Fairmont sentinel breaking news today John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is assisting the county with the investigation. 27 in Truman was apprehended. — Police investigated assault in the 900 block of North Park Street. — An animal [] FAIRMONT— More than 100 people turned out for the Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting and banquet Friday night. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Police. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 900 block of East 4th Street. 3:22 [] FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. Superintendent Andy Traetow took time during the meeting to welcome Wolfe to the board. Bergh, 68, of Worthington; both fined $125. 23 11:42 a. FAIRMONT – The Martin County Economic Development Authority (EDA) recommended the continuation of a tax abatement for new housing construction for the next five years at Monday’s meeting. The meeting was the first for new members Billeye Rabbe (county commissioner) and Tom Lytle. The circumstance in question was transported. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Darin at 6:30 p. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 300 block of Blinkman Street. MCW Booster Club gave A $1,192+ donation for gymnastics equipment and the Fox Lake Conservation League gave a $5,000 donation to the Jr. 8:03 a. ; fined $110. Students who can apply for this scholarship must be in one of two full-time accredited nursing programs: a four-year Bachelor of Science Nursing program or a three-year FAIRMONT – During the cold winter months, some have turned to indoor walking to stay active. The call was [] CEYLON — A Cribbage Tournament begins at 1:15 p. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 1300 block of Victoria Street. FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. “We decided we were going to use a portion of our fundraiser to help out [] FAIRMONT Monday, Dec. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Prairie Avenue. in Welcome. On Monday [] It’s a new year but the discord on the Fairmont City Council remains. 7:25 a. 9:42 a. ; fined $125. , will be from 4 to 6 p. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1600 block of Patriot Drive. was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. At that Feb. 22, at the Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center-Trimont Chapel. 3:37 p. 4:57 p. Hernandez, 19, of Chicago, Illi. “There’s many projects going on right now and a rough spot to get over,” O’Neill said. No proof of motor FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. FAIRMONT – Rick Pauly and his pitching clinic returned to town last Saturday looking to help further develop the skills of the young FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce and Martin County EDA have collaborated to present a free Business Succession Workshop for the area business community. All cribbage players are welcome. Varsity Finals Results: Senior Women of Today to meet The Fairmont Women of Today will have its monthly meeting at 7 p. Craig passed away on Sunday morning, Jan. on Friday, Jan. These programs are free to any senior citizen in Martin County. Scoring for the Cardinals was Noah Meixell assisted by Klay Beemer, Gavin Kester assisted by Preston Cepress and Tyler Kurt, Kester again assisted by FAIRMONT – With Fairmont’s two courses and a history of success at the high school level, the new Fairmont Golf Association is looking to build on that foundation. However, [] FAIRMONT – A new member took office during Tuesday’s Fairmont School Board meeting. “Shayna is a familiar [] Fairmont does well at Chanhassen speech tournament FAIRMONT — Eleven members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Chanhassen Speech Tournament in Chanhassen, Minn. 01 percent or 3,395 no [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marriah N. Winegard, 23, of Fairmont; fined $135. Burial will be held in Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Fairmont. — A driving complaint was reported at State Street and Blue Earth Avenue. 11:22 a. It will be held during the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball game vs Blue Earth Area. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 300 block of North Orient Street. Bahr, 81, of Granada; Craig J. Failure to use seatbelt — Sue A. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle with no proof of motor vehicle insurance; fined $200. Speeding — Carter Ho, 22, of Blaine; fined $125. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. Clair. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 50 block of East Ken Rue Lane. Seventh Grader Annabelle FAIRMONT – Cardinals junior guard Brylee Miller has taken the top slot as Fairmont girls basketball’s all-time leading scorer. Wallace, [] FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. A large portion of the [] FAIRMONT – Across Martin County, FFA groups have been celebrating FFA Week. Dengler, 44, of [] FAIRMONT Thursday, March 6 1:37 p. He worked with Edward Jones in St. S. A private family burial will be held at a later date. In District 3, Joe Loughmiller received 65. 3:08 a. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 800 block of Fairlakes Avenue. In other business at Tuesday’s meeting utility Foreman, Brent Brown, went over a [] FAIRMONT – Competing against over 100 teams from across the midwest in Duluth’s Lake Superior Regional contest, Fairmont’s MegaHertz Robotics team came out victorious last weekend. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 8th Street. 3:56 p. There, several area businesses were recognized for their contributions to the community. North Avenue. 24 at Jake’s Pizza restaurant in downtown Fairmont. The speaker of the meeting will be Minilik Mersha of Hometown Place. FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. D. on Monday, March 10, [] Dixie Crissinger | News, Sports, Jobs - Fairmont Sentinel SHERBURN — A Mass of Christian Burial for Dixie Crissinger, 66, of Sherburn, Minn. ST. 4:20 p. One fire hydrant does [] FAIRMONT – A Fire Suppression Tool (FST) has been donated to the Truman Fire Department, courtesy of Fairmont’s Chain Lake Masonic Lodge. Also convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. The increased opportunities gave the Jaguars a chance to get the offense going, which the team took advantage of BLUE EARTH— Faribault County will be receiving $18,781 in Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds following the approval of accepting the grant by the Faribault County Commissioners at their meeting on Tuesday. 11:10 a. An adult arrest was made. Lopez Ocon, 31, of Racine, Wis. A non-traffic citation was issued. For several hours Wednesday, the highways surrounding Fairmont closed as a result of nearly 6 inches of snow, consistent 30 to 40 mph winds [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. Deputy Matt Owens of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office said that there was a lot of effort put into tracking where Kyle Jonathan Liford was. Board confirms policy revisions and additions. Salisbury, 21, of Ceylon; fined $145. Green Plains is a leading ag technology using innovative processes to transform annually renewable crops MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Display cancelled/stolen/revoked plates — Angelina Marrero Murillo, 35, of Fairmont; fined $385. m. FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 500 block of Home Street. Instruction permit violation-person 18 years or older-requirement — Cameron A. on Tuesday, March 11, at St. Walton, 21, of Fairmont; fined $135. “We’re hoping to match that with our team energy,” he said. “They came in on an eight-game win streak, ranked 10th in the state,” Fairmont head coach Jared Thompson said of Belle Plaine. “The EMPG funds allow our county to keep its emergency plans updated on an annual basis,” Faribault County sheriff FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard a fairly detailed report on the 2025 Street Improvement Plan. 7:27 p. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 600 block of East 1st Street. [] FAIRMONT— While egg prices have been fluctuating over recent years, they’re expected to hit their highest amount, and stay high, in 2025. Instead, regular users will be able to add “notes” to []. Stay updated with the latest Fairmont, MN local news, trending, crime map, events, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, Pauly Girl Fastpitch returns to Fairmont. Visitation at the Church will begin two hours prior to the service. Xilotl, 50, of Mountain Lake; fined $135. 12:22 p. 11 9:00 a. “Size is a factor in every game,” said Fairmont boys basketball head coach Jared Thompson. Teams involved were the best from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and the Dakotas. — A driving complaint was reported in the 900 block of East Blue [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, March 4 7:46 a. Visitation will take place prior to the service from [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. The banquet, held at Green Mill in Fairmont, served as a time for the chamber to recognize its three employees, 13 member board [] FAIRMONT— More than 100 people turned out for the Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting and banquet Friday night. 18 3:01 a. 28 9:42 a. Brockman, 56, of rural Welcome, Minn. 8:16 a. Driving after revocation — Ryan D. will follow. 28 1:14 a. A private family burial will be held at a later date in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery in Fairmont. There is really just one project slated for this year, but it’s a big one as Lake Avenue from Bixby Road to Fairlakes Avenue will be completely reconstructed. High Drama group. 1:30 p. , will be 10 a. Louis from 2000 to 2006, when he decided to [] FAIRMONT – The Fairmont Cardinals are preparing for a Tuesday night matchup against Jackson County Central in the quarterfinals of the Section 3AA boys basketball playoffs. The council had expressed a desire to delve into the matter at its last meeting on Oct. — [] WELCOME — Services for Deborah “Deb” A. The topic led to a conversation about funding sources and who controls them. Ponce Guerrero, 35, of Mankato; fined $185. Also convicted of turning at intersections-right turn FAIRMONT— The city of Fairmont is launching a new festival that will be centered around the lakes. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at Wolf Gang Avenue and East 3rd [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council heard a presentation on the Blue Earth Avenue traffic study during its Monday night meeting. [] FAIRMONT – Coming off a successful 2024 season, Fairmont Speech is continuing to hone its craft. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 600 block of North Orient Street. 2:13 p. Snow emergency — Christian L. 10:20 a. The council has been discussing the project on and off over the past two years and on Monday took a step forward. 10:46 a. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1300 block of North Grant Street. Carlson, 81, of Fairmont, Minn. Plan to join them. 11:08 a. 7:34 a. She will be on the board for the rest of the school year, with the offer open to stay on her [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Jan. Nowadays, he said there are two common times people come to walk. 11:51 a. W. It’s something the department has been putting out annually since 2016. The The property is known as the “Siems Site” and covers Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, known as George Loewenberg Addition in the city of Fairmont. on Wednesday, March 5, at The Ranch restaurant in Fairmont. 15. The Blue Earth [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. The complaints against the councilors include harassment and undue BOYS BASKETBALL BLUE EARTH AREA 86, MCW 57 SHERBURN – The Blue Earth Buccaneers defeated the Martin County West Mavericks 86-57 in a nonconference game Thursday night as Will Bromeland scored his 1,000th point for the Bucs. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 100 block of West Belle Vue Road. Jonattan Rivera Gonzalez, 36, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. “The low on Saturday is 13. “All of the reports since then are available for review on our website FAIRMONT Thursday, Jan. Petersen, 39, of Victoria; fined $125. Norks, 55, of Greenwood, Wis. Work on the plan will be facilitated by city staff and a representative of Region Nine, which has provided a $12,250 grant to fund the planning process. Burial will be at East Side Cemetery in Estherville. Council (Elect 2): Terry Muller, 76; Tiffany Marlin, 63; Jody Scott, 62; Thomas FAIRMONT Tuesday, March 4 7:46 a. Inurnment will be in Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont at a later date. — A civil complaint was reported in the 300 block of Blinkman Street. Hamlet’s journey in finance started with an undergrad, masters and MBA from the University of Dallas. Tieshia M. — A civil complaint was reported in the 900 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. As part of the Consent agenda, they approved a gambling permit for Sherburn Lions Club for June 21 (Holiday Festival). 25 competition. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at 11th Street and Prairie Avenue. -3:30 p. Mankato West took [] DISTRICT COURT. Window tint-less than 50 percent light transmittance — Cordell R. The call was cleared. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at Wolf Gang Avenue and East 3rd [] The Jaguars made an adjustment on the defensive side increasing the intensity of the press and were able to force more turnovers. Lodge Master and Fairmont Firefighter James Freeman said the decision to begin donations was made two years ago. The program is for all over age 17 who aren’t enrolled in any K-12 school, lack a secondary high school credential, or function below a 12th-grade level in any basic academic [] FAIRMONT—A new prototype has been developed to nearly instantly clean up lakes and other bodies of water. Fairmont FFA Advisor Andrew Moeller said the relatively new group is continuing to grow. 24 at People and Events. Capitol, over 80 U. Snow emergency — Cole S. at the Fairmont High School gymnasium. The study came as the city is planning to reconstruct Blue Earth Avenue from Park Street to State Street this summer and looking to incorporate some improvements on the heavily used street. Giovanni B. FAIRMONT — A late push by the Fairmont Cardinals fell just short of overtaking the Belle Plaine Tigers falling 66-63 in a Big South Conference boys basketball game Tuesday night. 7:31 [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Laynie A. on [] FAIRMONT — A Funeral Service for Kara Closs will be at 2 p. What’s more is that the new technology was developed by local inventor, Mark Gaalswyk, founder and CEO of Easy Automation, Inc. on Nov. 67 percent of the votes. The registration fees are reimbursed as prizes. on Monday, Feb. “I think we wanted to match last year and do it better. — A driving complaint was reported at Albion Avenue and Willow Street. In their first meeting of the [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Visitation for Craig F. Krause, 60, of Apple Valley was convicted of speeding; fined $225. The Jaguars were able to break through and score, but scoring 18 points in the first half proved too much to come [] Kiwanis to meet Wednesday Early Risers Kiwanis of Fairmont will gather for their weekly breakfast at 6:30 a. , are pending with the Kramer Family Funeral Home of Trimont, Sherburn, and Welcome, Minn. Marvin J. Also convicted of having window [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Alexis Rojo, 20, of Fairmont; fined $225; Benjie Rosit, 42, of Fairmont; fined $260. 11 at the Stillwater and Mounds Park Academy, the ‘WaterPark’ Speech Tournament in Stillwater, Minnesota. The banquet, held at Green Mill in Fairmont, served as a time for the chamber to recognize its three employees, 13 member board [] Fairmont bags gold in Scarlet speech invite FAIRMONT — Twenty-six members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Scarlet Invitational” Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. — A driving complaint was reported in the 900 block of East 4th Street. Miller surpassed predecessor Ashley Alleven-Stensland’s prior record of 1,307 points during Fairmont’s 65-40 win over Redwood Valley on Feb. today with registration at the Welcome Legion Hall. was convicted of speeding; fined $135. Hansen, 62, of Welcome, Minn. — Police investigated a harassment complaint in the 200 block of Lake Avenue. WELLS— The Faribault County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a homicide in rural Wells. Heidecker, 81, of Fairmont, Minn. 12:38 p. John's Ladies group, LWML, will meet at 2 p. It should be [] FAIRMONT— A second local option sales tax (LOST) in the city of Fairmont failed by a vast majority of votes on Tuesday night. Leading the Cardinals was Logan Junkermeier with 24 points and six rebounds, while Oliver Tordsen had 16 points and nine rebounds. Duty to drive with due care — Byron L. Police Sergeant Mike Beletti said Fairmont PD gets a fair amount of reports throughout the year. Their first task to tackle was evaluating the tax abatement FAIRMONT— While a federal judge temporarily blocked the Trump administration freeze on federal funds before it could take effect on Tuesday, local organizations that could be affected were already considering how it could impact them. Orono took Second Place with 113 points. FAIRMONT Monday, March 3 10:40 a. — A driving complaint was reported at State Street and [] Local News Sherburn City Council meets next week. The Circle of Faith Parishes have services at 9 a. 9:20 a. [] FAIRMONT – Fairmont and Martin County West schools have received grants of $99,999 each to build or rehab homes for Habitat for Humanity starting next school year. She was born on March 2, 1954, in Fairmont, Minn. 24 1:58 a. Coaches vs Cancer Fundraiser will be held today, Jan. Sigg, 66, of Hollandale, Wis. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 400 block of West 4th Street. This will take place at the Fairmont Armory from 8:30 a. 9:11 a. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. The Cardinals are no strangers to [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Victor A. In FAIRMONT—It’s been over six months since the proposed Fairmont Area Community Center (FACC) project has been talked about publicly during a city meeting. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 400 block of Forest Street. Gavin E. ; fined $225. They replace outgoing councilors Brian Nickerson and Patty Truax. Paz, 29, of Fairmont; fined $285. Also convicted of speeding; fined $125. 8:50 a. SHERBURN/WELCOME Monday, March 10 2:42 [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marian K. Jorge A. Fairmont’s FFA currently has around 50 to 60 active members, with all students enrolled in Ag classes technically being members. 52 percent of the votes compared to Michael Schutz’s 34. Commissioner Jaime Bleess said the core FAIRMONT Wednesday, Jan. 13 meeting the council had voted to [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council revisited the topic of the north parking lot at Gomsrud Park during its meeting on Monday. They will also have a tournament on Feb. , will be at 10:30 a. This includes $60k secured in grants, 11 new homes constructed with [] FCH nursing scholarships open FAIRMONT – Fairmont Community Hospital Foundation has announced that 2025 Erma Rosen Nursing Scholarship applications are being accepted. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. 4 at St. 16, 2025, at his home. today at the Sherburn Senior Center near the City Hall. Chadwick, 30, of Truman; Nicole A. Assistance was rendered. 16, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. The rescinded version will be replaced by the previous most recent version, which was passed in 2020. 11:43 a. Tyler Cowing, an engineer with the city, said that [] Fairmont Speech takes second at Apple Valley FAIRMONT — Sixteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Minneapple Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1500 block of Falcon Drive. They hold a tournament on the second and third Saturdays until spring. 24, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. Heaven’s Table Food Shelf in Fairmont serves around 300 families in Martin County each month. Graif, 63, of Fairmont; both fined $135. According to information released in a press release, at approximately 11:46 p. FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Police Department will release its 2024 annual report this week. 8 at Henry Olson Funeral Chapel in Estherville. Visitation will be 4 to 7 p. FAIRMONT– For the fourth year, Action169’s Runway for Action: Dresses for a Cause is offering prom and other formal dresses at a low price that helps support women overcoming the challenges of exploitation and addiction. Deb passed away on Sunday afternoon, Feb. today at the Welcome at the Legion Hall. The Fairmont Dance Team will perform during half-time. 10:50 a. [] FAIRMONT — Mass of Christian Burial for Debra “Deb” Mosloski, 71, of Fairmont, Minn. 10 4:44 a. Loring, 21, of Huntley, Ill. John Vianny FAIRMONT— Four new Martin County residents have been selected as this year’s 4 Under 40 honorees. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of service from 10:30 to 11:30 a. The city’s Economic Development Coordinator, Ned Koppen, said, “the ADS project, their expansion has been going on for some TRIMONT— Martin County West Mavericks senior Kale Larson has always brought the same tenacity to the court that he did on the football field. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Domingo Picornio Pablo, 37, of Fairmont; fined $185. 15 at Mankato West High School in Mankato. 19, 2025, at Ingleside Estates in Fairmont. The program, put on by Boy Scouts of America, Twin Valley Council, is now in its fifth year locally. 13 with a brand new reason to celebrate. Paul Lutheran Church in Fairmont. Community Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Consultant Celia Simpson started with a summary of the work the EDA did in 2024. Oswald, 72, of Fairmont received a stay of adjudication of school bus-safety of [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for Dorothy R. Russell M. Larson, 42, of Fairmont received a stay of adjudication of terroristic threats-reckless disregarding risk; fined $1,075, sentenced [] Courts | News, Sports, Jobs - Fairmont Sentinel MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Erick K. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at Torgerson Drive and State Street. — Police investigated a weapons complaint in the 100 block of West 9th Street. 16, [] FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. 25 8:23 a. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 900 block of Redwood Drive. FAIRMONT— Today members of the city’s public works department plan to start removing some of the dead geese from the shorelines of the Fairmont lakes. 21 6:55 a. Jesus Ramos Cabrera, 21, of Osseo was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $200. The competition was set up into two groups of 54. 9:14 a. Fairmont has split this season’s series 1-1 with JCC and are looking to take the series when it matters most with a win. Burning started on Feb. Sophomore Leon FAIRMONT— On Monday the Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) talked about approving a wetland credit sale for the expansion project at ADS. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at 140th Street and 130th Avenue, Fairmont. Flohre, 38, of Blue Earth was convicted of fifth-degree possession of drugs in schedule I, II, III, IV-not a small amount of marijuana; fined $1,360, sentenced to jail 85 days, credit for time served 85 days, supervised probation five [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Richard W. 31 12:26 a. — A driving complaint was reported in the 900 block of Shoreacres Drive. Friday, Jan. Driving after revocation — Robert J. A verbal warning was issued. A written [] FAIRMONT — With the Section 3AA title game on the horizon this Thursday, the Fairmont Cardinals girls basketball team is preparing for Minnewaska. Saggau’s great-granddaughter Rachael Bender recently gave birth to a baby girl, named Miriam Bender. Cruz, 25, of Chaska; fined $285. Also convicted of speeding; fined $145. FAIRMONT— On Thursday employment at Green Plains in Fairmont ended for roughly 60 employees. Shayna Wolfe took the oath of office and was officially added to the board, replacing Julie Laue who opted not to run for re-election. 6. 10:20 p. Unlike other current members Grace Simpson and Alayna Haefner who are seniors, Lutterman is a junior. 7 6:41 a. Jake Ebert began another term as mayor. 4:25 p. Anderson, 57, of Winnebago was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Sr. 3, 2025 at Apire Nursing Home in Estherville. Fairmont took second place in the small-entry sweepstakes. 11:24 a. , will be held at 11 a. Border Patrol Agent, was killed on Monday in Vermont, near the Canadian border, in the line of duty. 8:11 a. Open burning — Thomas P. Moore, 64, of Cape Coral, Fla. Olson, 16, of Fairmont; fined $125; Fernando T. Vasquez Cardona, 19, of Sioux Falls, S. today. 12:54 p. 29 9:42 a. 17 3:32 a. The group, which assists in community and business development across small communities in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, is bringing back the Rural Business Innovation Lab (RBIL) for a third year. Leimer, 18, of Rochester; fined $125. 7 announcement that Meta would stop using third party fact-checkers on Facebook, Threads and Instagram. All Cribbage players in the area are welcome to join them for an afternoon of fun. “What we mainly do is [] In a recent poll in the Sentinel, readers were asked whether Meta (Facebook) should focus more on protecting free expression or on combating misinformation. Burial will be following the service in Calvary Cemetery in Fairmont, Minn. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson said that during a traffic stop, gunfire was exchanged resulting in Maland being fatally shot as well as [] FAIRMONT— Tax season is upon us and businesses like Pierce Accounting in Fairmont are in the thick of it. Watson, 70, of Green Bay, Wis. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 200 block of South Orient Police. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 10th Street. 17 percent of the votes. 1 in Apple Valley, Minn. After going 12-3 during the 2022-23 season to 6-9 last season, the Red Bulls are aiming to get back in the mix of the section’s top teams again. Athey had submitted her resignation at a special council meeting held the previous Thursday afternoon, Feb. Those who are unable to attend are invited to view it on the Church’s website. The increase in cost stems from the ongoing impact of avian influenza. Steven R. 1:41 p. Freshman Jazzleene Lopez took Fourth Place in Original Oratory. — Police rendered assistance [] WAUKEE, Iowa — Lauralee Silker, 72, passed away on March 6, 2025, in Des Moines, Iowa, surrounded by her loving family. 96 of the votes compared to Michael Anderson’s 42. 3:09 p. “We bring back a few seniors [] FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals (8-3) boys basketball team cruised to victory over the Tri-City United Titans (0-10) in a Big South Conference basketball game Tuesday night 76-45 despite missing two bigs due to injury and illness. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p. The civil issue was resolved. Secretary Alex Schliesmann, Treasurer Tyler Klunder and Girls Golf [] TRUMAN – A tight man defense proved to be problematic for the Granada-Huntley East Chain/Truman/Martin Luther Jaguars on Friday in a 94-66 loss to the Windom Eagles in a nonconference boys basketball game. 18. “We hardly ever [] FAIRMONT— The yard waste recycling site in Fairmont is currently being burned in an attempt to get rid of excess material. Rohman also locked in a third-place finish at the State Individual Wrestling Tournament which earned him an [] FAIRMONT — Online thieves are targeting seniors across America to try to access their valuable information and money, and Fairmont is no exception. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1200 block of Lake Avenue, Fairmont. Wednesday, March 5. The business, which handles a little bit of everything including tax accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax planning, has been in the community for 47 years with current owner Sara Pierce-Moore taking over from her father a [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Benjamin W. Visitation will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p. No proof of motor vehicle insurance — Michael A. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at State Street and Interstate 90. A light lunch of seafood hotdish and St. FAIRMONT Thursday, January 3 10:15 a. Waffle Feed at MLHS The Martin Luther High School Class of 2026 will host a Waffle Feed from 10 a. FLF Board Member Jim Utermarck said the weather is shaping up decently for the Jan. — A civil complaint was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. 6, 2021, siege of the U. 2:48 p. — A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 1000 block of Pheasant Avenue. Visitation will be one hour prior to [] ESTHERVILLE, Iowa — Rozella Swalve, 87, of Estherville, Iowa passed away on Feb. The question received 68. “We have a fairly older community,” he said. State Street in Fairmont. Public Works Director, Matthew York, said that it’s been a couple of years since the city has last done a burn. 21. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 800 block of Goldfinch Street. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 1200 block of Goemann Road. 16, 2025, at MARSHALL — The second-seeded Fairmont girls basketball team defeated top-seeded Jackson County Central in the Section 3AA Girls Basketball Tournament semifinals Thursday night 78-46. This time, his goal is to put the city in the best position possible to be considered an attractive place for a future city administrator. It’s true that eggs are not the only food item to greatly increase as inflation is apparent across the board. After Saggau’s birthday, she met her great-great-granddaughter, and the whole family took a photo of all five generations represented in one photo. The carcasses Cards’ bigs Junkermeier, Tordsen named All-Sentinel Co-Players of the Year. 10 and is expected to continue through this week. Raffle tickets to win baskets of goodies will be 1 for $2 and 3 for $5. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 500 block of Home Police. He got his PhD over 10 years, while also serving in Vietnam from 1968 to 1971. Capitol Police Officers were assault GRANADA – Granada-Huntley-East Chain School Board elected to rescind their most recent Title IX changes made in August 2024 during Thursday’s School Board meeting. College News Parker Vetter and Carolina Hernandez Silva of Fairmont, Payton Strauser of Granada and Jakob Fischer of Truman have been named to the University of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tarynn C. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Monica L. Johnson, 45, of Albert Lea; fined $285. , will be at 11:30 a. Torrey Paplow led the Red Bulls Friday with a pair of wins at 145 pounds, winning [] Fairmont Speech claims 6th in Stillwater tournament FAIRMONT – Thirteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed on Jan. Cory J. 11:29 a. A Police. 2:18 p. Ever since Dahmon Gullord started working at Five Lakes Centre Mall as a Radio Shack employee in 2001, he remembers mall walkers. Sundblad, 56, of Fairmont; fined $135. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 1400 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. Vicente Martin Chilel, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without carrying proof of insurance; fined $200. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle without a Minnesota driver’s license; fined $100. “That is a group people try to target. [] In other news: — The Board accepted donations for FFA from Valero, Central Farm Service and Land of Lakes of $500 each and $1,000 from Project 1590. The [] BOYS HOCKEY FAIRMONT 4, REDWOOD VALLEY 1 FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals defeated the Redwood Valley Cardinals 4-1 in a Big South Conference boys hockey game Thursday night. Dog/cat at large-first offense — Lisa M. Pierce Rohman earned his spot after becoming a champion at the conference tournament. Gonzabay Castro, 29, of Rosemount; fined $125. ” [] FAIRMONT – The Martin County Red Bulls wrestling team is back on the mats training for the upcoming 2024-25 wrestling season. A meeting at 6:50 a. — Police investigated a narcotics complaint in the 1200 block of Torgerson Drive. Executive Director Staci Thompson said Habitat for Humanity of Martin and Faribault County just had its 25th anniversary doing what it does best. A written warning was issued. News from around Marion County and the city of Fairmont, West Virginia. All members are encouraged to attend. — A noise complaint was reported in the 1300 block of Johnson Street. WV News, sports and events. It aims to recognize up and coming leaders in [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jennifer Z. His journey started in childhood when his interest stemmed from his mother’s job as a school psychologist. to FAIRMONT— Three new people will be joining the five-member Martin County Board of Commissions next year. Kuehl, 18, of Fairmont; Patrick J. 27 9:09 a. — An animal complaint was reported in the 100 block of Webster Street. Joseph Hackett had 8 points and three SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening. 1, the Faribault County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call of a body found [] DISTRICT COURT. 9:35 a. [] TRUMAN— The Truman City Council had its first meeting of the new year in which new council members, Danielle Williams and Chad Truax, were sworn in. 10, 2025. MCW head coach Phillip Rotunda sang Larson’s praises on his [] FAIRMONT – Bel Lutterman was added as the Fairmont School Board’s third student representative during Tuesday’s board meeting. Also convicted of operating a [] FAIRMONT – After 14 years working in finance with Edward Jones, Dan Hamlet is striking out on his own with 360 Integrated Financial. Patrick’s Day dessert will follow the program. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Jose D. Ismael R. Fairmont’s Community [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Jan. Lauralee was a beloved mother and grandmother and will be remembered for her witty sense of humor and kindness. Taplin, 18, of Elmore; fined $145. There were 36 schools in attendance with over 800 students competing and nearly 1,000 entries in the tournament. on Saturday, Feb. The effort is helmed by President Chad Lutterman and Vice President and Boys Golf Head Coach Bill Brooks. Right now, the council is facing allegations against three of its members: Britney Kawecki, newly elected Councilor-At-Large, Wayne Hasek, newly re-elected Ward 4 representative and Jay Maynard, Ward 1 representative. ; fined $145. ice fishing tournament looks to take advantage of the recent cold front. FAIRMONT – For those looking to advance their education, Fairmont Community Education and Recreation’s (CER) GED program has proven to be a viable option. Schrunk, 21, of Truman was convicted of speeding; fined $145. City Elections Ceylon Mayor: Judith Perkins, 83; John Gibeau, 68; Marvin Zehm, 6. Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through highway — Dillian A. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1400 block of N. FAIRMONT — The Fairmont School Board spoke about a school extracurricular in its post-season and policy revisions FAIRMONT— Jeff O’Neill is back for his second tour as Fairmont’s interim city administrator. on Friday, March 7, with a Prayer Service at [] WELCOME — Darin M. They are Laura Spitzer, Kristy Olson, Anna Garbers and Lakyn Bremer. Miller didn’t know that she was about to break the record until the bus ride to [] FAIRMONT Monday, March 10 8:44 a. Gaalswyk founded Easy Automation, which provides ag software and automation to coops and feed mills David “Chris” Maland, a 1999 graduate of Fairmont High School and U. 12 1:07 a. Hernandez, 29, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Erickson, 65, of Vermillion, S. ; fined $185. Stay in the know. 30 4:33 a. Liford had been accused of shooting a woman in [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. FAIRMONT – The Fairmont Cardinals’ 17-10 finish this season can largely be attributed to BLUE EARTH— Faribault County will be receiving $18,781 in Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds following the approval of accepting the grant According to a press release from the City of Fairmont, 32-year-old Anya Taylor shot Joseph Sinclair Douglas two times after "an altercation" inside TG's Bar & Longue at 306 With an All Access subscription to Fairmont Sentinel you can enjoy the entire newspaper from any location, on any device, at any time you wish. The Cardinals got FAIRMONT—A program through Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA) is seeking to support one business for a year. FAIRMONT — The Fairmont School Board spoke about a school extracurricular in its post-season and policy revisions FAIRMONT – Fairmont Clinical Psychologist Joseph Switras has served the community for 50 years. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 1300 block of Johnson Street. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 500 block of East 2nd Street. No front plate foreign state if state requires it — Curtis L. 13 7:23 a. Marlyse M. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported in the 2200 block of 125th Street, Fairmont. In District 1 Kevin Kristenson received 56. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1100 block of Horatio Street. Fairmont Economic Development Authority Coordinator Ned Koppen said business succession involves planning for a future where the business owner, for one reason or Fairmont cross off Cyclone speech tournament FAIRMONT — Sixteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Cyclone Spectacular” on Saturday, March 8 in St. Rollin V. The game is the first time the Cardinals have made it this far since the 2021-2022 section title game against Montevideo, in which Fairmont fell 43-32. In the Varsity Division: Senior Zoey Tasseff took Third Place in Creative Expression. ER Kiwanis is looking forward to hearing about [] Support ‘Kids Against Hunger’ To the Editor: February 8, 2025, is fast approaching and that is the date the “Kids Against Hunger” will be packing food. 12:31 p. The cost of the land is $556,000. Wireless communications device-hold wireless communications device in one or both hands — Jace A. The report, compiled by Chief Michael Hunter and staff, details new and departing officers, stats and community involvement. Regardless of his 5-foot-11 frame, Larson played with the same level of physicality often reserved for the bigs on the team. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 10 block of East Ken Rue Lane. Public Works Director, Matthew York, provided a run down on the project [] FAIRMONT — Services for Kenneth O. , passed away on Sunday, Feb. SHERBURN — The St. They play on the second and third Saturdays until Spring. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 400 block of North Orient Street. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1600 block of North Park Street. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 300 block of Lake Avenue. LOG IN at right to read a digital version of the Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Fairmont, North Carolina, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. 13. The change had been made regarding a Biden Administration Title IX “Final Rule” FAIRMONT – Erma Saggau celebrated her 104th birthday on Feb. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 200 block of Downtown Plaza. on Tuesday, Feb. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 400 block of Elm Street. [] FAIRMONT— On Monday The Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) spoke briefly about some expressed interest in portions of or the entirety of Five Lakes Centre. Saturday, March 8, at St. 6 10:50 a. Senior member Oliver Thedens said there are takeaways from last year they are applying this year. Williams, 48, of Trimont was [] FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. “It’s really busy in the [] FAIRMONT – On the heels of a down year, the 10th annual Fairmont Lakes Foundation (FLF) Inc. They approved the ordinance proposal after its second reading for R1 uses to include churches and funeral homes in the City. 30 12:09 p. Services will be at 11 a. Failure to obey traffic control device — Linette M. 7:29 p. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 600 block of Summit Drive. March 1, at the Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. 31 from 5:30 to 8:30 p. The victory secured a section championship appearance for the Cardinals for the first time since 2022, where the Cardinals fell to Montevideo 43-32. Peterson, 34, of Jackson; fined $285. Hannah Neusch, a water resource technician for the city, said that the festival really stems from an [] FAIRMONT – As 2025 moves into its third month, the Martin County EDA took time during Monday’s meeting to fully unpack takeaways from 2024. With the boost of a grant and help from local arts non-profit, Imagine Martin, Lakefest is set for Aug. Wegner, 57, of Fairmont; fined $135. The half-cent sales tax would fund phase II of an ongoing project which includes building a new ice arena connected to the community center. “We were restarted again by former teacher Amber Seifert [] BLUE EARTH— At its regular meeting on Tuesday, the Blue Earth City Council briefly went over some items dealing with the recent resignation of city administrator Mary Athey. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Michael P. — A civil complaint was reported in the 100 block of [] FAIRMONT— The city of Fairmont is looking for community members to join a new planning committee which will help develop an Energy and Environmental Resilience Plan. Leading the Mavericks was Kale Larson with 14 points and four rebounds, while Jacob Wilmes had 13 points [] ABOVE: A look at some of the dresses available at Action169’s Runway for a Cause shop, located at 1105 N. Varsity Individual Sweepstakes Results: FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. Speeding — Angel L. 1:37 p. Miller, 61, of [] FAIRMONT – The Big South Conference has announced its All-Conference wrestling selections and the Martin County Area Red Bulls have five grapplers on the list. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported [] Justin L. — Police [] Did you know that about 19 police officers serve the Fairmont community (Fairmont [] Readers’ Views | News, Sports, Jobs - Fairmont Sentinel Disrespect for the law To the editor: Did you know that during the Jan. 2:17 p. So, grab your neighbors, friends, and family to make a team of 10 people to help pack [] FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Burton, 56, of Rochester; fined $135. Team Sweepstakes Results: Fairmont ranked 6th Place out of 26 teams. 12:14 p. CREST appreciates a [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Isaac J. Fritchman, 33, of [] FAIRMONT Friday, March 7 8:48 a. — A civil complaint was reported in the 300 block of North [] TRUMAN— The Truman City Council on Monday heard from Troy Nemmers of Bolton and Menk who went over a review of some work the engineering firm did for the city regarding a DNR grant application. A U. Senior Dominick Lund-May was the Champion in Varsity Impromptu Speaking. The question came following the Jan. Failure to yield at entrance of [] CEYLON — The Cribbage Tournament will begin at 1:15 p. Siems, 57, of Fairmont; fined $285. By 1975, Switras said he hit the ground [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Jorge A. Trujillo Salas, 25, Trimont; fined $122. FAIRMONT – It’s never a good day to have a blizzard, but the aftermath of Tuesday night and Wednesday morning’s snowfall and winds put the brakes on travel and area events. 6:45 p. Fairmont took First Place in the team sweepstakes with 132 points. on Saturday, Jan. Bushman, 101, of Fairmont, Minn. She truly loved her plants, [] TRUMAN— Over the weekend the suspect in a shooting incident that took place on Thursday, Feb. As the board looked over Economic Development Coordinator Ned Koppen’s monthly report, which he said is purposefully vague for confidentiality reasons, some members asked about interest BOYS BASKETBALL FAIRMONT 76, TCU 32 MONTGOMERY – The Fairmont Cardinals defeated the Tri-City United Titans 76-32 in a Big South Conference boys basketball Friday night. 8:01 a. — Theft (includes [] Local News Sherburn City Council meets next week. PAUL – Martin County Red Bulls’ three state wrestlers stayed alive on Day 1 of the Class AA State Individual Wrestling Tournament Friday at the Xcel Energy Center, moving on to the final day of the tournament Saturday. Paz, 29, of Fairmont was convicted of third-degree assault-substantial bodily [] Women of Today to meet The Fairmont Women of Today will have its monthly meeting at 7 p. 9:59 a. While no one SHERBURN — CREST’s Lunch and Learn Program will present a program about hoarding at 11 a. acvww kviagyj qsa tbnn qsl ubq qsfte ayudh ozwvysx bjbzbc brd cvefx hiqp fhpt bxzadm