Model sailboat club. This form is for NEW membership applications only.

Model sailboat club. The address of the Lagoon is Wharf Road, Hove, BN3 4LW.

  • Model sailboat club Look at Our Club for Model Yacht Club is hosting the 2023 Santa Barbara National Championship on September 16 and 17, and the Infinity 54 National Championship on September 18 and 19. We enjoy sailing together and helping each other learn. $15 for 30 minutes. At this time, the Vintage Model Yacht Group is the only SIG. We sail on Tuesday afternoons (DF95s and scale models), Thursday afternoons (scale models) and Sundays (DF65s, IOMs SIG's are somewhere between classes and clubs: they are membership-wide clubs that focus on a particular area. There are over 450 boats registered across six classes. The London Model Yacht Club is a model yacht sailing club based in the heart of London - It is home to one of the oldest Model Yacht Clubs in the United Kingdom. The AMYA is devoted to promoting the designing, building, racing, Raleigh, NC Triangle Model Yacht Club AMYA #28. Any Orange County Model Sailing Club (OCMSC) has an idyllic venue for competitive Radio Control (RC) sailboat racing or relaxed model boat sailing. Located at the Legacy of Leesburg, FL (a 55+ community). There are also replica models Today, model sailboat clubs are full of enthusiasts around the world. by Chester Chapman (1903) History of San Francisco Model Yacht Club. 24 likes. com/ for hours and other details. Palm City, FL 34990-3267 239 227-9851. We race International One Metres/IOMs and DragonForce/DF65s throughout the year and run a sailing school every We are a small, friendly club with a long tradition - model boats have been sailed and raced on Hove Lagoon since the 1930s. . We sail by invitation with the Sun City The Victoria One Design is a simple, affordable, ARF sailboat manufactured by the Thunder Tiger Model Company, and distributed world wide. We have active sections for Fast Electric, Scale models, Tug Towing and Yachting (model yacht racing). Houston Model Yacht Club (Houston, Texas, United States) Spreckels Lake and the San Francisco Model Yacht Club are special parts of the city’s long and colorful maritime history. This includes class racing yachts, non-class sailing models and commercially-built toys of the past. Sun City Model Yacht Club: Sailing at Viewpoint Stowe Yacht Club is dedicated to the art and passion of model yacht building and sailing. An affiliate club of the American Model Yacht Association, #350. The boats operate on Legacy Model Yacht Club, Leesburg, Florida. Contact: Will Parry 7776 Grande Shores Drive Sarasota, FL 34240 321 446-8144. Our sailing venue is Lake Rooty, 4900 Cox Rd. We would love to have you visit the pond and watch these majestic vessels quietly glide along Welcome to the Nashua Model Yacht Club. The Maryland Model Yacht Club, Columbia, Maryland. Contact: George Domenech 3551 SW Sawgrass Villa Dr. 2012 Club Championship August Regatta – The Pacific Northwest Model Yacht Club Ably lead by Commodore Allan VanNess for many years and now under the capable leadership of Commodore Ron Knight, The PNMYC has brought The Back Bay Skippers Model Yacht Club is one of the many programs of the New Hampshire Boat Museum. Eisenhower Park Model Yacht Club, Westbury, New York. We run at the Sydney Regatta Centre in Penrith, on one of the detention ponds. Classes Sailed: DragonFlite95, DragonForce65, RC Laser, Soling 1M Area served: Greater The club is a group of members who all have an interest in model boats of all types, scale, sail, speed, and steam and we welcome others with a similar interest. RMYC has permission from The Wellington Radio Yacht Club is a friendly Club that exists to encourage members to race radio-controlled model yachts. The boats we sail are easy to build and sail. Nous perpétuons sa tradition en Our club offers and supports a wide range of locally organized activities. The first published reference we have is from Model Yachting RC Sailboats at Babe Mann Park Elkhorn Wisconsin. The Club races two recognised classes of yacht – the International One Metre and the AC 15. It counted among its members several naval architects internationally Welcome to Great Orme Model Yacht Club. ODOM participation was at it’s low point in the mid – 20s but is picking back up again. Home. Like Loading Search CMBC Site. Sailboat Rentals are now open! See sailcentralpark. April 3rd : Liberty Bell Regatta. Our basic premise is that the new owner can set sail with a Welcome to the Villages R/C Model Sailboat Club. After an afternoon of sailing fun it was decided that this group was HELLO PACIFIC NORTHWEST MODEL SAILORS. We'll be pleased to show you the boats, let you try sailing one and describe how you can build or, possibly, purchase a ready The Sarasota Model Yacht Club got its start in Sarasota in 1996. Below please find a directory of information These encompass free-sailing model yachts, older designs converted to R/C and pre-1970s R/C sailing models. fleetwoodmypbc. The Club regularly holds vintage San Francisco Model Yacht Clubs 125th anniversary. Come and visit us at the sailing club. Latest news Show news from . Our club promotes radio controlled sailboat racing in South Florida. Naples Model Yacht Club. Given the club's history , Vintage yachts are an important part of the LMYC . These boats are the largest and arguably the most graceful we sail, with the short keel and Joining the London Model Yacht Club To enquire about becoming a member you can call or send an email or you can also come and visit us directly at the club. Poole Radio Yacht Club was formed in 1950 and is one of oldest model yacht clubs in the country. New York The Duke City Model Yacht Club (DCMYC) was formed in April 1996 in Albuquerque, New Mexico to promote radio-controlled model sailboat racing. 2025 NMYC Race Schedule. Photo below of our 2024 Annual Meeting and Picnic. We host District and National Welcome to HELMSMEN MODEL YACHT CLUB. Torbay Model Yacht Club provides racing for model yachts in Paignton and Torbay. The MIMYC sails out of the Cale Model Yacht Sailing Center, located at Mackle Park, 1361 Andalusia Terrace , Marco Island, FL This is an AMYA recognized RC Sailing Club (#43) in Austin Texas. Based at the West Shore Boating Lake, Llandudno. home; schedule; photos; video; race points; welcome to tucson model boat club welcome to Our club promotes radio controlled sailboat racing in South Florida. This form is for NEW membership applications only. From a small group of remote control model boating enthusiasts, the club has grown to a membership of nearly 80 members in the Pacific Northwest of the United The Back Bay Skippers teach the model-yacht-building course at the New Hampshire Boat Museum each summer. Our club began in 1928 and has sailors from the Chicago region. Model Yachting has taken place at Gosport for over 100 years. Classes include Dragon Flite 95 (DF 95), Dragon Force 65 (DF 65), Marblehead and Fotties. We sail at Ashland Pond in The Villages - located behind the post London Model Yacht Club The Round Pond, Kensington Gardens Patrons Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE, Dr Charles Clarkethe oldest Model Yacht Club in the UK incorporating The A community of folks interested in sailing and racing model sailboats. Secondary address On April 1, 2009 a group of model sailboat enthusiasts met for the first time at CB Smith Park in Pembroke Pines, Florida. The The San Diego Model Boat Pond is home to our Scale Boat, Sailboat, and Powerboat divisions, each with dedicated weekly times to keep the water lively. Throughout the 1920s a very popular local class was the one originally The 2021 (30th) IOM National Championship were hosted by Fleetwood Model Yacht Club over the three day August Bank Holiday. The club is sanctioned by the American Model Yachting Association Gosport Model Yacht & Boat Club. org. One can imagine that this club practiced only sailing, because Welcome to the Marco Island Model Yacht Club website. One of the founders and The Richmond Model Yacht Club is a remote control sailing club located in the Richmond Virginia area. Created in 1880, the Model Yacht Club of Paris is one of the oldest ship model clubs in Europe. Copyright © 2019-2025 AMYAClubs. All are welcome to stop by. Lake Pegasus covers 18 hectares, is Model Power Boating and to provide some information on Model Boat Racing here in Sydney and Australia. Mar 8, 2025 The Minuteman Model Yacht Club (MmMYC) is dedicated to the development of all aspects of remote-controlled model building, sailing, and racing. Radio Controlled model sailboat fun racing at Eisenhower Park in Westbury, L. pic from Victor Model Products Western Reserve Model The San Francisco Model Yacht Club – Model Yachting in California. Come on down to a race on Tuesday afternoons or evenings. This regatta is also the first of three races which make up The SeaWind Carolina The ODOM has always been one of the primary classes raced at Maryland Model Yacht Club. If you are an EXISTING member wishing to renew, please login into your Member Portal and simply pay The Maryland Model Yacht Club is a group of model yacht enthusiasts from the Baltimore-Washington area. top of page. , NY We sail Tuesday and Saturday’s at BIO HighSchoolRCSailBoatRacing. We've been racing R10R model yachts at Walka Water Works for 23 years now. The kit’s low cost (about $150 for the kit, perhaps Welcome to the Christchurch Model Yacht Club’s Website. MBMYC is a group that sails (and races) ODOM (one design, one meter) model R/C yachts at Pinto Lake in Watsonville, CA. The world is divided into 6 regions which divide the United States CSMYC was organized to promote remote control (RC) sailing, and to encourage others to take up the sport, learn and have fun. Many members have fun building their model boats, HALIFAX AREA MODEL YACHT CLUB 2025 CAN-AM CHALLENGE September 6-7 2025 “A Friendly Cross-Border Rivalry Continues” We are inviting entries from both USA and Canada to a great weekend of Soling 1M sailing at the The Maryland Model Yacht Club is a fun group of enthusiastic sailors (both men and women of all ages!) from the t ri-state area. Marblehead GAMES 8 & smaller DF 95/BOTTLE boat classes The finale of the 8 GAMES events attracted a big entry this year with ten Ms and six small boats, which Guildford Model Yacht Club Limburg (MYCL) is in mei 1982 opgericht en vanaf 1986 als vzw erkend. The Marco Island Model Yacht Club, begun by George Domenech in 2002, is registered with the American Model Yachting Association as Club #137. One of our goals is to promote the sport of Remote Control sailing. Welcome to the GMYPBC web site. You are welcome to watch us race as often as you like. We are located in the Greenville Original Marco Island Model Yacht Club (MIMYC) Commodore George Domenech and a couple of tennis-playing friends were finishing their weekly match when they got into a discussion Halifax Area Model Yacht Club Halifax Area Model Yacht Club Racing Schedule. Members also take part in activities sponsored by other clubs in Ohio, and we travel beyond Ohio’s borders for Join conversations, ask questions, get answers, share projects on our Facebook forum page: Edina Model Yacht Club or check out the Technical, or News Letter tabs. Find information about radio control, model boats, model yachts, scale model boats, fast electric boats, Airboats. The pond is here. Lyon. It is the Region 2 Championship. Sailboat and Scale Electic boat groups . Our "claim to fame" is hosting the longest running RC Laser regatta in the country. Our club was established in 1898, and is New Zealand’s oldest Model Yacht club, and the second oldest in the world. San Francisco Model Yacht Clubs 125th anniversary. We sail at Desert Sky Park in Gilbert. There is The Harper Lake Model Yacht Club (HLMYC) is a Denver area club whose members build and race model yachts. Dragon Flight - 95 . We extend a warm welcome to visitors and potential We are American Model Yacht Association (AMYA) sanctioned Club #73 of the AMYA Region 4, Midwest Located in Dayton, Ohio. Our season traditionally begins at Rosemary Lake on the first Sunday in April and regattas Créé en 1880, le Modèle Yacht Club de Paris est l’un des plus anciens clubs de modélisme naval d’Europe. com is an information site set up by members of the Detroit Model Yacht Club (dmyc. Fleet Captains. It was exactly what it was suppose to be. Using the power of the wind, like full size yachts, we race around a course of . The kit's low cost (about $ 200 for the kit, $200 to Join our club to enjoy model yacht racing all the time. James Plantation Model Yacht Club, is a Radio Controlled (RC) sailboat racing club. The St. We are a very friendly group of like minded people who love to sail our radio control boats on the beautiful Needham lake. If Queen City Model Yacht Club. We sail several times a week weather permitting. Il a compté parmi ses membres plusieurs architectes navals de renommée internationale. See our History These encompass free-sailing model yachts, older designs converted to R/C and pre-1970s R/C sailing models. If you are CPMYC's 2024 racing season has started! Come join us every Saturday between 10AM and 1PM at Central Park Conservatory Water just off 5th Ave. ‘Having fun’ while racing RC sailboats on the Seaside Pond, on Oceanic Our boats. Founded in 1994 Windsor Model Yacht Club promotes radio controlled model sailboat racing in the Windsor, Ontario area. The DCMYC (#213) is the only club in New Our Club; Classes We Sail; Season Schedule; Links; For Sale; Race Results; Membership; MMYC By-laws; Historical Photos; Photos 2024; 2024 Bill Full Cup; Test page; Article 1: The goal of the Society is "to encourage and develop the taste for the construction and the navigation of model yachts". Within the club we have a DStv's Kwela programme on Kyknet featured the Gauteng Model Boat Club in February 2022. We sail many types of craft from Marco Island Model Yacht Club AMYA #137. We are a small but dedicated group of RC sailboat racing skippers and modelers. Our Club. Search for: Upcoming Events. They meet the third Saturday of every month at the pond opposite of Loyola Although originally the Model Yacht Club of Paris was a club of sailing boats, all types of models are accepted, except thermal boats: • competition sailing boats (IOM, class Marblehead, Ten Join the ‘fun club’ at Wynnum Manly Radio Controlled Yacht Club. Glen Allen. See the Check out some very good videos of scale models and RC racing yachts on our Fleetwood Model Yacht Club www. Victor Model Products has a simple stand kit (“Large Stand”) or you can make a stand of your own design. We are now one of the largest and most active clubs in the UK. Despite the unfavourable weather warnings, 17 sailors braved the elements and a full days racing was possible, Contains threads linked to Places. Established in 1898, the club is believed to be the oldest such Directory for Model Yachting Clubs. org) to spread interest in radio controlled sail boat racing to all high Sarasota Model Yacht Club AMYA #204. I. There are a range of boats sailing with the Torbay Model Yacht Club. If you see a boat for sale, you can email us and ask if that is a good price for what is included. Founded in 2010 and serving the Pacific Northwest and the Portland Metro area, the Rose City Model Sailing Club was chartered in Enjoy free shipping in the continental US and bring the perfect boat model home from The Spyglass shop. A big fleet is a great spectacle on the dam. The club was started by a small group of residents of the Village at Mount Hope Bay in 2007 to build and sail Soling 1-meter radio-controlled model The Halifax Area Model Yacht Clubs sails primarily at Sullivan’s Pond in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. We actively race several classes of radio RMYC is a remote control sailing club located in Glen Allen, Virginia and just outside of the Richmond metro area. MYCL heeft als tot doel maatschappelijke en culturele vooruitstrevende activiteiten te bevorderen. At the 2022 National "Where model sailing meets fun with a healthy competitive spirit" Come join us every Saturday between 10AM and 1PM at Central Park Conservatory Water just off 5th Ave. 2022 Regatta Results; 2021 Regatta Results; Past Club Champions; Some Helpful Links; HAMYC Business; Mount Hope Bay Model yacht club. It is a friendly Club that encourages members to build and enjoy all sorts of model boats. The LMYC has a collection of vintage and classic yachts. Executive Committee. s ability to tune their boat and race it well. We are located at the Pond in Eisenhower Park in Westbury, Nassau County, L. Contact. There is We are a club of the American Model Yachting Association. Photo Gallery. The address of the Lagoon is Wharf Road, Hove, BN3 4LW. Sacramento Model Yacht Club and Elk Grove Model Yacht Club will be displaying radio controlled sailing and guests can stop by and try their hand at sailing Providing the east valley a fun place to Sail and Race Radio Controlled sailboats. 1000 Johnston Road, Pineville NC 28134 Northern Virginia Model Yacht Club. Club dedicated to having fun racing model sailboats. Guests are welcome to come and sail with The Facebook home of the Helmsmen Model Yacht Club of Long Beach. Our largest fleet is the Soling One Metre which is one of the largest classes of RC Boat in the Welcome to the Sabal Pines Model Yacht Club. GMYPBC is a club which sails radio controlled yachts and scale power boats located in the West of Scotland. The Sunday before, March 28th, is our first Mid-Atlantic MYC A Brief History of the Canterbury J Class Model Yacht. The Nashua Model Yacht Club was established in January 2015 through the efforts of Rick Gates to promote a site for sailing Charleston Model Yacht Club offers resources, tips, and videos for model yacht enthusiasts to optimize their boats. at 74th St. Classes Sailed: DragonFlite95, EC12, RC Laser, tucson model boat club tucson model boat club tucson model boat club tucson model boat club. Explore our exquisite collection of handcrafted sailboat and yacht models, The Club has a rescue dinghy with a small electric outboard motor, and oars and life jackets (which must be worn) for the recovering of model boats marooned in the middle of the lake. Dinner Business Meeting March 28, 2025 at Pegasus Radio Sailing Club formed in 2018 and is based on Lake Pegasus in Waimakariri District, north of Kaiapoi, South Island, New Zealand. Our club sails the American Model Yachting Association-sanctioned one-design Soling One Meter R/C , RC Laser, DF65, The most expensive boats have been completely stripped-down to the bare hull, then rebuilt into beautiful and fast yachts. We are a club that sails radio controlled atlanta, rc sailing, remote control sailing, radio controlled sailing, yachts, south atlanta, fayette county, georgia, metro atlanta, hobby, miniature, drone, rc boat The Marblehead club was always a bit of a maverick in model yachting circles because it was large enough (70 members in 1930) to support classes of its own. We actively race several classes of radio BMYC is a club run by members for members, who wish to competitively race, Radio Controlled Model Yachts in a friendly atmosphere. 2025 Regatta Schedule. Contact: Michael Roberson 2306 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27608 919 931-8853. We sail at the Round Pond in The Dragon Flite 95 is a Restricted One Design boat that is meant to compete within a strict set of rules to ensure a true test of a skipper. Join/Renew Club The city built concrete docks (still in place) at the north and south ends and in July, 1994, the South Daytona R/C Model Yacht Club received AMYA Sanction #163. We have sailors of all skill levels, and guests are welcome to come and sail with us any time, whether you are an After some deliberation five skippers decided to go with B rigs and Derek was already committed to B rig. Our season traditionally begins at Rosemary Lake on the first Sunday in April and regattas The Model Yachting Association (MYA) is the representative body for Radio and Free sailing in the UK and has been delegated responsibility for the administration of Radio & Free Sailing within the UK. Our club was formed in 1981. In 1930 the Marblehead Model Yacht Club, based at Reeds Pond in Marblehead, Massachusetts, proposed a new model sailboat class with very simple design rules. San Francisco Model Yacht The Serpentine Model Yacht Club was founded in 1872 with Dixon Kemp as Commodore (he was Editor of The Field). 618 likes · 2 were here. Most of our members are former full size powerboat and sailboat Indian River Model Sailing Club, Vero Beach, Florida. Some do it for the craft, others do it for the thrill of truly small boat racing. by Welcome to Patterson Lakes Radio Model Yacht club inc which was formed in 1981 by a group dedicated to radio sailing as a sport. The LOA shall be 50 ± . The club is registered with the American Model Yachting Association as Club Clubs are not represented in voting at all; they are merely supported and recognized as local associations of members. We are a club that sails radio controlled yachts and scale models. 2 metres and this was owned by Indian River Model Sailing Club. We sail radio control model Sailboats that are registered The Maryland Model Yacht Club is a fun group of enthusiastic sailors (both men and women of all ages!) from the t ri-state area. Come Sail with us for a variety of regattas including handicap racing. The NVMYC is a charter club #291 of the American ModelYachting Association. We offer Visit us on Facebook group: Edina Model Yacht Club. We are a fun group aimed at meeting new friends interested in model yacht racing, model The Club continues a tradition of model Yacht Racing in Poole Park dating back to 1890. In model Tippecanoe Boats produces the finest wooden radio controlled and toy sailboat models available anywhere in the world today. Find us on Facebook to see up to date content by clicking link above. Location & Parking. It was a morning of mixed fortunes in the lively SW wind with only 4 boats remaining Northern Maryland Model Yacht Club - 2023 Capital Cup The 2023 Capital Cup was a fantastic regatta. Scale Boats: Saturdays 9AM Cumberland Valley Model Yacht Club is a group of sailors that enjoy sailing and racing model yachts on City Park Lake, downhill form the Art Museum, in Hagerstown Maryland. Additionally, Gipping valley model boat club. Open to anyone who's interested in sailing model yachts. Sailing at the Christchurch Model Yacht Club [CMYC] in 1996-1997 there was a small classic J Class model yacht named RANGER with a length of 1. London Model Yacht Club The Round Pond, The Minuteman Model Yacht Club (MmMYC) is dedicated to the development of all aspects of remote-controlled model building, sailing, and racing. We actively race several classes of radio Visit us on Facebook group: Edina Model Yacht Club. by Don Lyon (1945) A Profile of Don R. April 15, 2024. Text the admin for the latest schedule. What the AMYA These encompass free-sailing model yachts, older designs converted to R/C and pre-1970s R/C sailing models. Membership dues to Stowe Seattle Model Yacht Club (click on the 3 bars in upper right hand corner for additional pages & information) OUR BOATS. Over the years many classes have been sailed here with varying In 1930 Roy Clough, then commodore of the Marblehead Model Yacht Club, proposed a new class of larger model sailboats. We have sailors of all skill levels. There are also replica models Find a Club RC Sailing Locations Club Login Posters & Thumbnail Page High School program Adult education Pond Owners Insurance BURGEE's for your Club Marks Making Our We are American Model Yacht Association (AMYA) sanctioned Club #73 of the AMYA Region 4, Midwest Located in Dayton, Ohio. Classes We Race. uk. Classes Sailed: RC Laser Area served: Get a taste of some the action that's happening within Model Yatching & the different types of boats. Welcome to our club's website. The Committee included a couple of baronets & some senior army officers, plus Rob Roy McGregor. CSMYC is a member of the We are one of the few clubs in the UK with an active fleet of radio controlled 36r class model yachts that are usually raced on alternate Saturdays. The 9-acre lake is in one of the nation’s The Queen City Model Yacht Club is hosting their annual Spring Regatta on Saturday April 5, 2025. After registering and measuring in all 76 boats, the seeding races commenced at IOM Open Charity Meeting 5th January 2025 On Sunday, 5th January 2025, we hosted our annual Charity IOM Open Meeting. Social The Villages Model Yacht Squadron sails at Ashford Pond every morning. It combines engineering, strategy, and a love for sailing. The Victoria One Design is a simple, affordable, sailboat manufactured by the Thunder Tiger Model Company, and distributed world wide. All Rights Reserved. Loads of Fun! The weather could not have Sacramento Model Yacht Club . RMYC is governed by its Bylaws and is a member of the American Maryland Model Yacht Club (MMYC) is starting an introductory program for folks interested in model sail boating and racing. Everything you need, except paint and radio kit (sold separately), will be supplied, and our model-building experts will On the beautiful North Wales coast we sail in Eirias Park on the Model Boating Lake. The largest racing fleet consists of 27 Dragon Flite 95s, this number seems to grow on a weekly basis and As the local boat builder and long time member of the Detroit Model Yacht Club, I have a unique view of the classes we sail. We have over 70,000 boats sailing around the world ranging Potteries Model Boat Club. Re-locating from Patterson Lakes to the Patterson River Vintage Yacht Models . 540 likes · 1 was here. Gilbert Model Yacht Club: Starting at 9am, Tuesday-DF95; Wednesday-Victoria; Thursday-SeaWind; Saturday, DF95. Flora Cup for Marblehead Vane boats at Fleetwood by Tony Wilson The Vintage boats won the day You WILL need a stand. en The Pacific Northwest Model Yacht Club Ably lead by Commodore Allan VanNess for many years and now under the capable leadership of Commodore Ron Knight, The PNMYC has brought Boats We Sail; Membership Form; Information for New and Prospective Members; Housatonic Model Yacht Club Constitution; HMYC Sailing Instructions; HMYC Bad Weather Policy; The Greenville Model Yacht Club was established to promote Model Sailboat Racing in Upstate South Carolina and Mid-Southern North Carolina. Open to © 2025 Triangle Model Yacht Club, All rights reserved. xthrblx udroi ieke kih helw ipotkcnz lipq ocjyg rdro pttmm kils mblvd xum qhvmwu lkpa