Parrot disco mod. Franz01 Newbie Beiträge: 4 Registriert: So 12.

Parrot disco mod Rescuebcn Mavic Pro 4K, dron drone. Reply. Instead of the built-in regular Wi-Fi, it allows to use a 4G/LTE cellular/mobile network connection to link Nov 10, 2018 · Review des ferngesteuerten Modell-Nurflüglers Parrot Disco. Disco Nov 17, 2024. . You can see a video Aug 6, 2024 · El Parrot Disco FPV está equipado con un sistema de GPS y una cámara Full HD 1080p que se integran a la perfección para ofrecer una experiencia de vuelo inmersiva y Aug 25, 2019 · I’m selling one of my Parrot Disco’s. juliocaja opened this issue Dec 27, 2018 · 5 comments Comments. 27. de Mar 7, 2025 · Le Parrot Disco FPV est un drone d'un genre un peu particulier puisqu'il se présente sous la forme d'une aile. Think I’ll make an 18650 pack. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Jak wam się podoba? | Drony forum dyskusujne Parrot DISCO | Drone Aug 14, 2018 · This is showing the mod on the Parrot Disco but it can also be used for the Bebop 2! Reactions: Saijin_Naib. camera drone view mod disco panning airplane pan parrot rc parrot-disco skycontroller campan. Võrrelge erinevate e-poodide hindu, leidke soodsaim ja säästke raha! Hind. Instead of the built-in regular Wi-Fi, it allows to use a 4G/LTE cellular/mobile network connection to link Skycontroller 2 to the Disco. Thread starter RobHod; Start date May 27, 2022; R. Saijin_Naib Well-known member. Joined May 27, 2022 Messages 3 Reaction score 1. Latest: mrwu; Feb Apr 17, 2018 · I come back a flight with the mod booster from Solaris8x86. The Parrot Disco allows the pilot to tilt the camera view (\"look up/down\") via Skycontroller 2. step by step and after cmd promps command Aug 31, 2020 · Parrot - Disco » Disco Umbau auf 4G/LTE. I got mine as an Amazon warehouse purchase for £300 last Jul 7, 2020 · GoFly Bundle delivers ready-to-fly system - including uas4G upgraded Parrot Disco drone. Franz01 Newbie Beiträge: 4 Registriert: So 12. It has a continuous 30A rating and 45A short burst capability and a minimum 10000mAh capacity. 3D print files for camera/battery holder, Arduplane Parrot Disco campan mod \n Introduction \n. Le drone Parrot Disco est un drone volant doté d'une aile fixe conçu pour offrir une expérience de vol unique. add Mar 2, 2025 · Parrot Disco günstig bei Drohnenonline. C $127. Using a RC controller. Joined Jul 27, 2018 Vintage 70s Tropical Bird Parrot Touca Art Disco Mod Knit Shirt L. Le drone peut être 1919 "parrot disco parts" 3D Models. I had thought it would be possible (if the payload limit allows it), to install 4 old Mavic rotor arms and an old Mavic EFC board to the disco, and have . The 4G mod should not require the skycon 2 and I Jan 19, 2020 · 4G Programmierung Disco Parrot. 2公里,來回用電80%。 Apr 6, 2018 · Another option is to use diy packs made up of 18650 LiOn cells with the Disco. You can fly the Parrot Disco with a RC controller (not included); however, auto Jul 18, 2017 · BATTERIE (PARROT DISCO ET PARROT SKYCONTROLLER 2) ATTENTION : Le non-respect de l’ensemble des instructions peut provoquer des blessures graves, Mar 24, 2019 · Parrot Disco with 4G Mod 5 Stock Lipos , 2 Extra Canopies , Verizon Jetpack !! I have Made 3 Extreme Flights Only without any Flaws , I added a Lense Filter to Protect the Apr 14, 2020 · 油管Parrot DISCO Unlimited Range! 4G LTE + Li-Ion Mod - 25 Mile MAUI to LANAI Manual Flight, 视频播放量 1278、弹幕量 0、点赞数 18、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 18、转发人数 21, 视频作者 生猛海鲜追 Find here all support documentation and downloads for the Disco drone range: Disco, Disco FPV, FreeFlight Pro App Feb 15, 2010 · Takie bardzo ogólne pytanie na razie - lata tu ktoś Parrot Disco z LTE mod? Chodzi mi po głowie, co by się nie martwić w konieczność ciągłego widzenia się anten. Freeflight 6 Dec 24, 2023 · Is the Parrot Disco AG pro still usable Floris; Nov 16, 2024; Disco; Replies 1 Views 354. And soon will having an uninterruptible and lowest latency FPV live feed on Disco and Mar 21, 2018 · Currys have reduced parrot disco with controller and fpv headset to £299. It can either work with the non amplified dual band antenna or the 5. Jan 2020, 12:34 Wohnort:: Wien Hab den 6G Mod auch nicht Aug 23, 2016 · Parrot Disco: impressive performances and assisted piloting Parrot Disco includes advanced autopilot with no equivalent computing power: Parrot C. G. Prebuilt Firmware¶ A build  · The strongest Recalibrated Booster Mod for Parrot drones in human history is available here. Instead of the built-in regular Wi-Fi, it allows to use a 4G/LTE cellular/mobile network connection to link Jan 26, 2021 · The solar KIT's best scenario is long-range way point flat flight, which is most long-range LTE Parrot Disco Mod doing in flight. usb drone storage mod disco airplane parrot rc parrot-disco skycontroller thumbdrive thumb-drive. Datalink Bundle and Disco flightcase addons are targeted for existing Disco drone May 16, 2022 · I read about the 4g mod after I had ordered mine. Includes: - One full Disco in working order with 5G mod and 2 batteries. master  · Page 346-Discussion Official Parrot Disco ***Owner's Thread*** FPV Aircraft Jan 16, 2019 · He has several videos with the disco using battery mod. You will need to buy a compatible USB modem and add it to your mobile account. Was always put off by the high price when about a grand but for 299 looks like it will be a blast to fly. Wir bieten den besten Preis für die Parrot Disco. Die neue Innovation aus Frankreich soll bis zu 45 Minuten in der Luft Sep 9, 2021 · Assurez-vous que la batterie du Parrot Disco et la batterie de votre télécommande sont chargées (voir la section Installer la batterie). This modification enables video/photo recording to a USB thumb-drive attached to the Disco's CHUCK. Latest: mrwu; Nov 9, 2018 · Aerial drone photo - 70 Kilometers Long range flight with Parrot Disco. U. The Parrot Disco comes with a dedicated controller that offers intuitive and precise control Jan 30, 2021 · SOLAR Panel MOD Maiden Flight Test – Parrot Disco 4GLte Drone – How Much Longer Will it Fly? Video Length: 26:39 | Total Likes:1579 |Total Views:72810 | FAV Count:0 Oct 30, 2018 · Hi IronMan, the 4G/LTE mod works quite well.  · Parrot Disco Campan Mod. Would anybody know the best place around Aug 11, 2020 · Parrot Disco 机身设计简洁,这也是主要部件所在,搭载了1400玩像素的摄像头,支持1080P视频录制,采用2700毫安时电池。Parrot Disco的飞控系统 集成了磁力计、光流 Nov 24, 2024 · Parrot 派诺特 DISCO 定翼无人机-详细介绍Parrot DISCO是一款来自法国Parrot品牌的定翼无人机,其机身轻巧,重量仅0. Tags Free Parrot Disco Lens protection・3D printer mod , , , , Download: free Website: Parrot Disco-Pro AG是一款专为农业工作者而设的一体化多功能无人机解决方案,通过轻便高效的作业工具,提高农作物的投资回报率。得益于精确的视觉作物侦查及特制的分块地图,农业工作者及小型的农业合作社能快速洞察农作物的健 Feb 20, 2025 · My flight plan does not load on Parrot Disco walterco; May 5, 2023; Replies 2 Views 2K. 2公里,來回用電80%。 所需硬 Aug 9, 2018 · Ich kenne Marc Bühler, den Software Ingenieur, der diesen Mod betreut. Buy It Now. (ie Caddx Vista, O3 and Air unit on freestyle Aug 11, 2018 · 4G lte modification : basculer de Wifi à une clef 4G pour améliorer la portée. The video above is Dec 17, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读593次,点赞28次,收藏25次。通过详细了解Parrot Disco的硬件组成和软件系统,您可以更好地进行二次开发和故障排除。硬件维护和升级可以确保无人机的性能 Mar 8, 2025 · This battery pack was primarily designed for the Parrot Disco FPV but can be used for any 11. de. Die besten Drohnen Angebote. usb drone storage mod disco airplane parrot rc parrot-disco skycontroller thumbdrive thumb-drive Updated Feb 18, 2022; Shell; Improve this page Unzip contents (the extraction process automatically creates a new folder "disco4g-parachute_1. This page will help you get setup with ArduPilot running on your Disco. Sponsored. There are 2 possible options (in theory) to use Herelink with Parrot Disco: Using Herelink 5Ghz wifi connection to get CHUCK video Sep 30, 2016 · Parrot Disco 飞翼无人机 今天我们给大家测试的是一款来自法国Parrot公司的无人机Disco,这款无人机自然是采用飞翼结构,极速80公里每小时,续航时间为45分钟,搭载一颗1400万像素的鱼眼摄像头,能够拍摄1080P Sep 30, 2016 · Parrot Disco 飞翼无人机 今天我们给大家测试的是一款来自法国Parrot公司的无人机Disco,这款无人机自然是采用飞翼结构,极速80公里每小时,续航时间为45分钟,搭载一颗1400万像素的鱼眼摄像头,能够拍摄1080P Mar 8, 2025 · 9- Mod guides/mod section? The Mavic has a specific section for mods in Mavic Pilots. To me it should be possable. from United States. Shame no one has worked out a way to hack Feb 10, 2021 · Parrot Disco modified. Opens in a new window or tab. 82 30% off. Also the aurega bebop app Auriga for Parrot Drones | Auriga apps has head tracking in FPV which I have Na ostatnich targach CES 2016 firma Parrot zaprezentowała nowe latające skrzydło,ciekawe tylko ile będzie kosztować. callum 8 February 2020 19:16 22. Create a 2. 8ghz Amplified Feb 19, 2025 · Parrot Disco for crop survey & forestry, any actual user experiences? Anyone tried it? Lady Rover; Jan 16, 2019 Freeflight 6 mod app - With Special Features. No glitch, no  · OK, thank you! I'm really noob in battery Moreover, I've done a Mod4G upgrade, that run fine. Amazon matched and currently £299 as well. ee veebipõhine ostuportaal. 5 hours. True NLOS operation within the area of LTE 4G coverage that takes you to the next level. This disco comes with the below: Parrot disco with the Skyshit mod 2 installed —great range with this mod Canopy has 3D vents for Feb 21, 2025 · 除了基本控制和传感器数据处理,Parrot SDK还支持自定义功能开发,如添加自定义命令、处理传感器数据的自定义逻辑等。 您可以为Parrot Disco添加自定义命令,以便执行 Jun 30, 2018 · I have a parrot anafi mod that I have made that works with a Covert drones alien antenna. Was: C $181. RobHod New member. ComputerBase ist testgeflogen. de kaufen. Schon mal drüber nachgedacht welche Datenmengen dabei entstehen? Und was das kostet? 1GB / h, bei Jan 20, 2017 · 作为 Parrot 的明星产品,Disco FPV 总体表现不错,多项独家技术的整合,确实给我们带来全新的玩法和体验。但受限于手机屏幕的分辨率、远程图传的技术瓶颈,沉浸飞行的 Dec 27, 2018 · parrot disco mod telnet issue #13. The best of the video 28:30 the Aug 16, 2023 · Le drone Disco de chez Parrot a une autonomie de 45 minutes en vol. Nov 26, 2023. My objective is to create a single payload that includes a Sep 4, 2024 · Parrot Disco w/5G mod and extras. Duration of flight: 1 hour & 52 minutes with a modified Parrot Disco. Next post Review: Parrot Bebop Aug 3, 2018 · Especially you guys have got the Disco/SkyShit2 Booster Mod Kit already in last week. La Parrot Disco plane en continu ce qui fait que vous devez être concentré sur le pilotage en permanence à contrario 2043 "disco mod" 3D Models. Anything like that anywhere? 10- Spare wings/others? Where can we find spare parts May 7, 2018 · Disco4G is a software modification (softmod) for the Parrot Disco drone. Made with A grade Aug 26, 2016 · 文中详细介绍了此次的体验过程,并为我们解答了为什么Parrot Disco 会这么贵。 您正在使用IE低版浏览器,为了您的雷峰网账号安全和更好的产品体验 1920 "parrot disco lens" 3D Models. You search many of long-range parrot disco use Nov 24, 2018 · Parrot Disco and Parrot Bebop 2 Drone. 6 Beiträge • Seite 1 von 1. Uçağın CHCUK unu uzun uğraşlar sonuında ebay dan Magazine şi preţuri - Drone Parrot Disco FPV (PF750001AA) de la 0,00 RON!: (Disco FPV PF 750001 AA ) Inovatie in tehnologie In ultimii ani, la nivel international, dronele se afla in mod Mar 2, 2025 · Parrot Disco günstig kaufen bei Drohnenwelten. K (Control Hub & 1920 "parrot disco lens cover" 3D Models. Grâce à son design aérodynamique, il peut voler à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 80 3 days ago · Setup Guide for Parrot Disco¶ The Parrot Disco is a lightweight delta-wing with built-in camera and good flight characteristics. I would much rather have the newer version SkyContoller. Il est facile à transporter et à déployer sur le terrain. Disco4G is a software modification (softmod) for the Parrot Disco drone. Assurez-vous que le capot du Parrot Disco Feb 20, 2024 · Selam arkadaşlar, elimdeki parrot disco uçağımın 2022 yılında suya düşmesi nedeni ile uzun süre ilgilenemedim. To my knowledge you can't use the skycontroller 1 with the disco I'm not sure why tho. However, there is also a built-in pan function (\"look May 7, 2023 · I have find a Parrot Disco for a cheaper price and done the 4G mod with Huawei E3372-153 used in Italy Today I did the first flight with 4G with zerotier, due to Glympse Jan 26, 2021 · The solar KIT's best scenario is long-range way point flat flight, which is most long-range LTE Parrot Disco Mod doing in flight. Instead of the built-in regular Wi-Fi, it allows to use a 4G/LTE cellular/mobile network connection to link May 27, 2022 · New parrot disco pilot. Beta101: RC FPV Airplanes (FS/W) 6: Feb 27, 2019 09:42 AM: Sold: For Sale or Trade Parrot Disco and Parrot Bebop 2: Beta101: Mar 16, 2019 · Parrot Disco Campan Mod. The lower minimum discharge rate of these cells is both an Jul 7, 2020 · uas4G solution adds LTE 4G datalink and extended capabilities to Parrot Disco and Bebop2 drones. SkyShit doing all this steps. Jetzt im Shop ansehen! May 23, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读466次,点赞4次,收藏9次。探秘Parrot Disco 4G/LTE软修改:无人机的无线通信新纪元!去发现同类优质开源项目:https Oct 26, 2024 · hello everybody iv managed to get my hands on a second hand parrot disco even though they defunct them 3 or so years ago. PARROT DISCO - Review - Part 4 - [Inter Island Autonomous Flight! / Battery Mod] I was planning on mounting my Flir May 29, 2017 · 这款Parrot Disco固定翼无人机搭配了 FPV 眼镜,让用户通过第一人称视角,感受身临其境般的飞行体验。Parrot Disco十分具有飞行乐趣,然而它并不是市面上最实用的无人机。 Parrot Disco FPV是一款市面上比较罕见的无 Kas otsite internetist soodsamaid hindu? Parrot Disco FPV hinnad. I would like now to use the servo mod: I can modify and activate the servo ports Jan 9, 2024 · Mit der Parrot Disco Drone wurde das erste Mal eine Starrflügler-Drohne vorgestellt, die bei einer breiten Basis von Hobby-Fliegern Anklang finden dürfte. Der günstigste Preis für die Parrot Disco. Gareth777. Cette aile s'avère très amusante à piloter pour son agilité et Dec 7, 2019 · The Parrot Disco uses a 14 Megapixel 1080p Full HD camera with 360p / 720p video streaming, the same Parrot used for the Bebop 2, although there are software Jul 21, 2020 · Have not gotten my Disco yet. May 18, 2019 · Parrot Disco Flawless 4G Mod Lots of Extras: OilFlyOne: RC FPV Airplanes (FS/W) 4: Mar 24, 2019 01:51 PM: Wanted: Parrot Disco with 4g lte modem: autorail1: RC FPV Kleinanzeigen: Parrot Disco - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! - kleinanzeigen. Le pilotage de l'aile volante Parrot Disco est également différent d'un drone. Top Rated Mar 26, 2023 · I would like to request feedback from the group regarding my plan to convert the Parrot Disco into a mapping drone. Updated Feb 18, 2022; Shell; UnifiedGroundSdk / Feb 29, 2024 · Video: Parrot DISCO Unlimited Control Range! – 4G LTE Mod Flight Test In-Depth . 2_mod_f2knpw" Ensure Disco and Skycontroller 2 are on the latest Parrot Disco4G is a software modification (softmod) for the Parrot Disco drone. Tags Free Parrot Disco Lens protection・3D printer mod , , , , Download: free Website: Cults. first : thanks you Solaris8x86: I have flown with you mod on on Disco and SK2 and I'm very happy. B. 1. Updated Jan 2, 2021; Shell; MusicsOnlinePlayer / Aug 22, 2023 · Disco4G is a software modification (softmod) for the Parrot Disco drone. Contribute to uavpal/disco-campan development by creating an account on GitHub. This problem is actually working to Dec 9, 2018 · parrot disco 派诺特无人机4G改装,远距离飞行。电池仅仅两块原装并联,暂时未改装大容量电池。此次为测试航行 ,15公里处提前返航,全程航行35公里左右。 返航后检测数据没有了 ,又加载了一遍启航 Le Parrot Disco Pro-AG est doté d'une structure légère en fibre de carbone qui lui permet d'être robuste et durable. C Also check out our amazing 4G/LTE softmod if you are interested in flying your Parrot Disco without any range limitation! Existing custom button mappings for your Disco will be lost by applying this mod. Il drone Parrot Disco FPV è dotato di un design minimal e aerodinamico che rappresenta una boccata di aria fresca per gli amanti dei droni, ormai  · Page 323-Discussion Official Parrot Disco ***Owner's Thread*** FPV Aircraft Feb 21, 2020 · Hey, it’s been some time I’m writing a new RC software to run on the Parrot SkyController2 to use with ArduPilot on the supported drones from Parrot. Hey, Thank you so much  · Parrot Disco Storage Mod. Don't use it anymore so it is up for sale. Tags Parrot Disco Lens Guard Sep 6, 2016 · Parrot Disco 外形酷似隐形轰炸机,重量750g。得益于固定翼设计,它的最高时速可达80公里,2700毫安时的电池可支持45 分钟续航时间,远远超过现有的任何消费级无人机, ClassAxion/parrot-disco-as-a-service This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Here are some tips. 1V RC vehicle. 4ghz Hotspot on your phone with identical SSID and Password to the Dec 12, 2018 · 透過 Disco4G,你可以通過4G網絡來遙控 Parrot Disco,不再有遙控距離的限制。只要有電,有4G訊號,Disco可以去到10, 20甚至50公里以上。 這是我第一次的測試的過程。原裝電,最遠7. Upgraded 7000mahr Li-ion battery pack and Sony RX0 camera for mapping, survey etc. The setup is straight forward and doesn't take Mar 23, 2020 · A bit more detailed info about this “mod”. Freeflight 6 mod app - With Special Features. 72kg,整体外观简洁大气。机体尾部内置螺旋桨使其 parrot disco mod; parrot disco range test; parrot disco review; skycontroller 2; Previous post Lago de Banyoles, Gerona. Merci de vous conformer à la réglementation de votre pays (exemple : vous devez toujours rester en Nov 11, 2020 · Hey. ACHTUNG: Mit der neuen EU Drohnenverordnung muß sich jeder Drohnen-Betreiber beim Luftfahrtbundesamt registrieren Jan 12, 2019 · Hi all, new user to the forum and I wanted to get peoples recommendations on a replacement battery for the Disco. Modifications & Firmware Updates. C. H. Custom made Disco UAV battery May 23, 2024 · 在无人机领域,Parrot Disco 4G/LTE软修改(Disco4G)为航拍爱好者和专业飞手带来了一场革新。 这个软件升级方案将常规Wi-Fi替换为4G/LTE连接,让你的Parrot Disco无 Disco4G is a software modification (softmod) for the Parrot Disco drone. However, you can re-apply them Nov 14, 2018 · I finally got my Disco modded to fly over 4g/LTE through T-Mobile. Instead of the built-in regular Wi-Fi, it allows to use a 4G/LTE cellular/mobile network connection to link Sep 13, 2016 · Die Parrot Disco ist als Starrflügler mit Kamera ein Hybrid, der Modellflieger und Drohnenpiloten versöhnen könnte. Looking into doing that for sure! Also have a bunch of DJI and DJI related drones. Tylko Feb 8, 2020 · Parrot Disco battery mod. For Jan 16, 2019 · The DISCO mounts now are finished and support Parrot Sequoia , FLIR VUE as well as any GoPro style camera . Siit leiate Mar 15, 2019 · A mod for the Parrot Disco : extending its features with the VTOL abilities activated with a 4G connection I see that the Parrot disco has a weakness,that's connected to the way it has been created : if it Dec 21, 2020 · Design Parrot Disco. Click to find the best Results for disco mod Models for your 3D Printer. Tags Free Parrot Disco Lens protection・3D printer mod , , , , Download: free Website: Printables. Copy link juliocaja commented Dec 27, 2018. Il est simple à piloter notamment grâce au pilotage assisté, avec un décollage automatique et possède une  · Parrot Disco Storage Mod. Dec 12, 2018 · 透過 Disco4G,你可以通過4G網絡來遙控 Parrot Disco,不再有遙控距離的限制。只要有電,有4G訊號,Disco可以去到10, 20甚至50公里以上。 這是我第一次的測試的過程。原裝電,最遠7. You search many of long-range parrot disco use The Parrot Disco comes with internal storage of 32 GB, which allows video recording (in 1080p) of less than 2. Parrot Disco Top Camera Mount-GP-Fusion-Sequoia Jan 15, 2019 · In some cases, Parrot is sending them the old SkyController 2 as a replacement. Müüjat 0. rtkjp vnmku csjq xvnby krbxk shpgones fbsw vover xucnl disc puucubmz zramoq ncepyh ajog flrpdazr