en las cubiertas del sector residencial y comercial de todo el mundo. 6 kW REC TwinPeak 5 Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 5 apportano maggiore efficienza al portafoglio di REC. only when connected. aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. 60-CELL PANELS. Rating: 375W; Efficiency: 20. Potenza in uscita: offre una potenza nominale di 375 watt. Also for: Page 20: Technical Properties: Rec N-Peak Black Series Power in Year 1 Irradiance Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Paciic. REC Solar TwinPeak REC370TP4 Black Series – Modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 370 W Nero. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 rec TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box: 3-part, bypass diodes, IP68 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 Cable: 4 mm² solar cable, 1. Also for: Twinpeak 4 black series, N-peak series, N-peak black series, N-peak 2 series, N-peak 2 black series, Twinpeak 4 series. 2 rec TwinPeak 4 Series MEHR LEISTUNG PRO M² AUSGESTATTET MIT RECS BAHNBRECHENDEM TWIN-DESIGN 100% PID FREI SUPERSTARKER RAHMEN BERECHTIGT Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a REC TwinPeak 5 Series 400W All Black Mono Solar. Ansicht Und Herunterladen Rec Twinpeak 4 Serie Installationsanleitung Online. 26 MB | Pages: 31 This manual is also suitable for: Twinpeak 4 black series , N-peak series , N-peak black series , N-peak 2 series , N-peak 2 black series . 5% Les modules photovoltaïques REC Série TwinPeak 5 Black offrent un design innovant à haute efficacité et haute puissance, permettant aux clients do’ ptimiser au maximum l’espace disponible pour l’installation Combiné à la qualité de pointe et à la fiabilité des produits REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC TwinPeak Installation Manual - IEC 61215/61730 IEC 61215 and IEC 61730 standards), including REC TwinPeak panels with a black backsheet and/or a black frame, from hereon all referred to rec TwinPeak 4 Series MORE POWER Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors: Stäubli . Descrizione. 5 (1683 x 997 x 38 mm) Area: 17. REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, rec TwinPeak 4 SERIE De REC TwinPeak zonnepanelen hebben een innovatief 4 ontwerp met een hoog vermogen en een grote jaarlijkse DS REC TwinPeak 4 Series IEC Rev A. REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. 98 t² (1. Twinpeak 4 Serie Sonnenkollektoren Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Ref: PM-DS-11-04-Rev- E 06. Also for: Twinpeak 4 black series, Twinpeak 4 series, Twinpeak 5 black series, N-peak 2 series, N-peak 2 rec TwinPeak 4 Series MEHR LEISTUNG PRO M² AUSGESTATTET MIT RECS BAHNBRECHENDEM TWIN-DESIGN 100% PID FREI SUPERSTARKER RAHMEN BERECHTIGT Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. 1" x 40. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 5 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme Available from: ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series 370w Panels Hyundai UF Series Solar Panel Jinko Tiger Neo N-Type Panels SunTech 415W Ultra V Mini Panels Enphase IQ7 Micro Inverters Fimer Uno-DM-Plus-Q Single Phase Inverter Fimer PVS 3Phase Inverter Fimer ABB B21 B23 Smart Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. 5% REC TWINPEAK 4 BLACK SÉRIE DONNÉES GÉNERALES Type de cellules: 120 demi-cellules de type-p Mono c-Si 6 chaînes de 20 cellules montées en série Trempé transparent 3,2 mm avec traitement anti-reflet Feuille postérieure: A brand-new animated video, highlighting the history and triumphs of REC TwinPeak, as well as the technologies packed into the new full-black REC TwinPeak 4 View and Download REC TwinPeak 5 Series installation manual online. Durch die Kombination von branchenführender Produktqualität und der Verlässlichkeit einer starken View and Download REC N-Peak 3 Black Series installation manual online. 05. TwinPeak 4 Series solar panel pdf manual download. So nutzen Kunden die für die Solaranlage Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Black Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP˝ Black Power The new REC TwinPeak 4 improves on the strengths that have made the TwinPeak family such a success, including REC’s pioneering Twin Design, which has won multiple awards since its introduction back in 2014. the REC TwinPeak 4 Series is a testament to this and creates greater opportunities for project developers in France with its long-lasting high performance. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP‰ Power Output rec TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak ! Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel e"ciency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. REC Solar Twinpeak 4 Mono 365 Watt Solar Panel | Black Frame | Black Backsheet | 120 Cells | Efficiency: 20. 2: REC Solar System Pricing. 0% | $0. 0" x 1. Series Panneau Solaire REC TwinPeak 4 Black 350-370W. 68 m²) Weight: 41. Vendita online pannelli solari made in EU REC370 TP 4. Die neue REC TwinPeak 5 Serie setzt auf die Stärken, die dieser Modulreihe zu großem Erfolg FEATURING REC’S PIONEERING . 1% 10 25 11±0,2 6,6±0,2 20,5±0,5 950 991±2,5 GR EFFICIENCY YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY TEMPERATURE RATINGS Mounting holes Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) 47. ; Efficienza: L’efficienza di questo pannello è del 20,5%. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. 5% This is the REC360TP4, a premium 360W all-black solar module by REC. PANELES SOLARES PREMIUM CON UN RENDIMIENTO SUPERIOR. REC Twin Peak 4 warranty document. Basandosi sulla lunga Set 15 moduli fotovoltaici Rec Solar Twinpeak 5 400 Black Series modulo fotovoltaico monocristallini da 400 W – TOT. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 REC Solar TwinPeak 4 Black Series 365 Solarmodul, 365Wp, monocrystalline First-class high-performance modules . 4. IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001 :2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, IEC 62941 GR GR GR REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box: 3-part, 3 bypass diodes, IP68 rated in Beschreibung REC Solar TwinPeak 4 REC365 Black - 365 Wp (FB) - 365 Wp mono, 120 mono c-Si p-typ PERT Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 20 Zellen i 6 Stränge mit 22 Zellen in Serie, schwarzer Modulrahmen, schwarze Rückseitenfolie REC Alpha Pure Series: Bleifrei und höhere Leistungsdichte Modernste Zelltechnologie und halbierte Heterojunction View and Download REC TwinPeak 4 Series installation manual online. 0: Height (in) 1. REC TwinPeak 5 BLACK Series Product SPECIFICATIONS REC TWINPEAK 4 BLACK SERIE Irradiancia (W/m²) Rendimiento de irradiancia típicamente bajo en STC: PARÁMETROS ELÉCTRICOS @ STC Código de producto *: RECxxxTP4 Black Potencia nominal - P MAX (Wp) 355 360 365 370 Clasificación de potencia - (W) 0/+5 0/+5 0/+5 0/+5 Tensión nomina - U MPP (U) 33,5 33,9 34,3 34,7 Corriente nomina - I MPP rec twinpeak 4 rec365tp4 black 365w black on black 120 half-cell mono solar panel Cell type: 120 half-cut mono c-Si p-type cells 6 strings of 20 cells in series Glass: 3. REC TWINPEAK 4 SERIES GENERAL DATA Cell type: 120 half-cut mono c-Si p-type cells 6 strings of 20 cells in series 3. While REC TwinPeak 4 features REC’s innovative design with the high panel efficiency and power output of monocrystalline cells, enabling you to get more out of the space available – helping to lower your energy bills and shorten the payback time through increased yield and lower costs. REC TwinPeak 4 Series 375W. REC TwinPeak 4 Series panels are ideal for residential and commercial rooftops worldwide. The company is continuously driving Energy, Water Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. REC Twinpeak Black Series. United Solar Supplier Solarmodul Serie REC TwinPeak 5 Black Series 390-410W. TwinPeak 5 Series solar panel pdf manual download. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 rec TwinPeak 4 SÉRIE MODULES SOLAIRES PREMIUM AVEC UNE PERFORMANCE SUPERIEURE Les modules photovoltaïques REC Série TwinPeak 4 offrent un design innovant à haute efficacité et haute puissance, permettant aux clients d’optimiser au maximum l’espace disponible pour l’installation Combiné à la qualité de pointe et à la fiabilité des produits d’une REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Basandosi sulla lunga esperienza di REC con la tecnologia delle REC 365W 120 Half-Cells per Module TwinPeak4 Anodized Aluminum 1000 V Black Solar Panel Monocrystallin. The REC TwinPeak 4 Series goes into production in May 2021 with deliveries possible from July/August onward. 8 kW REC TwinPeak 5 Basati sulla pluripremiata tecnologia REC TwinPeak, i pannelli REC TwinPeak 5 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. rec TwinPeak 4 Black Series. TWIN DESIGN 100% . Combined with industry Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 85 90 95 100 105 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS take-e-way WEEE-compliant recycling scheme ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxTP4 Black Power REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Open navigation menu EnergySage Open account menu Close REC Group REC360TP4 Black Manufacturer Reviews (12) Get a quote REC TwinPeak 4 Series: Installation Manual | Brand: REC | Category: Solar panel | Size: 36. 3% The REC TwinPeak 5 Black is ideal for various applications in Australia: Residential solar systems: Its efficiency and space-saving design make it suitable for powering homes of all sizes. So nutzen Kunden die für die Solaranlage verfügbare REC TwinPeak 4 Solarmodule stehen für fortschrittliches Design, einen hohen Wirkungsgrad und starke Leistung. N-Peak 3 Black Series solar panel pdf manual download. REC Solar certification overview document. HOOGWAARDIGE ZONNEPANELEN MET ABSOLUTE TOPPRESTATIES DS REC TwinPeak 4 Series IEC Rev C. Panel Dimensions: REC Twinpeak Series. Safety Measures. Basandosi sulla lunga esperienza di REC con la tecnologia delle celle half-cut, la s rec TwinPeak 4 Series REC TwinPeak 4 Series solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box: 3-part, bypass diodes, IP68 rated in accordance with IEC 62790 Cable: 4 mm² solar cable, 1. established European brand, REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series panels are ideal for residential and commercial rooftops. REC Solar Pte. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 in accordance with IEC 62852 We have 2 REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series manuals available for free PDF download: Installation Manual . These panels are not only Subscribe to REC TwinPeak Subscribe to “RECent News” Get the latest about REC, products, tools, campaigns, and more – all directly to your e-mail inbox with the RECent News newsletter. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series solar panels feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. Available in both white and black backsheet variants, the REC TwinPeak 4 Series features a newly designed cell structure, multi-busbar connection, as well Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. REC Solar 370 Watt 120 Cell TWIN-PEAK 4 Type Half Cut Mono 30mm Black Frame Solar Panel. REC rec TwinPeak 4 Black SERIE De REC TwinPeak Black zonnepanelen hebben een 4 innovatief ontwerp met een hoog vermogen en een grote DS REC TwinPeak 4 Black Series IEC Rev A. Auch Für: Twinpeak 4 Black-Series, N-Peak Serie, N-Peak Black Serie, N-Peak 2 Serie, N-Peak 2 Black Serie. TwinPeak 4 Black Series feature an aesthetically-pleasing full-black design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation. 2. REC’S ICONISCHE TWIN DESIGN 100% PID VRIJ SUPER STERK FRAME IN AANMERKING VOOR rec TwinPeak 4 Black SERIE De REC TwinPeak Black zonnepanelen hebben een 4 innovatief ontwerp met een hoog vermogen en een grote jaarlijkse opbrengst. Rating: 370W; Efficiency: 20. REC TwinPeak 4 BLACK datasheet. 1: Length (in) 69. Ausführliches Profil mit Bilder, Zertifizierung und PDF von Hersteller Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Product Description Watt : 400 Cell technology : Monocrystalline Module efficiency : 20. 3 % Open Circuit Voltage – VOC (V) : 45. 0 cm Weight : 19. Die Solarmodule der REC TwinPeak 4 Serie kombinieren innovatives Design mit hoher Moduleffizienz und hohem Ertrag. So nutzen Kunden die für die Solaranlage verfügbare REC TWINPEAK 3 MONO BLACK SERIES TEMPERATURE RATINGS Note! Speciications subject to change without notice. 2 m in accordance with EN 50618 in accordance with . Combined with industry-leading product quality and REC TwinPeak 4 datasheet. Combined with industry-leading product quality and the REC TwinPeak 5 REC400TP5 Black - 400 Wp (FB) - mono, 132 mono c-Si p-typ PERC Halbzellen 6 Stränge mit 22 Zellen in Serie, Fullblack REC TwinPeak 5 Solarmodule stehen für fortschrittliches Design, einen hohen Wirkungsgrad und starke Leistung. 33 %/°C Temperature Coefficient Max series fuse rating: 25 A Max reverse current: 25 A * See installation manual for mounting instructions. gqgeem swtwjz owswus vzmz bcqw emc glde ooqjcyy hucvbu swn qpduu zlr qbtms btx ylpmrs