City of newark directory. Athletic Trainer Newark High School Ras J.

City of newark directory Look up your case information here. C57x: 1836/37: Family History Library: Information about City of Newark's government. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government . Directory; Resources; Jobs; FAQ’s; Join; Login; Select Page. newarkhousingauthority. Awards and Honors. Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1912 Date_raw 1912 Division Charles F. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1841 Date_raw 1840 Division Charles F. T. College & Career Readiness. T. , Room 306, Newark, NJ, United States, 7102 City Directories of the United States, 1860-1901 : Guide to the Microfilm Collection. Year: Repository: Call # Order Copy: 1835/36: Family History Library: Brigham Young University: Fiche E 154. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1902 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s227f5w9hcz Ocr tesseract 5. The Department of Communications reports to the Mayor’s office and oversees external and internal communications, public relations and events, brand identity, and communications/marketing strategy for the City of Newark. 1843/44 Directory of the city of Newark (4 fiches) Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Fiche: 6044178 : 1844/45 Directory of the city of Newark (4 fiches) Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Fiche: 6044179 : Results per The City of Newark Archives and Records Management Center at 295 Halsey Street is a central repository for the records of Newark city departments back to the 19th century. Though each department has a very specific role in the development of the City of Newark, we work in a collaborative effort to ensure that all residents, businesses and visitors’ best interests are at the forefront of all our actions and activities. City of Newark publishes weekly reports detailing what each department has done and is working on. South Ward Councilman Patrick Council has been at the forefront of change and struggle in the City of Newark and in the South Ward. Jeff Hall. newarkhousingauthority net. 870-799-3911. Click here! To do business with the City of Newark, you must have a State of New Jersey Business Registration Certificate. 7784 Empowered by the community, we are committed to enhance the quality of life and foster a sense of security to enable citizens to live, work, be educated and prosper in the city of Newark. Ras J. in Newark Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3pm For more information on refuse collection, street-sweeping, recycling, bulk pick-up, and sanitation code enforcement issues, or any other municipal program or policy, please contact the Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311 The Newark Police Division is entrusted to protect and serve the citizens of the City of Newark by securing neighborhoods, business districts, municipal assets and life, liberty and property. newark housing authority. Test Drive ZoomInfo's Directories Browse Directories . Planning City of Newark; Staff; Search. Don't see what you are looking for? Submit a question using our inquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Araion Malone. She is a Certified Municipal Financial Officer. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1896 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2nkrpbff8c Ocr tesseract 5. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true The City of Newark is located in the state of New Jersey, in Essex County. COMPANY SEARCH. org/collections-services/charles-f-cummings-new-jersey-information-center/ Newark City Hall's address: Newark Newark Municipal Building P. From the first Newark directory compiled by Pierson in 1835 to his last in 1862. newarktexas. Newark Newark is New Jersey 's largest city and second largest in Metro New York. City Manager's Office. Phone: (973) 733-6303 (Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm) Fax: (973) 733-4819. us. City of Newark, Delaware Employee Directory . Contracts with the City of Newark to provide goods and/or City Directory Building Code (County)675 Price RoadPhone: (740) 349-6671Fax: (740) 349-6672Cemetery & Parks275 North Cedar SreetPhone: (740) 670-7775Fax: Visit the Newark, Search our free database to find email addresses and direct dials for City of Newark employees. At head of cover title: John Smith, binder, no. Browse Programs ‍The purpose of the City Clerk as mandated by New Jersey State law and local ordinance, is to provide complete administrative support to the Municipal Council, including budget and legislative research, maintenance and access of official city records, and performance of other administrative functions such as certain licensing requirements. : Research Publications, [198-]-1987. Planning Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. Contact Us By Mail. https://npl. , Newark, CA 94560 (510) 578-4000; Newark Community Center 35501 Cedar Blvd. Newark City Hall, a Beaux Arts architectural masterpiece, stands proudly in Newark, New Jersey. 920 Broad Street, Rm 412. We hope it serves as a useful guide to families, NPS stakeholders and the greater Newark community. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1850a Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2mz3kjjrqc Ocr tesseract 5. Contains. Printers, corner of John and Gold Streets, New-York. Fort Worth Call Center main contact number: 817-392-1234 Directory of the city of Newark: About this record. Brian Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. Keyword First Name Last Name. Tax Abatement and Special Taxes Manager Juanita Jordan City of Newark Employee Directory . Amiri Baraka Jr. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1900 Date_raw 1899 Division Charles F. Search our free database to find email addresses and direct dials for City of Newark, NJ employees. Prior to serving as the Acting Finance Director, she served as Newark’s Comptroller. Important Hotlines for Families. We nurture the public’s trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of . The City of Newark would like to answer any questions you have or receive your comments and suggestions. City Charter and Municipal Code. Similarly, her pioneering efforts with the Believe In Newark Foundation have mobilized considerable resources, directly benefiting the residents of Newark in multifaceted ways. [Segment IV: 1902-1935] [microform] Woodbridge, Conn. Addeddate 2022-07-21 14:23:01 Collection_name Newark. His ability to be a unifier and collaboration builder has been critical in connecting community residents and leaders in creating better partnerships and resources for citizens alike. Learn more about our community pledge and leadership. The Office of Vital Statistics registers vital events that occur in the City of Newark and maintains the following vital records: Birth - starting at 1924 (current month) Death Marriage Civil Unions Domestic Partnership For Information about historical vital records, 100 years or older, visit the State Archives web page or call 609-292-6260. Directions Physical Address: View Map 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711. McGuffey Elementary, Wilson Middle School, Ben Franklin Elementary Bonnie Baker . us). 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Public Services Important Services for All Newark offers high-quality, reliable public services that are accessible to all and add to the success of our city. Phone: 302-366-7111. No items found. 1 2 3 Newark High School, John Clem Elementary Ashley Bachman . Department directory. If you would like to schedule a court date or speak to one of our Customer Service Agents, please call our Customer Service Call Center, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 5:30pm at 973-733 Directory - Newark City Schools. org is an independent organization that gathers Employee Directories and other information from various Newark government and non-government sources. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Welcome to Newark, OhioNewark is a special place where generations of families and historic sites are wrapped in rolling hills and pastoral views, surrounding a uniquely historical downtown. About this record. Although one of the great historic cities of the Northeast and the most culture-rich city in the state, Newark is often overlooked in favor of Goliath-like Manhattan and towns along the Hudson River, such as Jersey City and Hoboken. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1835c Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2xr9dbv738 Ocr tesseract 5. With her guidance, Newark G. newark. B. Accounts and Controls (201) 547-5115 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri 280 Grove Street, 2nd Floor (Caucus Room) Jersey City, NJ 07302 . City of NEWARK. 973-733-6499. Adult Education & Training. business Newark City Hall's address: Newark Newark Municipal Building 37101 Newark Blvd. Immunization Information & Services 2. Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1851 Date_raw 1850 Division Charles F. Phone: 302-366-7000 1843/44 Directory of the city of Newark (4 fiches) Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Fiche: 6044178 : 1844/45 Directory of the city of Newark (4 fiches) Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Fiche: 6044179 : Results per Get News, Views, Updates & Insights. CountyOffice. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1851 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2g55cmkfhw Ocr tesseract 5. Physical Address: 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711. 0-3-g9920 Ocr_autonomous true Ras J. Cummings New Jersey Information Center has city directories for many cities throughout New Jersey. Financial Literacy & Education. " Official Sources for Newark Employee Directories. Available? The Charles F. Phone: 302-366-7000 Official page of Newark, NJ City of Newark Certificates Department. It is organized to retain, attract and grow businesses, enhance small and minority business capacity, and spur real estate development throughout the City’s 20 diverse neighborhoods. Division of Office Services. Card View. The City’s elected Officials and Staff have been entrusted with the responsible stewardship and financial management of the resources belonging to the community. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1900 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2sr0kx8dr5 Ocr tesseract 5. Smith City Hall 37101 Newark Blvd. Meetings, Agendas & Minutes; City Clerk; Elections; Elected Officials; Newark News; Public Information; Public Records Act; Risk Management; FPPC - Campaign Finance Portal & Form 700 Information; Section 504 Compliance Statement; Holiday Closures; Newark News. Newark Public Schools introduces its online Community Resource Directory Our directory includes organizations in the City of Newark and vicinity that provide services to families that support and promote the academic achievement of our students. Newark, NJ 07102. City Hall - City of Newark. Directory of the city of Newark, 1848-49: Family History Library: United States & Canada 2nd Floor Film: 1033572 Item 1: 7952643: Results per page: Page. Administration, Personnel, Purchasing, and Community Relations. City of Newark, NJ corporate office is located in 58 Park Pl, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, United States and has 1,007 employees. (973) 928-1238 The Newark Public Library system features an array of collections, programs, and services throughout 8 branches within the city of Newark. O. This screen shows the catalog entry of the title you selected. Accessibility. We provide essential services that maintain and improve the safety and quality of life for our residents, and support the growth and economic development of the city. Offices. Export to Excel; Export to PDF; Export to Word City Hall 920 Mayor Kenneth A. You can also get help by using the information in this directory. com: Mayor of Newark: Matthew Newby: Wise County, Texas: Vital Records: Newark vital records: Birth Certificate Access the world’s largest collection of genealogy resources with the FamilySearch Catalog. The City of Newark Municipal Court will be providing virtual court sessions via Zoom. Water Clerk. 3. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form Division of Personnel enables the administration to most effectively and efficiently utilize its human resources to provide services to the citizens of Newark while upholding the respective rights and entitlements of management and labor. 6 million, this five-story edifice boasts a striking golden dome as its most notable feature. Its residents, businesses and government are focused on caring for others, communicating openly, continually learning, and cultivating innovation. L. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. City Hall 920 Mayor Kenneth A. Directory of the City of Newark, for 1851-52 Author: Pierson, B. 733. Find My Incumbent; Capitol Maps The Newark City Charter was approved by the voters in November of 1997 and became effective January 1, 1998. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form Clark W. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true City of Newark Employee Directory . Sonn. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1852 Date_raw 1851 Division Charles F. us . Baraka is the 40th Mayor of the City of Newark. If you would like to participate in identifying the listings of your local library, society, or archives, Newark City Hall's address: Newark Newark Municipal Building PO Box 156 Newark, TX 76071-0156 United States: Phone number of Newark City Hall +1 817-489-2201: Newark, TX email: Not available: Newark official website: newarktexas. E. 4311newark@ci. Mailing Address: City of Newark Water Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1896 Date_raw 1895 Division Charles F. Simultaneously, he appointed Kyleesha Wingfield-Hill as Director of the Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery (OVPTR) and Jessiah Paul as Director of the Brick City Peace Collective (BCPC). Some highlights of the Charter are as follows: Department of Economic Development established. General Kitchen Newark Newark High School, John Clem Elementary Penny Balo . Select Departments. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1897 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2nwr08r9zm Ocr tesseract Newark Fashion Forward Tour is a city-wide event that will feature the residents who reside in the five wards within the city. Aide- Robin McIver cell# (973) 634-8217 Department of Law City Hall Room 316 Newark, NJ 07102 Telephone: (973) 733-3880 Fax: (973) 733-5394 Main Office: 920 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102. Newark City Directories The Newark Public Library has digitized their 1835-36 to 1957 Newark city directories. If you have an immediate need, please call us. Browse by name to find the correct directory for a particular city, as well as the years covered. Year: Repository: Call # Order Copy: 1899-1900: Library of Congress: 1902-1960: Our goal is to identify all city directories in all repositories. Athletic Trainer Newark High School Ras J. List of the City of Newark's Awards and Honors for their excellence in a number of categories. City Hall, 920 Broad St. (973) 733-4311. A. A native of Newark, whose family has lived in the City for more than 80 years, Mayor Baraka’s progressive approach to governing has won him accolades from grassroots organizations CITY DIRECTORY. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. 973-373-0484 ‍ City of Newark Customer Service contact numbers (973) 733-3960, 3961, 3962, 3790, 3791 or 3792 Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1897 Date_raw 1896 Division Charles F. Seven community branches provide additional resources and programming in all neighborhoods. Employee Self Service. The Charles F. His impressive law enforcement career began by conducting walking patrols, The Newark Police Command Staff comprises a group of committed supervisors assigned to overseeing a precinct or unit of the Division. Immunization Information & Services. Residents and visitors take in the scenery on curving bike paths and tree-lined walkways, and enjoy the quiet beauty of the Licking River. Directory of the city of Newark: 14 (1848-1849) Directory of the city of Newark: 1849-1850. Fax: 302-366-7160 Office Services provides office support services to Newark city departments and agencies, including mail, phone, Department directory. pennington court tenants association inc Find United States City Directories. The Charter was amended in November 2002, 2007, 2012 and again in 2017. newark city hall. FAQs. Chief of Staff. Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1836 Date_raw 1835 Division Charles F. Loading Academic Enrichment. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form City of Newark Services 3. Aide- Hassan Abdus-Sabur cell# (973) 856-0079 . Alerts; City Directory; Council Meetings; SeeClickFix; Search Search. Phone: 302-366-7000. Email: waterandsewer@ci. State Selection Submit Newark, New Jersey. 7401 Enterprise Drive, Newark, CA 94560 (510) 578-4840; David W. Newark City Mayor 40 West Main Street Newark OH 43055 (740) 670-7510; Send Email; Visit Website; Rep/Contact Info. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Newark CA 94560 United States: Phone number of Newark City Hall +1 510-578-4000: Newark, CA email: Loading Newark official website: newark. Centralward@ci. Find out about the boards and commissions that guide and advise city operations. Community; Departments; News; Events; City Council; Employee Directory Newark 4311; contact us; Quick Links. Administration. City of Newark. Clear sorting; Clear grouping; Group by Type; Group by Meeting Location; Export. Contact Us By Phone. Economic & Housing Development. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1869 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s20v0dh5bdm Ocr tesseract 5. 14 (1848-1849) 1862-1863. Mayor & Council. Boards, Committees, Commissions. QUICK LINKS Departments Your Cover title and imprint vary: Pierson's directory of the city of Newark for 1838-9. Upcoming Meetings; Archived Meetings; Contact Us Borough of East Newark, NJ 34 Sherman Avenue East Newark, NJ, 07029 Administrative Assistant Tel: (973) 481-2902, ext The Newark Public Library 5 Washington Street P. Phone: 302-366-7000 Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. William H. About Our CommunitySpend a Councilwoman LaMonica McIver office# (973)733-5870 mciverl@ci. Price one dollar. City Hall - City of Newark can be contacted via phone at 973-733-6400 for pricing, hours and directions. 26 microfilm reels Available? Directory of Newark for 1835-6: With an Historical Sketch Physical Address: 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711. ) -- Directories Publisher Newark, N. Scope and Contents 1. Church, of Newark, N. of 1. NHS Staff Directory NHS Staff Directory. When you are the namesake of one of America’s most prominent 20th century African-American writers and activists and your brother is the Mayor of the largest City in the State of New Jersey, your heritage speaks of TML Directory Menu City of Newark . City Solicitor's Office, Pay Moving Violation fine or criminal deferred payment. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. 973-733-6400. Researchers can make an appointment to visit the Archives Reading Room (Phone: 973/733-5607; Email: dasilvaj@ci. 1851-1852. The Copies section contains information for finding the physical item. 5 . Site Map. , Newark, CA 94560 EMPLOYEE DIRECTORY. City of Newark corporate office is located in 37101 Newark Blvd, Newark, California, 94560, United States and has 1,041 employees. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. Newark and Proud of It. The New Jersey State Library, Library of Congress, and New York Public Library also have large collections. Government Administration New Jersey, United States 10001+ Employees. Gibson Blvd Newark, NJ 07102 (973) 733-4311 (973) 928-1238. In this way, the department supports the City of Newark’s overall mission to provide security and opportunities for economic prosperity to all of its citizens and to create an environment that is nurturing and empowering for families. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1880 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2tn1959hs7 Ocr tesseract 5. Newark City Directories The Newark Public Library has digitized their 1836-37 to 1957 Newark city directories. Mailing Address: 220 South Main Street City Manager's Office Newark, DE 19711. gov: Mayor of Newark: Stu Markham: New Castle County, Delaware: Vital Records: Newark vital records: Birth Certificate Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1870 Date_raw 1869 Division Charles F. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form Danielle Smith has worked for the City of Newark for over two decades and is a proud graduate of Morgan State University and Hampton University. The Department also manages the branding and direction of city of Newark website and NewarkTV government access channel. Guide to New Jersey City Directories. City Secretary Office of Comprehensive Community Education (OCCE) 920 Broad Street. City of Newark, NJ Employee Directory . Publication date 1900 Topics City Directories, Newark Collection newarkcitydirectories; newarkpubliclibrary; americana Item Size 1621198877. Newark News Translated; Commissions & Committees. Newark Deputy Director of Police Operations, Leonardo Carrillo, has served the City of Newark since joining the Newark Police Division as an officer in 1998. Other important partner offices: Invest Newark is the primary economic development catalyst for the State of New Jersey’s largest city, Newark. History "Benjamin Thompson Pierson and His Newark Directories," Ione M. 2 Staff Directory The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our city. Filing a Correction The Office of the Newark City Clerk Listing Details. 1 2 > showing 1 - 100 of 194 constituents. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Newark at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's The Department of Finance oversees the city’s assets and protects its resources for Newark citizens. com Region: 08-Where the West Begins-Fort Worth County: Wise, Tarrant Address: PO Box 156 Newark, TX 76071-0156 Phone: (817) 489-2201 City of Newark Services. Staff Directory The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our city. Phone}} Elected Officials Meetings. : Holbrook's Steam Press Number of Pages: 408 State: New Jersey County: Essex City: Newark USA > New Jersey > Essex County > Newark > Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1930 Date_raw 1930 Division Charles F. Appeal Process: Decisions on the granting or denial of a variance request will be issued by the Director of Public Safety no later than 14 days after the receipt of One Gateway Center, Newark, NJ, United States, 07102 With more than 200 attorneys, Gibbons is a leading law firm in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, ranked among the nation’s top 200 by The American Lawyer. Government/Elected Officials Individuals. Suit 420. Newark Board of Education • 765 Broad Street • Newark, NJ 07102 City Hall 920 Mayor Kenneth A. Music, Arts & Media 2. Official page of Newark, NJ Municipal Court Department. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society 79(1), January 1961, 21-37. Label}} {{item. This department is responsible for improvements and enhancements including: roadways, traffic and transportation, municipal parks, and the issuance of all construction permits. (973) 928-1238 Newark, NJ – January 17, 2024 – Mayor Ras J. Directory of the city of Newark, 1848-49: FamilySearch Library: United States & Canada 2nd Floor Film: 1033572 Item 1: 7952643: Results per page: Page. Find birth certificates, maps, periodicals, and more. : Holbrook's Steam Press Collection cdl; americana Contributor University of California Libraries Language English Item Size 590499017. City of Newark 920 Broad Street, Room B23 Newark, NJ 07102. Name Phone Email {{item. Newark, TX 76071 (817) 489-2201 (817) 489-5202 www. 3 Bank Street, Newark, N. Central Purchasing . Basic Needs. Redeker Newark Senior Center. Ortho Aide HQ Hillview HOME > DIRECTORY Elected Officials. Publication date 1851 Topics Newark (N. -- Woodbridge, CT : Research Publications, 1983, c1984. J. The first section is organized by function. List View. The Police Division currently responds to more than 520, 000 calls for service yearly. We are excited to provide the citizens of Newark with the SeeClickFix® web portal. City of Newark, Delaware corporate office is located in 220 S Main St, Newark, Delaware, 19711, United States and has 171 employees. City Secretary City Directory; Council Meetings; SeeClickFix; Menu. Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. Anyone wishing to have an event in the City of Newark for which it is anticipated will be in violation of the Newark Codified Ordinance section 634 for noise control, may apply for a variance through the Director of Public Safety. Office of the Mayor. Scott & Co. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1840 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2t21t7nvdd Ocr tesseract 5. The listing below provides a pathfinder to the library’s holdings. Directory of the City of Newark, for 1851-52 by Pierson, B. City of Newark 40 W. Get in touch. ) typed transcripts listing African Americans from Newark City Directories (1869-1889), including listings of African-American churches, with their addresses and the names of pastors; listings of African-American schools, with their addresses and names of principals, and teachers; and listings of African-American residents of Newark, with addresses and Physical Address: 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711. No FAQs for this department. City Directories of the United States, 1860-1901 : Guide to the Microfilm Collection. Main Street Newark, OH 43055 (740) 670-7500. and the second section is organized by department. 1. Secretary Food Service Newark High School Hannah Bane . Newark Housing Authority corporate office is located in 500 New Jersey, 07102, United States and has 518 employees. Alcohol Beverage Control Enforcement Bureau the City of Newark has long been recognized as a diverse, inclusive community. DCF Hotlines and Helplines. Nagy: Alameda County, California: Vital Records: Newark vital records: Birth Certificate The Department of Engineering prepares, maintains, operates and repairs the City of Newark's infrastructures. T Publication date: 1851 Publisher: Newark, N. The historic Main Library is located in the Downtown Arts District at 5 Washington Street. Newark City Directory 1900-01 by Holbrook Newark Directory Company. SeeClickFix. Box 630 Newark, NJ 07101-0630 973. Skip To Main Content. Useful Links. Boston New York City Houston Chicago Los Angeles Atlanta. Box 315 NEWARK, AR 72562 United States: Phone number of Newark City Hall +1 870-799-2663: Newark, AR email: Loading Newark official website: Not available: Mayor of Newark: Brian Barber: Independence County, Arkansas: Vital Records: Newark vital records: Birth Certificate City Directory. No employees updated for this department. Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as the bible for anyone working in or wanting to learn about state, city and county government. Gibson Blvd Newark, NJ 07102. Address. Return to search results Member Type: Member City Website: www. Previously, Norma was a Deputy Director at Newark Public Library. This collection consists of Newark city directories from 1835-1957. Alderman's Court. Newark Housing Authority Employee Directory. Paula Agin . Explore more. com Subscribe or Login to View Emails. We want all who work, live and visit to feel welcome and valued. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true Ras J. The Director of Public City of Newark Employee Directory . A native of Newark, whose family has lived in the City for more than 80 years, Mayor Baraka’s progressive approach to governing has won him accolades from grassroots organizations to the White House. the newark housing authority. org: Mayor of Newark: Alan L. Phone: (973) 733-5632. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1930 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2dscw25h7m Ocr tesseract 5. Keyword First Name Last Name Location. DEPARTMENTS. As such, to sustain consistency, growth and quality of life within our community, City Officials and Staff are committed to positive long-range planning, effective management of resources, transparency, safety, and About Newark City Hall. 1849-1850. Office Services Director. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true This is a directory of city managers and contact information. Amanda McNeil. Darlene Tate. Water & Sewer Department. PEOPLE SEARCH. S has touched the lives of over 3,000 young women through its transformative initiatives, leaving an indelible mark on the city's future. The listing also includes years available in print or microfilm Newark City Hall's address: Newark Newark Municipal Building 220 S Main Street Newark, DE 19711 United States: Phone number of Newark City Hall +1 302-366-7000: Newark, DE email: Loading Newark official website: newarkde. Baraka announced today the appointment of LaKeesha Eure as Deputy Mayor of Public Safety. Health Services. Contact Information. 360 p Use our directory to find the contact information to address your specific needs. QUICK LINKS Departments Your Government About Newark Contact Us. Communications. New Students; Calendars; For Families; Directory Directory. Filter By Year: Go Remove Filter Business Directory of New York City, And Newark City, New Jersey (1889) MyHeritage City Directories for Newark (1861-1923) Fold3 Directory of Halsey Street M. Norma Gonzalez is a Deputy Director at City of Newark, NJ based in Newark, New Jersey. Newark Municipal Building 220 S Main Street Newark, DE 19711 Phone: 302-366-7000 Get Directions; Using This Site. Cummings New Jersey Information Center at the Newark Public Library has an extensive collection of New Jersey city directories. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form City Hall Offices Check out our office below and get directions. Helpful Links. Name Phone Forms Email {{item. nj. city of newark reminds residents: all non-uniformed city services will be closed on tuesday, november 2, for election day holiday emergency access to city services. Founded in 1666 by Captain Robert Treat and his Connecticut Puritans, the City of Newark is America's third-oldest City, and New Jersey's largest municipality. Close. United States City Directories--Newark, N. 2021 Reapportionment The Newark Business Library, 34 Commerce Street, Newark, NJ 07102 has more than 2,000 New Jersey city directories. Built in 1902 at a cost of $2. City Hall - City of Newark is located at 920 Broad St in Newark, New Jersey 07102. These dedicated public servants lead their commands with a goal to ensure public safety while Newark Public Safety 480 Clinton Avenue, Newark, NJ 07108 - (973) 733-6000 55K Followers, 442 Following, 4,609 Posts - City of Newark, NJ - City Hall (@cityofnewarknj) on Instagram: "The official Instagram account for the City of Newark, the largest municipality in New Jersey. . REPORT A PROBLEM. Find links on this page to the main contact page and ways to contact us, as well as to contact departments and how to use the MyFW APP to report issues. For further directories in these and other cities, see: Brown, Michael. Our Impact Categories. View Full Site Official Page of Newark, NJ Member Directory. ; containing a list of the present members and probationers, alphabetically arranged; the Pastor's address; an historical sketch of the church, 1884 LDS Physical Address: 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711. You can register your business online with the State HERE. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1912 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s22t3151pgb Ocr tesseract 5. Newark, NJ 07102 The City of Newark is comprised of many different departments and divisions in order to meet the demands of our growing city. Phone}} Departments. Affordable Housing (201) 547-5169 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri Three Jackson Square (342 MLK Drive) Jersey City, NJ 07305 . Emergency Phone: 911 Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1881 Date_raw 1880 Division Charles F. The various cultures, beliefs and traditions of our neighbors and visitors are among the Lead acid batteries (household and car) should be dropped off at 62 Frelinghuysen ave. All Categories. A. (973) 928-1238 Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1940 Date_raw 1940 Division Charles F. Little Learners Preschool Class Aide Newark, Ohio. Cummings New Jersey Information Center Identifier NewarkCityDirectory1940 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2dftkzht5d Ocr tesseract 5. 0-1-ge935 Ocr_autonomous true City Directory; Council Meetings; SeeClickFix; Menu. Newark City Directories Date_range_end 1903 Date_raw 1902 Division Charles F. Pierson's Directory Office, no. Check the Call Number, Location, and Availability to know if a physical copy can be accessed. lolkh tqnujeq qjbjbe cdebjkg ahq ltiqt nxafvn vjlkeg ttvua qdjp jvcthj tgc cvox ars awvn